firezone / azure-terraform-firezone

Terraform module to deploy a Firezone VPN server in Azure

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Disclaimer: This is a community-provided module and is currently unsupported by the Firezone team.


Terraform module to deploy a Firezone VPN server in Azure. For more information on Firezone visit

Example Usage

module "azure-terraform-firezone" {
  source = ""

  location                = "Canada Central"
  resource_group_name     = "firezone-dev-rg"
  hostname                = "firezone"
  domain_name             = ""
  admin_email             = ""
  subnet_id               = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/network-rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/default-vnet/subnets/default-snet"
  keyvault_id             = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/keyvault-rg/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/myexamplekv"
  dns_resource_group_name = "dns-rg"

  resource_tags = {
    "Owner"       = "John Smith"
    "Contact"     = ""
    "Environment" = "Production"

Technology Stack

hashicorp/terraform GNUBash

Terraform Providers

hashicorp/azurerm hashicorp/null hashicorp/random


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_email Administrator email address. string n/a yes
dns_resource_group_name Resource group name containing the Azure DNS zone. string n/a if enable_az_dns=true
domain_name Root Domain for Firezone VPN VM. (Domain root name only, ex. string n/a yes
enable_aad_app Enable Azure AD App registration for Firezone VPN bool false no
enable_az_dns Enable Azure DNS registration for Firezone VPN bool true no
enable_az_keyvault Enable Azure Keyvault storage of Firezone secrets bool true no
firezone_allowed_ips Default allowed ip addresses and/or ranges (IPv4 and/or IPv6) used in Firezone client configurations. string ", ::/0" no
firezone_dns Default DNS servers used in Firezone client configurations. string "," no
firezone_ipv4_address Tunnel-side IPv4 address of Firezone. string "" no
firezone_ipv4_network Tunnel-side IPv4 network for Firezone to use. string "" no
hostname Hostname for Firezone. (name only, not FQDN) string "firezone" no
keyvault_id ID of the Keyvault to store the Firezone secrets. string n/a yes
location Azure region name in standard format to create resources. string n/a yes
resource_group_name Resource group name to be created. string n/a yes
resource_tags A map of tags to add to all resources map(string) {} no
subnet_id ID of the subnet for the Firezone VM network interface. string n/a yes
vm_size VM Size to use for the Firezone VM string "Standard_B1ms" no


Name Description
firezone_admin_password Password for the Firezone default admin account.
firezone_db_password Password for the Firezone 'firezone' postgres database 'postgres' user.
vm_id ID of the Firezone virtual machine.
vm_identity Managed Identity of the Firezone virtual machine.
vm_nic_id ID of the Firezone virtual machine NIC.
vm_password Password for the 'firezone' user account on the Firezone virtual machine.
vm_private_ip Private IP Address of the Firezone virtual machine primary NIC.
vm_public_ip Public IP Address of the Firezone virtual machine primary NIC.


Terraform module to deploy a Firezone VPN server in Azure


Language:HCL 79.3%Language:Shell 20.7%