firxworx / nx-astro-issues

Nx monorepo with some challenges re effectively using Nx + Astro 3.0 and with optimizing Docker and deployment

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This repo contains an Nx workspace with astro-ssr app running the latest Astro 3.0 with SSR mode.

The goal is to integrate Astro with Nx and resolve certain issues.

Refer to the headings for DevX Issues and Possible Bugs/Issues below.

The final heading References points to some resources that may be insightful for resolving the issues.

The package.json dependencies and dev dependencies are reflective of a real world Nx monorepo with multiple apps (including Express, Fastify, etc) is left in place in this repo to help illustrate the issues.

Refer to the files in the astro-ssr app and libraries such as packages/react/core and packages/common/toolbox for more details.

Note that .env is excluded from .gitignore intentionally for a quick start. Do not copy for production projects.

Astro can be run in dev via pnpm nx dev astro-ssr and built via pnpm nx build astro-ssr.

DevX Issues

With many recent changes and deprecations in Nx a challenge is understanding how to:

  1. Update the Nx dependency graph
  2. Build Astro app with a package.json and ideally lockfile that includes only the Astro dependencies + dev dependencies for an optimized Docker + CI/CD workflow
  3. Build a Docker image (or a step on CI/CD) that only installs the Astro dependencies and not the kitchen sink of the monorepo
  4. Enable tree-shaking of Astro dependencies and dev dependencies including for buildable and publishable libraries

There is a stale/deprecated doc that suggested using a custom build executor to run custom build commands and using createPackageJson and createLockFile from @nrwl/devkit.

This seems deprecated and createPackageJson and createLockFile were apparently moved to the @nx/js package however I cannot find any documentation about this or how to correctly use these.

There are some older docs and years-old blog articles on how to integrate with the Nx dependency graph however these resources also seem stale/deprecated.

1. Dependency Graph

The Nx dependency graph is crucially important for a lot of Nx features to work properly.

One small example is tailwind.config.cjs where createGlobPatternsForDependencies() will return an empty array because it doesn't understand what astro-ssr's dependencies are.

An undesired and inflexible workaround is to manually add glob patterns for each library that the Astro app consumes.

2. Packages + Lockfiles + Optimized Builds

Build the Astro project with a package.json and ideally lockfile that includes only the Astro dependencies + dev dependencies for the purposes of building Docker images, running tests, and deployment.

This should be smart to not also include unrelated apps and libs such as for Express, Fastify, NextJs, etc.

3. Docker Image

Docker images should always be as small as possible and restricted to the bare minimum dependencies required to run the app.

4. Tree-Shaking

This is a frequent and recurring question that arises when using Nx with shared libraries for React components, helper functions, etc.

Previous solutions are being deprecated by Nx and it is unclear what the replacement and/or resolution is. For example generatePackageJson is being deprecated for library projects however this was part of a solution especially for tree-shaking buildable/publishable libraries.

An observation is a potential disconnect between how Nx packages vs. libraries are used by the community and different devs on the Nx team, and there may be differences in opinion over time as well per past blog posts + YouTube videos + documentation.


The common-toolbox (packages/common/toolbox) is buildable and publishable and demonstrates a recipe for cjs and esm compatibility and tree-shaking for ESM (applicable to React front-ends) that Nx is moving to deprecate. It would be great to understand what the replacement to achieve this same result is.

The cjs + esm dual support is necessary for shared libraries that are used by both Node apps created by Nx generators e.g. Express and React (and other) apps that use ESM e.g. Vite. Tree-shaking is essential for any front-end app and highly desired for any Node app.

Possible Bugs/Issues

Refer to the Dockerfile in apps/astro-ssr for the Docker image build.

Inline comments at the top show the commands used to build on x86 and ARM.

Previously there was an issue with the nx cli segfaulting when attempting to build astro-ssr inside the Docker image. It could not be resolved even with a completely fresh Docker image build. Now as I create this example repo the issue is no longer appearing... It may have just been with node-alpine (I since switched to node-slim) or may have just been a fluke!? I'll remove that issue however it would be interesting to know if you experience it as well. At the time my workaround was to build using the astro cli directly.

The segfault was unexpected because the build target in project.json of apps/astro-ssr is only using the nx:run-commands executor to run astro build --root apps/astro-ssr.

1. "No cached ProjectGraph is available" running Astro build in Dockerfile

When running Astro CLI build in Dockerfile the warning/error is shown (although the image continues to build):

No cached ProjectGraph is available


This third-party plugin is very insightful:

However it is not reguarly kept in sync with either Nx or Astro versions.

Prior to committing to Nx for production projects with Astro my goal is to achieve "command and control" over the Nx monorepo and Astro apps.

If any custom executors or plugins are necessary then they should be maintained in the monorepo and not rely on third-party community extensions.

Of interest for this repo:

Project Graph Plugin:

Patching for ESM: (the plugin patches the Nx CLI for ESM by adding this to postinstall in package.json)

Patching npmrc: The plugin modifies .npmrc for pnpm users... It is not clear if this is necessary for Astro 3.0 with only React (so far build and dev work without this modification; it does seem like Svelte and others with Astro may require this modification based on cursory searching).

There is a rough early addition for a custom plugin for this workspace in workspace/nx-astro-plugin. So far it has only been used to discover that createPackageJson and createLockFile have been moved by Nx and that the docs are no longer current.

There is an official Nx recipe example of Astro standalone ( However it may not be very relevant as it is reduced to the simplest possible case and is not particularly reflective of a real-world monorepo with multiple apps and libraries. It does not deal with build, Docker, dependency graph, tree-shaking, etc. The library example is not buildable or publishable. It also doesn't consider SSR.


Nx monorepo with some challenges re effectively using Nx + Astro 3.0 and with optimizing Docker and deployment


Language:TypeScript 43.6%Language:JavaScript 29.8%Language:Dockerfile 13.8%Language:Astro 10.8%Language:Shell 1.9%