fjolnir / objc-autoinit

Automatic init methods for Objective-C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automatic Initializers for Objective-C

This library adds to NSObject the ability to automatically derive initializers for properties.


Just link against libautoinit.a & libffi (Built in on OSX) with the -ObjC flag (If using Xcode you can specify it using "Other Linker Flags" under your target's build settings)

Then to in order for a class to have its initializers automatically created, make it conform to the protocol FAAutoInit.


The example below should output <Klass: 0x..>: 123 456 {{7, 8}, {9, 10}}

@interface Klass : NSObject <FAAutoInit>
@property(readonly) int num;
@property(readonly) id obj;
@property(readonly) NSRect rect;

@interface Klass (Initializers)
+ (instancetype)klassWithNum:(int)aNum obj:(id)aObj rect:(NSRect)aRect;

@implementation Klass

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        Klass * const test = [Klass klassWithNum:123 obj:@456 rect:(NSRect) { {7,8},{9,10} }];
        NSLog(@"%@: %d %@ %@", test, (int)test.num, test.obj, NSStringFromRect(test.rect));


Automatic init methods for Objective-C

License:Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License


Language:C 80.9%Language:Objective-C 18.7%Language:C++ 0.4%