fkirc / secure-network-interface-with-sgx

Protecting local networks via a TEE, providing security similar to a hardware firewall

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Secure Network Interface with SGX

This repo provides network security functionality within an Intel SGX enclave. The documentation provides a short overview of the functionality. My master thesis contains technical details and background information.

Build Setup (Simulation Mode):

⚠️ Warning: The build-instructions in this repo might be outdated. Please do not rely on those build-instructions and refer to official Intel-instructions instead. This has been only tested with Ubuntu 18.04.

Install the packages:
make cmake git g++ cppcheck
ocaml ocamlbuild automake autoconf libtool wget python libssl-dev

Download, build and install the linux-sgx sdk:
git clone
cd linux-sgx
make sdk
cd linux/installer/bin
./ sdk
./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_XXX.bin # install in "~" when asked

Build and run the tests:

./ SIM

Build Setup (Hardware Mode):

Please complete the simulation mode instructions before setting up the hardware mode. Hardware mode works only on SGX-supported platforms.

Configure your system to SGX enabled. You might need to enable SGX within your BIOS settings.

Build and install the SGX Driver according to the instructions in
Afterwards, check whether the SGX Driver is running: lsmod | grep isgx

Install the packages:
libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libcurl4-openssl-dev

Build and install the SGX Platform Service:
cd linux-sgx
cd linux/installer/bin
./ psw
sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_psw_XXX.bin

Build and run the tests:

git clean -xfd # cleanup for a fresh build
./ HW

Future work:

Implementing those protocol validations in C is a bad idea with respect to security. The choice of the C Programming Language was only made because the Rust-SGX-support was still in its early stages at the time of writing. Therefore, I strongly recommend that future TEE implementations use a secure language from the beginning (e.g. Rust, Go, Kotlin).

More generally, given todays knowledge and research advancements, the usage of C for security-critical systems is a huge mistake. Unfortunately, this is the security-world that we have in 2020. Large systems like the Linux-kernel cannot be rewritten at once, but they need to be rewritten in a gradual manner.

Nevertheless, the usage of C can still be acceptable for safety-critical systems. In this context, please be careful to correctly distinguish between security-critical systems (e.g. a parsing-library) and safety-critical systems (e.g. a flight control computer).

Limitations of SGX: Currently, SGX cannot directly access any external hardware. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a cryptographic channel to securely communicate between an SGX enclave and external hardware. In this work, we used a "MACSec gateway" for this cryptographic channel. Other TEEs can be configured to avoid this issue altogether (e.g. ARM TrustZone).


Protecting local networks via a TEE, providing security similar to a hardware firewall


Language:C 91.3%Language:Shell 3.9%Language:Makefile 2.2%Language:CMake 1.4%Language:Python 1.1%