flatiron / director-reflector

reflect isomorphic HTTP client API wrappers from Director routers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Reflects request based HTTP client API wrappers from Director routers. Requires no additional configuration and is compatible with any existing Director.Router instance.


Director-Reflector removes the process of writing boilerplate client code for communicating with HTTP Director routers. Director-Reflector uses reflection to reflect an API client which maps all remote routes to a local object.

Through the removal of writing boilerplate HTTP API client REST mappings for remote Director routers, Director-Reflector creates a robust, standardized, and re-usable HTTP API client.

Note: Director-Reflector makes the least amount of assumptions possible about your application. The API client wrapper it reflects is designed to be as minimalistic as possible. The default client will cover all routes in any Director routing map out of the box, but you are encouraged to extend the reflected base client with your own personal sugar-syntax.

Default API Client Mappings

If only one verb is bound to the route, the route name becomes the method name.

router.get('/foo')                          =>  client.foo()
router.post('/bar')                         =>  client.bar()

If multiple verbs are bound to the route, each verb becomes a method with a restful name.

router.get('/moo')                          =>  client.moo.get()
router.post('/moo')                         =>  client.moo.create()
router.delete('/moo')                       =>  client.moo.destroy()
router.put('/moo')                          =>  client.moo.save()

If route parameters are used ( such as an id ), they become the last method's first argument.

router.post('/albums/:albumid')             =>  client.albums.create('ill-communication', { artist: "beastie boys" })
router.get('/albums/:albumid')              =>  client.albums.get('ill-communication')

If multiple route parameters are used, the parameters curry as arguments in the last method from left-to-right.

router.post('/albums/:albumid/songs/:id')   =>  client.albums.songs.create('ill-communication', 'root-down', data)
router.get('/albums/:albumid/songs/:id')    =>  client.albums.songs.get('ill-communication', 'root-down')

Nested routing scopes follow the same rules.

router.path('/users', function(){             
 this.path('/:id', function(){               
   this.post(n);                           => client.users.create('bob', data)
   this.get(n);                            => client.users.get('bob')
   this.delete(n);                         => client.users.destroy('bob')
   this.put(n);                            => client.users.save('bob', data)
   this.path('/dongles/:id', function(){
     this.post(n);                         => client.users.dongles.create('bob', 'the-dongle', data)
     this.get(n);                          => client.users.dongles('bob', 'the-dongle');


 npm install director-reflector


Creating a Director router

var director = require('director'),
    router   = new director.http.Router();

router.get('/foo', function(){

Creating a new API client from a Director router

var dr = require('director-reflector'),

var client = dr.createClient(router);

client.foo(function(err, res, body){

Making your Director router portable

In most cases, it's not going to be feasible to expose the entire Router instance to the client.

Have no fear! Director routing maps can safety be serialized without exposing any protected logic.

Run the following code to export a portable ( and safe ) routing map as JSON:

var str    = dr.toJSON(router);

// Somewhere else, where `router` instance is not available

Here is an example of an exported routing map.


  • Add ability for built-in authorization strategies.
  • Add nconf based config management
  • Add more tests


reflect isomorphic HTTP client API wrappers from Director routers


Language:JavaScript 100.0%