fkie / multimaster_fkie

ROS stack with FKIE packages for multi-robot (discovering, synchronizing and management GUI)

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issue about tf update

hsx479 opened this issue · comments

Hello, when I use multimaster_fkie to run multi roscores on two computers and use rviz , there is some problem about the tf:
Transform [sender=unknown_publisher] For frame [base_scan]: No transform to fixed frame [map]. TF error: [Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1655363434.854527810 but the latest data is at time 1655363416.292566976, when looking up transform from frame [base_scan] to frame [map]]`
And the " requested time" is constantly updated.
This problem does not arise if I just use one computer and don't use multimaster_fkie.
Is there anything in multimaster_fkie may cause this problem?

Sorry for the late reply!
The time of the two hosts is not in sync. You need to use an NPT client, e.g. chrony, and sync the time.