PickyFlix is a universal iOS (iPad and iPhone) application for exploring movies.
To use PickyFlix you must have an account and an API key for The Movie Database. Instructions for getting an API key can be found here.
Once you have an API key, download this project, navigate to the root folder, and create a file in the '/pickyFlix/' folder called Keys.swift and add the following line to be able to use the app: let TMDBapiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"
PickyFlix allows you to explore the Movie Database's '/discover' API endpoint by choosing different sorting and filtering options for movies.
Movies can then be added to your persisted watchlist and accessed via the watchlist tab without a network connection. Watchlist items can be removed by swiping left on a watchlist movie cell or by unchecking a watchlist movie in the search results. A link to the Movie Database's web page on each movie is accessible by tapping on a movie's row.