

Geek Repo

Company:Qualicen GmbH

Location:Munich, Germany

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fischJan's repositories


System behavior is often expressed by causal relations in requirements (e.g. if event 1 then event 2). Automatically extracting this embedded causal knowledge supports not only reasoning about requirements dependencies, but also various automated engineering tasks such as seamless derivation of test cases. However, causality extraction from natural language (NL) is still an open research challenge as existing approaches fail to extract causality with reasonable performance.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:NOASSERTIONStargazers:10Issues:3Issues:0


This project aims at developing an algorithm for the automated transfer of structured requirements / pseudo code into Cause Effect Graphs (CEG). The algorithm comprises two functionalities: 1) syntax analysis of the pseudo code by means of ANTLR and 2) semantic analysis of the parse tree by a implemented visitor pattern.



Deep learning with dynamic computation graphs in TensorFlow
