flonrek / Visual-6-DoF-pose-tracker

This is a repository on top of the DodecaPen base code.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is not maintained now. For updates see https://github.com/biorobotics/cmu-dodecapen


This is a repository on top of the DodecaPen base code. This code is in Python 2.7 but we would like to have the option to port it to Python 3.5 or higher. For now please write python3 compatible code by adding the folowing lines on top:

from __future__ import division

from __future__ import print_function

However, do not run the code in python3 as you may have some problems woth ROS OpenCV distro.

DodecaPen is based of Po-Chen Wu's thesis work. This is an implematation of the paper DodecaPen: Accurate 6DoF Tracking of a Passive Stylus

Po-Chen's papers, thesis is quite helpful for understanding the theory behind the code.

This is the website: http://media.ee.ntu.edu.tw/personal/pcwu/ . His thesis can be downloaded from here.

Branch Convention

Please do not commit to master. The master should have fully working codes at all times.

Currently there is a dev branch. If you are adding new features, please commit them to the dev branch and raise pull requests to master. Also, before placing a pull request, please make sure your code is "merge-able" GitHub will let you know if there are issues.

You can start by cloning the dev branch with :

git clone -b dev https://github.com/arkadeepnc/Visual-6-DoF-pose-tracker.git


UBUNTU 16.04 LTS [ not sure if it works with virtual Linux machine in Windows ]


ros point_grey_camera_driver

Read the Docs here: http://wiki.ros.org/pointgrey_camera_driver

Install prebuilt bins from source :

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pointgrey-camera-driver

Connect camera to USB 3.1 (blue port). USB 2 would not work!! Start camera with :

roslaunch pointgrey_camera_driver camera.launch

Check feed rostopic echo /camera/image_color

should show a bunch of numbers in the screen within seconds after hitting return! Or else rostopic is dead.

Library dependencies:

[all are basic and should be there if your Ubuntu-ROS do not hate each other]

numpy (latest)

OpenCV contrib (test it as with the following in the terminal: >python -> >import cv2 -> >from cv2 import aruco)



transforms3d (pip install transforms3d)

scipy (check pypi for latest distro)

snakeviz -- for profiling your code

Get started

Open terminal in /src . Begin by running :

python video_drawing_with_Dodeca.py

This will go through a video of the pen tip moving on a plane and generate the point cloud for the tip of the pen.

If you want to convert the code to C++ this might be a good starting point

https://github.com/neconeconeco/PressPen --> https://github.com/neconeconeco/PressPen/tree/master/Pen%20Tracking%20Algorithm


This is a repository on top of the DodecaPen base code.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 96.8%Language:MATLAB 3.2%