firxworx / fx-nestjs-starter

Basic NestJS starter for REST API's with TypeORM

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

fx-nestjs-starter (WIP)

This project is an opinionated basic starter ("boilerplate") for API's implemented with the NestJS framework powered by Express. The code builds on the foundation generated by the nestjs cli and includes additional features and configuration common to many projects.

The code features numerous descriptive comments + direct links to relevant docs, to support scenarios related to business, consulting, and education.

The goal of this repo is to provide a reference NestJS API that helps developers save time when starting new projects.

To use code from this repo, search for comments tagged with @starter to identify decision points that should be reviewed and customized on a per-project basis:

# run the following from the project root folder:

grep -r "@starter" src/

App features

  • nestjs powered by express (vs. fastify) to enable access to the ecosystem of Express middleware
  • improved tsconfig.json vs. nestjs boilerplate
    • includes strict: true to realize the full benefit of TypeScript
    • lib includes es2019 for features like array.flat()
  • configuration via idomatic @nestjs/config (refer to src/config)
  • auth module with local + JWT + JWT refresh token strategies
    • implemented with @nestjs/passport
    • http-only cookies store Authorization and Refresh JWT's for security
    • express cookie-parser library is configured in src/main.ts
  • database module powered by TypeORM + postgres, featuring a TypeScript ormconfig.ts file with cli support
    • includes decorators to support pagination
  • aws module implemented with @aws-sdk v3 that includes an aws-ses service for sending emails and aws-s3 for storage
  • support for swagger/openapi including the optional nestjs cli plugin provided by @nestjs/swagger
  • logging with pino via nestjs-pino for a nestjs-compatible logger that logs requests + responses and outputs json
  • optional rate limiting with @nestjs/throttler (enabled via environment variable)

Workflow and deployment features

  • Dockerized with a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file

Tips for basing a project on this starter

If you choose to base your project on a fork or copy of this repo:

  • In package.json revise the name, description, version, author, license, private, etc. to suit your project
  • Replace or delete the LICENSE file as required
  • Search the repo for the @starter tag (e.g. run grep -r "@starter" src/ from the project root folder), review the comments, and customize the project to suit your needs

It is recommended that you upgrade all package dependency versions in package.json prior to commencing development on your new project. Run yarn upgrade-interactive --latest to review potential updates. Of course, please be aware that you may need to update code to accommodate any breaking changes that could be possibly introduced by package updates.

For documentation refer to:

Development workflow


Ensure that your environment has the following dependencies installed: git, node, yarn, docker.

Note the scripts in package.json and potentially other libraries assume a linux/unix environment. Windows users are advised to run linux on WSL2 (most of this project was created on a PC running Ubuntu under WSL2).

Install dependencies

Change to the project root folder and install package dependencies:


Define environment variables

Create an .env file in the repository root folder based on a copy of the example .env.sample file.

By project convention, environment variables named with the suffix _FLAG are boolean properties that accept 1 (true) or 0 (false) values. Any value other than 1 will be interpreted as false.

Run development database

To start the postgres database server defined in docker-compose.yml in daemon mode (so that it will run in the background), run:

yarn docker:postgres:up

To run database migrations:

yarn migration:run

WIP - To seed the database with sample/dev data:

yarn seed:run

Run application in dev mode

To run the application in dev mode configured to watch for file changes, run:

yarn start:dev


@todo - revised package.json so name is required to be added - either revert + test or document here

The TypeORM configuration file for this project is: src/ormconfig.ts.

The conventions are:

  • entity filename extension: *.entity.ts
  • subscriber filename extension: *.subscriber.ts

TypeORM will pick up ormconfig.{json,js,ts} in a project's root folder however placing it there can.


    "typeorm": "ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register node_modules/typeorm/cli.js --config src/ormconfig.ts",
    "migration:generate": "yarn run typeorm migration:generate -n",
    "migration:create": "yarn run typeorm migration:create -n",
    "migration:run": "yarn run typeorm migration:run",
    "migration:revert": "yarn run typeorm migration:revert",

Generating migrations

After adding or revising entity classes, run the following command to generate migrations to update the database schema:

# replace "MigrationName" with a short and descriptive name for the migration (e.g. "UserTable")

yarn migration:generate MigrationName

The generated file will be added to src/modules/database/migrations per the config in src/ormconfig.ts.

Creating migrations

To create a new empty migration with boilerplate/scaffold code, run:

# replace "MigrationName" with a short and descriptive name for the migration

yarn migration:create MigrationName

The newly created migration will contain up() and down() methods awaiting your implementation. TypeORM calls up() to perform the migration and down() to revert it. Both methods are passed an instance of QueryRunner that you can use to build migration queries by hand, or you can use the migration API.

For example:

await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user" RENAME "name" to "fullName"`);

Running migrations

To run migrations via cli:

yarn migration:run

To run migrations in code, call the runMigrations() method on an instance of the typeorm Connection class (which reflects a connection to the database) in an async method:

await connection.runMigrations()

Also refer to the migrationsRun property in src/ormconfig.ts. When set to true, typeorm will automatically run migrations when the app is started and establishes a connection to the database.

Reverting migrations

To revert migrations:

yarn migration:revert

Removing TypeORM + Postgres

If your project does not require a database or if you would like to use a different database/ORM stack then it is easily removed:

To remove typeorm:

  • Remove package dependencies: yarn remove @nestjs/typeorm typeorm typeorm-seeding
  • Revise package.json: delete typeorm and migration-related entries from scripts

To remove postgres:

  • Remove package dependencies: yarn remove pg pg-protocol
  • Revise docker-compose.yml: comment out or delete the postgres service and remove it from the api service's depends_on list

In all cases:

  • As applicable to your project, either remove DatabaseModule from the imports array in src/modules/app/app.module.ts, or revise the module as required to suit the needs of your project.


OpenAPI/Swagger can be conditionally enabled to generate API documentation by setting the OPENAPI_ENABLED_FLAG environment variable to 1. Refer to config/app.config.ts and src/main.ts for usage.

When enabled, the Swagger UI is available at URL path: /api (note: the path does not include the global prefix).

The opt-in nestjs cli plugin packaged with @nestjs/swagger is enabled for this project in nest-cli.json.

The plugin automatically adds OpenAPI/Swagger decorators to DTO's and entities, and it can pull values from class-validator decorators. This greatly reduces the maintenance burden and overall redundancy involved with adding decorators for both nestjs and OpenAPI/Swagger that essentially say the same thing.

Refer to the docs for more on the plugin and its myriad behaviours, available decorators, and configuration options:

Among the various features and behaviours of this plugin include automatically applying the @ApiProperty decorator to all DTO + entity fields unless they are decorated with @ApiHideProperty.

The plugin adheres to nestjs conventions in its default configuration and will only analyze files with the following extensions: .dto.ts and .entity.ts.


The "Try it Out" feature is limited for this project API because Swagger UI + Swagger Editor does not currently support cookie authentication. Refer to this issue: swagger-api/swagger-js#1163

If you publish your docs to Swagger Hub, cookies are supported on that platform thanks to its particular implementation.

Running the app

# development
yarn start

# development (watch mode)
yarn start:dev

# debug (watch mode)
yarn start:debug

# production
yarn start:prod


# run unit tests
yarn test

# run e2e tests
yarn test:e2e

# compute test coverage
yarn test:cov


Original code in the fx-nestjs-starter project is released under the Apache 2.0 license by author Kevin Firko (@firxworx).


Basic NestJS starter for REST API's with TypeORM

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 97.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%Language:JavaScript 0.6%