fix8mt / ufeed_bindings_java

Java language binding for UFEed.

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UFEed Java Bindings


The UFEed Java Adapter (UFEed_Java) provides a low level java interface to the UFEGW. Interactions with the UFEGW are based around a UFEedClient object from com.fix8mt.ufe.ufeedclient namespace which can be used to send and receive Messages to and from the UFEGW.

Use the following Universal FIX engine documentaion for a reference.

Features of UFEedClient:

  • System API support (see 4. Implementation Guide - Section 1.3)

  • Business API support (eg. NewOrderSingle and standard FIX messages)

  • Provides a 4-way communications API in order to make requests, publish messages, receive responses and subscribe to broadcast messages

  • User defined implementation of callback interface to handle these PUB, SUB, REQ and REP message events

  • Dynamic configuration of PUB, SUB, REQ, REP addressing and topics

  • Internal session management

Features of a UFEMessage/UFEMessage.Builder:

  • A generic container of fields, i.e. tag/typed value pairs with possible nested messages called groups

  • Smart field creation and access, rendering field value to ival, sval or fval depending on context

  • Named Message setters/getters (name, long_name, seq, service_id, subservice_id)

Getting started

The UFEed_Java is provided as a Java project with jar packages for external dependencies: ZeroMQ, Google Protobuf, getopt. Within the target build directory of UFEed_Java we find the following directory structure (example is Linux):

├── packages
│   ├── java-getopt-1.0.14.jar
│   ├── jzmq-core-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│   ├── jzmq-devices-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│   ├── jzmq-jni-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
│   ├── jzmq-jni-3.1.1-SNAPSHOT-native-amd64-Linux.jar
│   ├── protobuf-java-3.7.1.jar
│   ├── protobuf-java-util-3.7.1.jar
│   └── ufeedclient-19.6.0.jar
└── samples
    └── com
        └── fix8mt
            └── ufe
                └── sample


The main UFEed_Java interfaces/classes are UFEMessage, UFEMEssage.Builder and UFEedClient. Most of UFEMessage field setters and UFEedClient setters follow 'builder' pattern to simplify Java language constructs (i.e. setters return the reference to an object it was called from):

UFEMessage.Builder login = _uc.createMessage()
    .addField(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGIN, fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_ID, "webuser", fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_PW, "5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc", fl_system);

UFEMessage and UFEMessage Builder

The UFEMessage class provides some wrapping logic around the internal Google Protobuf WireMessage format utilized by the UFEGW. Messages are objects with which requests are made from the UFEed_Java to the UFEGW.

UFEedClient::createMessage() factory method shall be used to create a message. UFEMessage is a final, i.e immutable just after UFEMessage::build() is called to finalize UFEMessage. UFEMessage.Builder class is for creating the message until it is finalized.

UFEMessage.Builder class:

public static class Builder {
    * ctors
    * @param wm WireMessage to copy from or null
    public Builder(WireMessage wm);
    public Builder(WireMessage.Builder wmb);

    * Returns WireMessage builder
    * @return WireMessage builder
    public WireMessage.Builder getWireMessageBuilder();

    * Longname
    * @return message long name
    public String getLongName();
    public Builder setLongName(String longName);

    * Type
    * @return message type
    public WireMessage.Type getType();
    public Builder setType(WireMessage.Type type);

    * Service id
    * @return message service id
    int getServiceId();
    public Builder setServiceId(int serviceId);

    * Adds typed field to message
    * @param tag field tag
    * @param val field value
    * @param loc field location
    * @return self
    public Builder addField(int tag, long val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, ByteString val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, String val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, char val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, double val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, boolean val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, Instant val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, UUID val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, Message.Status val, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addField(int tag, Object val, UFEFieldLocation loc) throws UFEedException;
    public Builder addFields(Iterable<UFEField> fields);
    public Builder addGroup(int tag, GroupBuilderRef group, GroupTransformFunc tr, UFEFieldLocation loc);
    public Builder addGroupItem(UFEField.Builder group);

    * Builds UFEMessage when composing is complete. Message is ummutable agter the call.
    * @return Immutable composed UFEMessage
    public UFEMessage build();

UFEMessage class:

public class UFEMessage {
    * Creates a message builder. When it's done, call that returns UFEMessage.
    * @param wm WireMessage to copy from or null
    * @return message builder
    public static Builder newBuilder(WireMessage wm);

    * Returns inner WireMessage
    * @return inner WireMessage
    public WireMessage getWireMessage();

     * Returns mapped fields hash map
     * @return mapped fields hash map
    public HashMap<Integer, UFEField> getFields();

     * Returns mapped groups hash map
     * @return mapped groups hash map
    public HashMap<Integer, List<UFEMessage>> getGroups();

     * Finds field by given tag
     * @param tag tag to find field
     * @return found field or null
    public UFEField findField(int tag);

     * Finds field value by given tag
     * @param tag tag to find field
     * @return found field or null
    public Object findFieldValue(int tag);

    * Finds group by given tag
    * @param tag tag to find group
    * @return found group of null
    public List<UFEMessage> findGroup(int tag) {
        return _groups.get(tag);

UFEMessage and UFEMessage.Builder usage sample:

// logon
UFEMessage.Builder login = _uc.createMessage()
    .addField(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGIN, fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_ID, "webuser", fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_PW, "5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc", fl_system);
// UFEedClient send methods accept builder class
UFEMessage loginMsg =;
UFEField loginId = loginMsg.findField(UFE_LOGIN_ID);
Object loginPw = loginMsg.findFieldValue(UFE_LOGIN_PW);

UFEMessage and UFEMessage.Builder create a NewOrderSingle message with groups:

UFEMessage.Builder.GroupBuilderRef grp = new UFEMessage.Builder.GroupBuilderRef();
UFEMessage.Builder nos = _uc.createMessage()
    .addField(ClOrdID.tag, "123", fl_body)
    .addField(TransactTime.tag,, fl_body)
    .addField(ExecInst.tag, ExecInst.ALL_OR_NONE, fl_body)
    .addField(OrdType.tag, OrdType.LIMIT, fl_body)
    .addField(Side.tag, Side.BUY, fl_body)
    .addGroup(NoAllocs.tag, grp, (builder, group) -> {
            .addField(AllocAccount.tag, "ABC", fl_body)
            .addField(AllocQty.tag, 2, fl_body);
            .addField(AllocAccount.tag, "CDE", fl_body)
            .addField(AllocQty.tag, 4, fl_body);
    }, fl_body);


The UFEedClient class is used as the interface to make both System and Business API calls to the UFEGW. Sessions between UFEedClient and the UFEGW are made up of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB and REQ/REP sockets. The network addresses and message topics inherent to these sockets are configurable via UFEedClient. In addition, the UFEedClient manages these UFEGW sessions on behalf of the user (after the user has successfully logged in).

UFEedClient provides a callback interface called Listener that must be implemented by UFEedClient consumer:

public interface Listener {
    * Called when subscription message received
    * @param message received subscription message
    void subscriptionMessageReceived(UFEMessage message);

    * Called when responder message received
    * @param message received responder message
    void responderMessageReceived(UFEMessage message);

    * Called when response message received
    * @param message received response message
    void responseMessageReceived(UFEMessage message);

    * Called when authentication is requested
    * @param user user to check
    * @param password user password to check
    * @return true for successful authentication, otherwise false
    boolean authenticateRequested(String user, String password);

    * Called when ZeroMQ error happened
    * @param error ZMQ error code
    * @return true to continue, false to stop processing loop
    boolean zeroMQErrorHappened(int error);

    * Called when error happened
    * @param error error message
    * @param exception exception happened
    * @return true to continue, false to stop processing loop
    boolean errorHappened(String error, Exception exception);

::: :::

UFEedClient is configured with UFEConfiguration class:

public class UFEedConfiguration {
    * Subscriber endpoint, defaults to "tcp://"
    * @return subscriber endpoint
    public String getSubscriber();
    public UFEedConfiguration setSubscriber(String subscriber);

    * Requester endpoint, defaults to "tcp://"
    * @return requester endpoint
    public String getRequester();
    public UFEedConfiguration setRequester(String requester);

    * Publisher endpoint, defaults to "tcp://*:55747"
    * @return publisher endpoint
    public String getPublisher();
    public UFEedConfiguration setPublisher(String publisher);

    * Responder endpoint, defaults to "tcp://*:55748"
    * @return responder endpoint
    public String getResponder();
    public UFEedConfiguration setResponder(String responder);

    * Subscriber topic, defaults to "ufegw-publisher"
    * @return subscriber topic
    public String getSubscriberTopic();
    public UFEedConfiguration setSubscriberTopic(String subscriberTopic);

    * Requester topic, defaults to "ufegw-responder"
    * @return requester topic
    public String getRequesterTopic();
    public UFEedConfiguration setRequesterTopic(String requesterTopic);

    * Publisher topic, defaults to "ufeedclient-publisher"
    * @return publisher topic
    public String getPublisherTopic();
    public UFEedConfiguration setPublisherTopic(String publisherTopic);

    * Responder topic, defaults to "ufeedclient-responder"
    * @return responder topic
    public String getResponderTopic();
    public UFEedConfiguration setResponderTopic(String responderTopic);

    * ZMQ max IO threads
    * @return ZMQ max io threads
    public int getMaxIoThreads();
    public UFEedConfiguration setMaxIoThreads(int maxIoThreads);

    * Poll interval in milliseconds
    * @return poll interval in milliseconds
    public int getPollIntervalMs();
    public UFEedConfiguration setPollIntervalMs(int pollIntervalMs);

UFEedClient interface:

public class UFEedClient implements AutoCloseable {
    * Constructs UFEedClient
    * @param configuration configuration to use
    public UFEedClient(UFEedConfiguration configuration, Listener listener);

    * Implementation for AutoClosable::close() - frees ZMQ resources
    * @throws Exception
    public void close() throws Exception;

    * UFEedClient configuration
    * @return UFEedClient configuration
    public UFEedConfiguration getConfiguration();

    * Starts UFEedClient. When started in synchronous mode (wait = true)
    * it does not return until stop() is called from a different thread.
    * @param wait true for synchronous call, false for asynchronous
    public void start(boolean wait);

    * Stops UFEedClient
    * @throws InterruptedException
    public void stop() throws InterruptedException;

    * Creates UFEMessage
    * @param longName message long name
    * @param type message type
    * @param serviceId message service id
    * @return message builder
    public UFEMessage.Builder createMessage(String longName, WireMessage.Type type, int serviceId);
    public UFEMessage.Builder createMessage(WireMessage wm);

    * Synchronously sends request to UFE and waits for UFE response
    * @param request request to send
    * @return received response
    * @throws UFEedException thrown if no session token found
    * @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException thrown if protobuf parsing failed
    public UFEMessage request(UFEMessage.Builder request) throws UFEedException, InvalidProtocolBufferException;

    * Send message to responder channel
    * IMPORTANT: Must be called from responderMessageReceived callback thread as much as possible
    * @param msg message to send
    public void respond(UFEMessage msg);

    * UFEedClient callback interface
    public interface Listener { ... }

UFEedClient usage sample:

UFEedClient _uc = new UFEedClient(new UFEedConfiguration().setSubscriber(SUBSCRIBER_DEFAULT).setResponderTopic("ufegw-requester"),
  new UFEedClient.Listener() {
    public void subscriptionMessageReceived(UFEMessage message) { ... }
    public void responderMessageReceived(UFEMessage message) { ... }
    public void responseMessageReceived(UFEMessage message) { ... }
    public boolean authenticateRequested(String user, String password) { ... }
    public boolean zeroMQErrorHappened(int error) { ... }
    public boolean errorHappened(String error, Exception exception) { ... }

// logon
UFEMessage.Builder login = _uc.createMessage("login", st_system, UFE_CMD_LOGIN)
    .addField(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGIN, fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_ID, "webuser", fl_system)
    .addField(UFE_LOGIN_PW, "5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc", fl_system);
try {
    UFEMessage response = _uc.request(login);
    if (response.findField(UFE_SESSION_TOKEN) == null)
        throw new UFEedException("Session token is missing");
    Object sessToken = response.findFieldValue(UFE_SESSION_TOKEN);
    if (sessToken == null)
        throw new UFEedException("Session token is missing #1");
    if(!(sessToken instanceof UUID))
        throw new UFEedException("Session token is of unexpected type");
    if (sessToken.toString().isEmpty())
        throw new UFEedException("Session token is empty");

    // service list request
    response = _uc.request(_uc
        .createMessage("service_list", st_system, UFE_CMD_SERVICE_LIST)
        .addField(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_SERVICE_LIST, fl_system));
} finally {


The UFEed_Java maintains a list of constant values that translate to integer codes in the UFEGW. These integer codes are used to identify System API services as well as general FIX functionality. A full list of these constants is available at src/com/fix8mt/ufe/ufeedclient/ The file with constants could be regenrated using genconsts project.

FIX variants constants

The UFEed_Java provides constants for all stock FIX variants:

import com.fix8mt.ufe.FIX50SP2.ufe_java_fields_fix50sp2.*;
UFEMessage.Builder nos = _uc.createMessage()
    .addField(ClOrdID.tag, "123", fl_body)
    .addField(TransactTime.tag,, fl_body)
    .addField(ExecInst.tag, ExecInst.ALL_OR_NONE, fl_body)
    .addField(OrdType.tag, OrdType.LIMIT, fl_body)
    .addField(Side.tag, Side.BUY, fl_body);


The UFEed_Java build follows a standard Java build pattern. Jetbrains IntelliJ project files are provided.

The UFEed_Java provides a sample to use as a starting point for UFEed Java development. The sample is under root folder. To build/run sample, you have to set Java path to UFEedClient jar and all the dependency jars and call Sample.Main():


Java language binding for UFEed.

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


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