fitztrev / lila-docker

Lichess local development using Docker Compose.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lichess local development using Docker Compose.

The only requirements for running on your local machine are git and Docker Desktop. All the other dependencies (Scala, MongoDB, Node.js, etc) are installed and run in Docker containers.


  1. Install Docker Desktop and have it running

  2. Clone this repo:

    git clone
  3. Setup the Lichess repos:

    cd lila-docker
  4. Start the services:

    ## start the basic services (lila, lila-ws, mongodb, redis)
    docker compose up

    Or to include optional services, depending on what you're working on, apply the appropriate profile(s):

    ## include stockfish services (for playing and analyzing)
    COMPOSE_PROFILES=stockfish docker compose up
    ## include external engine service
    COMPOSE_PROFILES=external-engine docker compose up
    ## include ALL optional services
    COMPOSE_PROFILES=all docker compose up

    Might take 5-10 minutes. Some services will start before others and you may see errors in the logs until everything comes online.

    Lila will be the last service to complete, at which point you can visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the site.

  5. (Optional, but recommended) Seed your database with test data (users, games, etc):

    In a separate terminal:


Shutting down / Resetting

When you're done working, you can shut down the services with:

COMPOSE_PROFILES=$(docker compose config --profiles | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g') docker compose down

## or to destroy the volumes (completely resetting the database)
COMPOSE_PROFILES=$(docker compose config --profiles | xargs | sed -e 's/ /,/g') docker compose down -v


Service URL Profile
Main lila instance http://localhost:8080/ *
Chessground demo http://localhost:8080/chessground/demo.html *
API docs http://localhost:8089/ *
PGN Viewer http://localhost:8090/ *
Mongodb manager http://localhost:8081/ *
Email inbox http://localhost:8025/ *
lila-gif http://localhost:6175/image.gif?fen=4k3/6KP/8/8/8/8/7p/8 images
Picfit http://localhost:3001/healthcheck images
Elasticsearch manager http://localhost:5601/ search


Scala development:

To restart lila (after making changes to any Scala code):

docker compose restart lila

UI (JS/CSS) development:

To watch for Typescript/SCSS changes and automatically recompile:

docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "/lila/ui/build -w"

To add translation keys:

After modifying a translation/source/*.xml file, run:

docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "/lila/bin/trans-dump"

Code formatting:

# pnpm run lint
docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "cd /chessground && pnpm install && pnpm run lint"

# sbt scalafmtAll
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos/lila:/mnt \
    sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-focal-17.0.5_8_1.9.1_3.3.0 \
    bash -c "cd /mnt && sbt scalafmtAll"

Berserk (Python library):

To install the development version of Berserk and run a sample script against your local development site:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos/berserk:/berserk -v $(pwd)/scripts:/scripts python:latest \
    bash -c "cd /berserk && pip install -e . && python /scripts/"

Scala Metals (IDE helper):

  1. In VS Code, open this lila-docker project and install the Dev Containers extension
  2. Cmd+Shift+P > "Dev Containers: Reopen in Container"
  3. A new VS Code window will open, attached to the container instead of your host machine
  4. File > Open Folder > "/workspaces/lila-docker/repos/lila" (or whichever Scala project you want to work on)
  5. Install + Enable the Scala Metals extension (Cmd+Shift+X > "Scala (Metals)")
  6. Cmd+Shift+P > "Metals: Import build"

Once the build has been imported, you should have code completion, go to definition, etc when you open a Scala file.


## compile
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos/scalachess:/mnt \
    sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-focal-17.0.5_8_1.9.1_3.3.0 \
    bash -c "cd /mnt && sbt compile"

## test
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos/scalachess:/mnt \
    sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-focal-17.0.5_8_1.9.1_3.3.0 \
    bash -c "cd /mnt && sbt test"

## package
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos/scalachess:/mnt \
    sbtscala/scala-sbt:eclipse-temurin-focal-17.0.5_8_1.9.1_3.3.0 \
    bash -c "cd /mnt && sbt package"


docker build -f docker/bbpPairings.Dockerfile . -t bbppairings
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/repos:/mnt bbppairings bash -c "\
    git clone \
    && cd bbpPairings \
    && make \
    && chmod +x bbpPairings.exe \
    && cp bbpPairings.exe /mnt"

## verify

Developing Chessground locally

By default, your local lila instance will use the version of chessground that is published to npm. If you want to make changes to that library and see them reflected in your local lila instance, you can do the following:

  1. Update the package.json in the lila repo:

    "dependencies": {
    -  "chessground": "^8.3.11",
    +  "chessground": "link:/chessground",
  2. Start the chessground compiler in watch mode:

    docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "cd /chessground && pnpm install && pnpm run compile --watch"
  3. Start the lila ui build in watch mode:

    docker compose run --rm ui bash -c "/lila/ui/build -w"

Then you can see the updated chessground demo at http://localhost:8080/chessground/demo.html and when you refresh lila, it will use the local copy of chessground.


Lichess local development using Docker Compose.

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 63.3%Language:Shell 14.1%Language:Dockerfile 9.4%Language:HTML 7.2%Language:Python 6.0%