flaviojosefo / OpenGL-Cuda-Mandelbrot

An interactive app running on OpenGL/CUDA interoperability showcasing a Mandelbrot set with continuously colored environment.

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OpenGL/CUDA Mandelbrot



This project was built on CUDA C (12.0) with the main goal of generating an interactive Mandelbrot Fractal. It uses the GLEW and FreeGLUT libraries to access OpenGL functionality, including user input.

The Mandelbrot Fractal

Disclaimer: Due to this being the last project of the subject and also the teaching component of the cycle of studies, the conclusion to this report also carries out a brief mention to the previous projects (which can be found on Matrix Multiplication and Mandelbrot Fractal).


  • Click anywhere on the fractal with the Left Mouse Button and drag the Mouse to move the fractal;
  • Use the Mouse Wheel to zoom in / out on the Mouse's current position;
  • Hold Shift and use the Mouse Wheel to increase/decrease the number of iterations;
  • Click anywhere on the fractal with the Right Mouse Button to reset the fractal to its starting conditions.


A small showcase of images generated by this project.

Mandelbrot Flower

The Mandelbrot Flower

Light Roots

Mandelbrot Light Roots

Light Well and Black Hole

Light Well and Black Hole


As this project's name suggests, it takes advantage of the GPU's power to parallelize tasks in order to create an interactive Fractal display.

This project was technically already included in the previous one as an extra. As such, in order to have this be a standalone version, it was as simple as adding a main() function at the bottom of the only script present (kernel.cu). Some very light changes were also implemented.

The kernel.cu file is divided into the following regions:

  1. Global Variables
    This section contains all variables that are required in different parts of the code (i.e. multiple methods).
    Note that WIDTH and HEIGHT can be manually changed before building the project. These variables control both the OpenGL window size and the fractal texture size (which will surely have an impact on performance).

  2. Mandelbrot Fractal Kernel
    This section is the most important for the project at hand. It contains the kernel with which the fractal is generated (generateFractal), all other __device__ type helper methods it requires and some __constant__ variables which are responsible for coloring.
    One method that might catch some attention is toFractalCoords. This method transforms any coordinate into their correspondant in fractal space. As this is used outside of the kernel it not only sports the __device__ tag but also the __host__ one, informing the compiler that this function can be run by both the GPU and CPU.

  3. OpenGL/CUDA Interop
    This section is responsible for setting up any and all OpenGL functionalities through the use of several glew and glut methods. Mainly, it starts the OpenGL context, and sets up all input handling and main loop work (such as the drawing of a quad facing the camera and its texture).
    The render() method is arguably the most important. It's here where the program executes the kernel, registers events (in order to calculate the frame time) and maps and unmaps resources from Cuda to OpenGL (using cudaGraphics functions). The main resource being passed around is the bitmap that is "painted" by the kernel (fractal_d). It is a uchar3 (in other words, a vector of 3 unsigned char), and as such can hold up to 256 values per coordinate (meaning a total of 16 777 216 colors can be processed).

  4. Input Handling
    This section of the code controls the program's response based on user input. It detects such inputs based on event callbacks passed from glut.
    Some fractal generation global variables (center, scale and iterations) are all manipulated by the user here.


Most (if not all) interactive display applications are rendered in real-time, meaning the content being generated is processed just as it is being displayed. In order to save GPU workload, this project does not follow that.

It instead updates the display (through calling glutPostRedisplay()), only when the user interacts with the fractal image, manipulating it (e.g: increasing scale, moving up, etc.).

Why is this important? Because generally applications display the amount of frames they are able to produce per second, something that simply cannot be done here. However, we can still measure frame time, which in this case encapsulates the time necessary to generate a fractal display.

Additionally, different sections of the fractal will require more or less time to generate. With this in mind, and in order to have equally valid frame time results analysis, the view of the fractal being evaluated is that of the start or reset (basically, the entire overview of the fractal).

The results below were obtained on an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080:

Avg Frame Time for Fractal Generation

800 x 600 1280 x 720 1920 x 1080
100 6.068 ms 8.068 ms 16.014 ms
1000 12.062 ms 17.062 ms 34.872 ms
5000 41.410 ms 58.466 ms 118.686 ms

Avg Frame Time Graph

As we can see from either the table or graph, it comes as no surprise that the increase in frame time is related to the image dimensions and iteration count.

Either way, these are all really good results! ~6 ms to produce such an impressive image is a feat in itself. Also, always keep in mind, that these results will shift back and forth a lot as we dive into any of the fractal's regions (outside of the set). Some, even with a low resolution and iteration count, can take as high as ~60 ms to produce an image!


As I've previously stated on my previous project, these are the type of projects I love to dive into, because the final results are always so gratifying to contemplate!

It was a tough challenge, coming back to C, but now, not only do I have a better grasp of this powerful language, but I also learned how to use it to access the raw power of GPUs and use a parallelization built device to try and get the most out of it in order to accelerate any algorithm.

It was very amusing to learn all this in class, and then apply it to a real-world application and see the results for myself.

Not only that, but this project also allowed me to learn more about OpenGL. I knew about it, but just had never used it. And now that I have, even though my contact was limited, I feel ready to do something else with this new amassed knowledge.

The interoperability between CUDA and OpenGL was yet another test to my abilities. I didn't know if it could be done, but the more I searched on the topic, the more I understood that it could, in fact, be accomplished, and it wasn't too different from what I had done thus far (on the previous project).

Overall, I enjoyed all of the semester's projects. I learned a lot from all of them, and can't wait to expand and take this knowledge elsewhere. It will certainly come in handy in my future!


Finally, I'd like to thank our teacher José Rogado for all his invaluable input and teachings throughout the making of this project and the entirety of the semester.

His grasp on all the subjects we learned and his very good teaching capabilities were definitely a factor on the quality of my work.

Even when some of us were building beyond the requirements, and exploring these topics by ourselves, he always had the availability, patience and knowledge to, if not aid us then and there, push us in the right direction.


An interactive app running on OpenGL/CUDA interoperability showcasing a Mandelbrot set with continuously colored environment.


Language:Cuda 100.0%