flennic / bioinformatics

Repository for the labs in Bioinformatics (732A51) given in 2018 at Linköping University.

Home Page:https://liu.se/studieinfo/kurs/732a51/ht-2018#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Group 12 - Labs for 732A51 Bioinformatics (Semester 1, Period 2, 2018)

Please stick to the following group rules. Thank you :)

In general:

  1. Ask for help if you need any (initiative comes from you).
  2. Attend all lab sessions.
  3. Prepare before (!) the lab session for your parts of each lab so that you can ask the instructor all the questions that might come up later on.
  4. Do the best you can to ensure that the solutions for the part you are responsible for are correct and understandable for the other group members.
  5. Push your part for each lab to GitHub independently and on time.

Coding style:

  1. Use the Google Style Guide for R code. With 2 exceptions: a) variable names with underscore (e.g. my_variable instead of myVariable) are okay and b) use = instead of <- Link: https://google.github.io/styleguide/Rguide.xml
  2. Don't exceed 80 characters per line (in the code AND in the text). In Rstudio, just go to Tools > Global Options > Code > Display. Then check "show marking 80". Then, you will see when you reach the limit in every line.
  3. Leave 1 empty line at the beginning and end of each chunk in Rmd. This will make the appendix more readable.
  4. For the first code chunk of every new question, add a comment with the question number (see template). This will make the appendix more readable because you will see when the code for a new question starts.
  5. Include code only (!) in the appendix, unless it's absolutely necessary to include it into the report as well.


Repository for the labs in Bioinformatics (732A51) given in 2018 at Linköping University.



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