fjcero / django-take-home

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Backend Candidate Assessment

Welcome to the Candidate Assessment for Backend developers. We have details instructions on how to get started and what a successful solution will entail. Please read and follow the enclosed instructions.

What are we building?

At the core is our Django API which powers multiple front-facing client(s) - specifically the authentication, CRUD interfaces for models, permissions, and complex workflows.

In our sample application we are adding a webhook /ehr_webhook/ to our API / Platform. Your task is the implementation of the endpoint so that it returns a 201 even if duplicates exist, but returns 400x and 500x for invalid situations (for example malformed json) and ensure the tests are passing and there are no regressions. You will do the work on a separate branch and submit a pull-request (see below for Submit Solution).


  • You can run a local compatible data-store for a Django 4.x app
    • Alter as needed
  • You can run a local python env with pip
  • You can handle any build issues that can occur in a python environment
  • You can run the projects test-suite
  • Implement a version of the webhook in the 30-1hr time-allotment and be prepared to discuss/document the trade-offs (tech-debit, security, scale-ability)

What We Provide

Setting up a new project is time intensive so we have done some of the upfront work.

  • We provide you with a shell of a Django app with working migrations, requirements.txt and working tests.
  • Preconfigured data-store bindings for sqlite and postgres
  • Sample webhook payloads the assignment/task.
  • API Documentation
  • Grading Solution Rubric (see below)

Our Rest API

We also are providing an initial endpoint for you to have as a basis

  • GET /patient/ will return a list of patients
  • POST /patient/ - As a POST requires a json body with email, and name as required fields. Returns 201

Assessment Details

You are to implement a new webook endpoint that accepts the following POST /ehr_webhook that will contain an array of data as:

  {"email":"", "name": "Pete Townshend"},
  {"email":"", "name": "Jane Buckneer"}

To help you in your work here is an example of our vendors webhook all to our server

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '[{"email":"pete@", "name": "Pete Townshend"},{"email":"", "name": "Jane Buckneer"}]' http://localhost:8000/ehr_webhook/

QuickStart Guide

Here are a few first steps to get off the ground

1. python3 -m venv venv
2. source venv/bin/activate
3. pip install -r requirements.txt
4. python migrate

At this point you should be able to do either of the following:

  1. Run python runserver
  2. Run python test app

What is a Successful Solution

We want to ensure you submit a successful solution so here is our assessment grading rubric.

Task / Skill-Check Description
πŸ‘ Code Complete Did you complete the assessment in it's entirety in terms of functionality
βœ… CI Passes We expect the CI Runner using github-actions to pass.
πŸ“‘ API / Network Comms. Were networking communications properly configured
πŸ’­ Pull-Request Open up a proper PR, read the submission process below
:shipit: Commit History We value conventional-commits

Submitting a Solution

1. Setting Up Your Solution

IMPORTANT: When you receive this zip file create your repository and COMMIT the code as the initial commit inside of the default branch main or master.

2. Create a Branch & PR

You should begin to build your solution on a new branch (we don't care what you call it we recommend -- solution). Once you are code complete, create a private repository and push up both branches. And open up a pull-request against the default branch main|master.

3. Finalize & Submit

Invite mgan59, DanOB34, CMitchell08, ramirog89 to your repository so we can see your pull-request. We also recommend assigning the PR to for review so that we get notifications in our github-ui.

4. Review Process

Once the reviewers are added to the repository, we will conduct a quick PR review and setup a time to go over the code together.



  • Initial Commit
  • Setup Dev Environment (Runtime, Virtual Env, IDE)
  • Support incoming webhooks v1: receive, validate, and save Patients (Leverage on DRF)
  • Support tests for validations and response in order to prevent regressions
  • Pre-commit + Conventional commits
  • Spike: how webhooks implementation could be improved
  • Incoming Webhooks app
  • Setup Celery
  • Use Pytest instead of Django suite
  • Split views and serializers
  • Introduce Observability layer (Better logging and exception handling)


pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv run dev     # python runserver
pipenv run migrate # python migrate

Ide setup


Install pre-commit within .git/hooks/pre-commit.

pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg


  • βœ… Conventional commits
  • βœ… Trailing and whitespace checks
  • βœ… Check yaml sintax
  • βœ… Check merge conflicts
  • βœ… Prevent debug statements
  • βœ… Check for large files added
  • βœ… Check requirements.txt file to be present
  • βœ… Django: check project for potential problems
  • βœ… Django: check project for missing migrations
  • βœ… Python: flake8
  • βœ… Python: isort
  • βœ… Python: black


Suggested configuration file

  "files.exclude": {
    "**/.git": true,
    "**/.svn": true,
    "**/.hg": true,
    "**/CVS": true,
    "**/.DS_Store": true,
    "**/*.pyc": true,
    "**/__pycache__": true
  "python.pipenvPath": "<PATH_TO_VENV>", // pipenv --venv
  "python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
  "python.linting.pylintArgs": [
    "--disable=C0111", // missing docstring
  "python.linting.enabled": true,
  "python.formatting.provider": "black"


Endpoint: /ehr_webhook/ Allow: POST, OPTIONS Content-Type: application/json Payload

        "email": "",
        "name": "Jane Doe"
        "email": "",
        "name": "Francisco"


  • The implementation of the endpoint returns a 201 HTTP Status Code, even if duplicates exist.
  • HTTP errors like 400x and 500x are triggered in invalid situations, for example malformed json
  • Tests are passing and there are no regressions
  • Conventional commits format applied



Language:Python 98.9%Language:Shell 1.1%