floatingatoll / refractr

yaml -> nginx for redirects and rewrites

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refractr Build Status

Containerized HTTP redirect and rewrite service with automatic Let's Encrypt SSL certs

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Refractr at Mozilla

Refractr at Mozilla runs in our itse-apps cluster. It is installed via a HelmRelease in the it-sre-apps github repo.

Installing refractr in Kubernetes outside Mozilla

See the helm chart

Refractr.yml Spec

This is the refractr (redirects|rewrites) spec file. First let's talk about the values that do not have to be specified and have sane defaults.

dsts key:

This is the destination that the redirect or rewrite will send the request. In most cases this is a single url. These never have http(s):// schemes. But in the more complicated redirects (Ex3) and rewrites (Ex4) it can have path logic or rewrite condtinals, respectively.

srcs key:

This is the list of domains that requests will be redirected or rewritten from. These never have the http(s):// schemes. In the simple case (Ex1) they can be single scalar string value. But they can also be an array of strings as well (Ex2).

status key:

One thing to remember all refractr entires is that they default to: status: 301 for doing redirects. Therefore, if not specified with status key, it will be 301. The status key can be added to any of the four examples: Ex1, Ex2, Ex3 or Ex4.

tests key:

These are the key: value pairs that will be used during testing prior to deploy. They are written src: dst. The tests will be generated by default via product of dsts * srcs. If the tests key is specified, the autogenerate feature will be disabled in favor of the user-specified tests. The tests key can be added to any of the four examples: Ex1, Ex2, Ex3 or Ex4. In all instances, specifying the tests will override the default test generation behavior.


There are several ways to input a refractr. All entries will be preceeded with - because they are items in the refractr list (top level key).


Often the need is a simple redirect from one domain to another. A simple refract can be specified as single key: value pair item in the refracts list of items. The key: value pair in this case is: destination: source(s). The destination is a single web url complete with the https:// scheme. Note that http:// are not valid desitinations. Whereas the source(s) can be a single source domain or list of multiples.


- destination(dsts): source(srcs)


- wiki.mozilla.org/: wiki.mozilla.com


- destination(dsts):
  - source1
  - source2


- www.mozillalabs.com/:
  - labs.mozilla.org
  - labs.mozilla.com


Sometimes the refract requires more control and input, especially when specifying a rewrite which requires this format. The handling of status and tests is exactly as above, but often you will want to specify the tests key: value src: dst pairs because rewrites can't deduce what would be good tests.

Sometimes for a redirect, you want to redirect paths on the domain to different destinations. This is done via key: value path: dst under the dsts key. The sources will be the product of paths * srcs


- dsts:
    path1: dst1
    path2: dst2
  srcs: src(s)


- dsts:
  - /faq.html: https://support.mozilla.org/products/firefox-lockwise/
  - /addon/updates.json: https://mozilla-lockwise.github.io/addon/updates.json
  - /: https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/lockwise/
  srcs: lockwise.firefox.com

Note: redirects (Ex4) and rewrites (Ex5) can and often are combined in a refract spec.


- dsts:
  - match1: dst1
  - match2: dst2
  srcs: src(s)
    # must specify tests for each rewrite, because they won't be generated
  - src1: dst1
  - src2: dst2


 - dsts:
  - /tree.php/: people.mozilla.org/o
  - ^/search/(.*): 'people.mozilla.org/s?query=$1&who=staff'
  - /: people.mozilla.org/
  srcs: phonebook.mozilla.org
  status: 302
    # this test must be specified because rewrites `^/(.*)` will not generate a test
  - http://phonebook.mozilla.org/search/test: https://people.mozilla.org/s?query=test&who=staff

Note: redirects (Ex4) and rewrites (Ex5) can and often are combined in a refract spec.


- dsts:
  - if <some-valid-nginx-predicate>
    ^: <rewrite>
  - redirect: (optional) <catchall-redirect> (used when the 'if' condtional fails)
  srcs: src(s)


- dsts:
  - if: '$http_host ~ "^(?<lang>[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z]{2})?)?\.(start.*)$"'
    ^: https://start.mozilla.org/$lang$request_uri
  - redirect: https://start.mozilla.org/
  - '*.start.mozilla.com'
  - '*.start2.mozilla.com'
  - '*.start3.mozilla.com'
  - '*.start-prod.mozilla.com'
  - http://ca.start.mozilla.com: https://start.mozilla.org/ca/
  - http://en-us.start.mozilla.com: https://start.mozilla.org/en-us/
  - http://en-uk.start.mozilla.com: https://start.mozilla.org/en-uk/


- nginx: |
    server {
        server_name name1 name2;

  - src: dst


- nginx: |
    server {
        server_name example.com;
        return 301 https://www.example.com;
  - http://example.com: https://www.example.com/


yaml -> nginx for redirects and rewrites

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 95.6%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:Dockerfile 1.2%Language:HCL 0.8%