fislabstest / welcome-to-learn-verified

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome to the Learn-Verified Full Stack Web Development track. Over the next 600-800 hours you will learn everything you need to know to be a Full Stack Web Developer. Before you get started, just a few thoughts about how our curriculum is laid out.

Training Wheels

When you first start learning to code the amount of setup and content you have to do before really making something is frustrating. To counter this, we created the "Intro to Ruby" track (which you completed in order to qualify for this program) to allow you to get your first taste of programming. Our goal with that track was for students to be able to make something at the end of it. You did that. You made Tic Tac Toe. To get there though, we had to add "training wheels." We made a few parts of being a developer a bit easier, like using the Learn CLI commands on top of the Git workflow. But just like riding a bike, you can't go at full speed with training wheels on.

What follows is learning to code with the training wheels removed. Once you get past Git and HTML/CSS, you will see more Ruby. As you open the sidebar on Ruby you will notice that you've already completed parts of it! Congrats! This is content that came from the Intro to Ruby track. We recommend that you go linearly, starting with pieces of content you haven't completed. The content goes much deeper into each topic than what you experienced in the Intro track. If you feel like you don't understand a concept fully, go back and re-read the Intro material.

It's going to be harder, and more rewarding than any other learning experience you've ever had, we promise. Let's learn together.

View Welcome on and start learning to code for free.

