firedev / polymorph

Frontend bits and pieces for Rails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Installation

1.1 Add Gemfile

# Gemfile

gem 'polymorph'

1.2 Mount Engine

# config/routes.rb
# Rails.application.routes.draw do

  mount Polymorph::Engine, at: '/'

# end

1.3 Initializer to help with authentication

If you skip it anybody could use new functions.

# ininitalizers/polymorph.rb

Polymorph.configure do |config|
  config.authorize = lambda do |controller|

2. Orderable

Orders models on their position column via ordered scope. If you are using it you would have to add some additional dependencies:

Orderable Dependencies

Orderable user drag-n-drop depends on jQuery UI.

# Gemfile

gem 'jquery-ui-rails'

It also needs some js helpers:

# application.js
//= require jquery-ui/sortable
//= require polymorph/polymorph

And an optional stylesheet for changing cursor shape:

/*  application.css
 * = require polymorph

Default selector is .admin [data-orderable] so you have to add .admin class somewhere for an authorized user.

body class=(current_user.admin? && 'admin')

Orderable items got to have its #id in HTML id element



div id=dom_id(model)

Orderable Installation.

Add position:integer to a model schema

rails g migration add_position_to_model position:integer
rake db:migrate

Include Polymorph::Orderable in the Model class

# models/model.rb
# class Model < ActiveRecord::Base

  include Polymorph::Orderable

# end

Don't forget to use ordered scope

# controllers/models_controller.rb
def index
  @models = Model.ordered

HTML selector

# index.html.slim

div data-orderable=polymorph.orderable_path(Model)
  = render @models

Additional Orderable Parameters:

Axis limits movement alone X or Y axes:


Items is an additional subselector for items that will be serialized and moved:

data-orderable-items="> .block"

3. Paranoid

This module provides paranoid delete akin to Paranoia gem. But there is one important difference. There are no callbacks.

It simply updates deleted_at so you can restore deleted entries with associations associations intact.

First create a migration:

rails generate migration AddDeletedAtToModel deleted_at:datetime:index
rake db:migrate

Add concern to model:

# models/model.rb
# class Model < ActiveRecord::Base

  include Polymorph::Paranoid

# end

You need to add Polymorph::Application helper to Application Controller.

# controllers/application_controller.rb
# class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  helper Polymorph::ApplicationHelper

# end

Included module sets up default_scope so soft-deleted entries are skipped. Additional class method paranoid_destroy is added to the parent class in case you want to wrap your own stuff.

# controllers/model_controller.rb
# def destroy


# end

4. Publishable

This one sets published_at in the same vein as with Paranoid.

First a migration:

rails generation migration AddPublishedAtToModel published_at:datetime:index
rake db:migrate

Add concern:

include Polymorph::Publishable

This module adds 'published' and 'unpublished' scope.


Frontend bits and pieces for Rails

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 73.6%Language:HTML 18.0%Language:JavaScript 3.7%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:CoffeeScript 2.1%