fixxxxxxer / ai

This repository hosts the code required to generate the static website.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repository hosts the code required to generate the static website.

Adding products to the homepage carousel

In order to add products to the homepage carousel you must make a few changes. Firstly, if you are changing the number of elements in the carousel then change the $n sass variable (in the /assets/css/app/home-carousel.scss sass partial) to the number of products that the carousel contains. This will ensure that the 3d translations account for n number of products.

Add your new image to the carousel in index.html. Simply replace the image/add a new one to the figure element.

This is the figure element you will need to add to/amend.

    <img class="lazyload" src=""
        data-src="/assets/images/ultra-96-front-hd.png" id="1" data-url="/products/ultra96/" alt="Ultra96">
    <img class="lazyload" src=""
        data-src="/assets/images/sophon-edge-tpu-board.png" id="2" data-url="" alt="Sophon Edge">
    <img class="lazyload" src=""
        data-src="/assets/images/rock960_front-resized.png" id="3" data-url="/products/rock960/" alt="Rock960">
    <img class="lazyload" src=""
        data-src="/assets/images/hikey970-optimized.png" id="4" data-url="/products/hikey970/" alt="HiKey970">

Change the image src, alt, id and data-url to suit. The ID attribute is used by the carousels javascript to retreive the data-url and alt attributes. If there are 4 images in the carousel then the first the id's will be 1 - 4.


This repository hosts the code required to generate the static website.


Language:JavaScript 72.0%Language:CSS 16.0%Language:HTML 10.8%Language:Ruby 1.3%