fladd / fmri_design

Python pipeline to create and evaluate fMRI desgins

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fMRI design


This is a work in progress. The goal is to create a Python pipeline to create and evaluate fMRI desgins (i.e. stimulus timings).

Currently, two following modules are available:

  • make_random_timing.py - Create a random fMRI design

    This script is part of AFNI and as such licensed under GPL (see also https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/README.copyright).

    Have a look at the documentation (https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/doc/program_help/make_random_timing.py.html).

  • timings2bv.py - Create BrainVoyager .prt and .sdm files from a set of timing files

    One timing file represents one experimental condition and includes a single line with times in msec (float), separated by spaces (e.g. 2.0 4.0 6.0).

    Each timing file has the following naming convention: *_<condition_name>.* (e.g. myexp_condition1.txt).

    Timing files can, for instance result from the make_random_timing.py script (or from an adapted AFNI @stim_analyze script, to bring already optimized designs into BrainVoyager).


We will create .prt and .sdm files for one random single-run TR-locked (TR=2.0 seconds) fMRI design of 420 seconds run length, with 2 conditions ('congruent' and 'incongruent'), 100 repetitions per conditions (each lasting 1 sec).

  1. Run make_random_timing.py:

    python make_random_timing.py -num_stim 2                          \
                                 -stim_dur 1                          \
                                 -num_runs 1                          \
                                 -run_time 420                        \
                                 -num_reps 100                        \
                                 -prefix stimes.001                   \
                                 -pre_stim_rest 6                     \
                                 -post_stim_rest 12                   \
                                 -min_rest 0                          \
                                 -stim_labels "congruent incongruent" \
                                 -seed 1234567                        \
                                 -tr 2.0                              \
                                 -tr_locked                           \
                                 -show_timing_stats                   \
  2. Run timings2bv.py:

    python timings2bv.py -d 1 stimes.001_* 420 2.0 

This results in the files Stimulation.prt and Stimulation.sdm, which can be loaded into BrainVoyager for further inspection.


[ ] - Convert output of optseq2 to .prt/.sdm?
[ ] - Create regressors plots of .sdm
[ ] - Create contrast plits of .sdm
[ ] - Evaluate .sdm in terms of regressor correlation
[ ] - Evaluate .sdm in terms of detection power (main effects and contrasts)
[ ] - Evaluate .sdm in terms of efficiency (i.e. HRF estimation)
[ ] - Iteratively create many designs and find/keep optimal ones (see AFNI @stim_analyze)


Python pipeline to create and evaluate fMRI desgins


Language:Python 100.0%