flippyhead / meteor-cookbook

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Installs Meteor, an open-source platform for building top-quality, real-time web apps in a fraction of the time. Optionally, this will install MongoDB and Meteroite - a Meteor version manager and package manager (http://oortcloud.github.com/meteorite/).

See http://meteor.com for more information.


Requires nodejs, apt, and build-essential cookbooks. This is currently only tested on Ubuntu 12.04.

Note If you are using Vagrant, the base vagrant images currently use chef version 10.14.2. This mean we need apt cookbook ver 1.7.0. For more info, see http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/apt


"Should" work on Debian 5+, Ubuntu 9.10+, OpenBSD and FreeBSD.

This is currently only tested on Ubuntu 12.04.


  • apt
  • build-essential
  • nodejs


  • default['meteor']['install_url'] - STRING The install URL for Meteor. This is the URL in the Meteor documentation to the installer shell script.
  • default['meteor']['install_mongodb'] - BOOLEAN Set to true to install mongodb.
  • default['meteor']['create_meteor_user'] - BOOLEAN Set to true to create the meteor user (the default password is meteor)
  • default['meteor']['meteor_homedir'] - STRING If create_meteor_user is true, this will be the users home directory
  • default['meteor']['meteor_uid'] - INTEGER The uid for the meteor user
  • default['meteor']['meteor_gid'] - INTEGER The gid for the meteor user

If you set default['meteor']['create_meteor_user'] to true, you can switch to the meteor user like so: sudo su -l meteor



Installs Meteor by using the shell script found at the install_url attribute.


Installs mongodb by using adding the 10gen apt repository and then using apt-get to install (currently no yum support).



Language:Ruby 100.0%