firecatmusic / csgo-commend-bot

Commendation bot in NodeJS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CSGO Commend Bot

Commend Bots have been fixed by Valve for the most part

There is a work around but I don't fully know how it works, so I can't implement it.

View this issue thread for updates

This is a simple commend bot written in JavaScript, simply because its the language I am the most familiar with.

Side features

This bot has 2 side features, a report bot and a server-report bot.

I will not explain a lot about those 2 side features, just follow the examples. The one without suffix are the normal commend bot. The majority of the config is based off of the normal config.json, just one or two things are different.

Report Bot:

  • The MatchID is optional, just leave it empty ("") if you do not want to use it
  • Report cooldown is 24 hours per report
  • Optional Command Line Arguments: node index_report.js <Account> <Amount> [MatchID]

Server-Report Bot:

  • The MatchID is required. You cannot report a server otherwise.
  • Report cooldown is unknown, I just put it to 24 hours
  • Optional Command Line Arguments: node index_reportserver.js <MatchID> <Amount>

I heard in the past that reporting a server for bad performance will cancel the match, I cannot confirm this myself. 500 reports did nothing to the server, I'll leave it in the script anyways.


Botted account:

Account Preview

Console Log:

Console Preview



  1. Download/Clone this repository
  2. Put it all in a folder
  3. Open a command prompt inside the folder
  4. Enter npm install
  5. Rename config.json.example to config.json and adjust it (See below)
  6. Rename accounts.json.example to accounts.json and fill it with accounts (See below - To parse a account:password see Account Parsing)
  7. Run node index.js - Optionally you can use command line arguments


  • SteamAPIKey:
    • Type: String
    • Description: Your SteamWebAPIKey from Steam
  • AccountToCommend:
    • Type: Integer/String
    • Description: AccountID/SteamID64/SteamID3/SteamID/ProfileLink/VanityURL (More Details)
  • CommendsToSend:
    • Type: Integer
    • Description: The amount of commends we want to send to that account
  • Commend:
    • Friendly:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Do we want to include "Friendly" in the commend?
    • Teacher:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Do we want to include "Teacher" in the commend?
    • Leader:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Description: Do we want to include "Leader" in the commend?
  • AccountCooldown:
    • Type: Integer
    • Description: How long accounts are on cooldown before they can be reused. Currently 12 hours.
  • RateLimitedCooldown:
    • Type: Integer
    • Description: The time in milliseconds how long we should wait incase we hit a ratelimit. I recommend ~1 hour.
  • Chunks:
    • CommendsPerChunk:
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: How many commends we should send per chunk
    • SwitchProxyEvery:
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: How many chunks we process before switching proxy
    • TimeBetweenChunks:
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: Time in milliseconds how long we should wait between each chunk
    • TimeBetweenConnectionAndSending:
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: Time in milliseconds how long we should wait between connecting to the GameCoordinator and sending the Commend
    • BeautifyDelay:
      • Type: Integer
      • Description: Time in milliseconds between chunks and logging the message "Waiting X ms" to make it look more beautiful in the logs. Technically irrelevant.
  • Proxies:
    • Type: Array of strings
    • Description: Each string is the IP:Port (See below)


The accounts.json is an array of objects, each object has this structure:

  • username:
    • Type: String
    • Description: The username used to log into Steam
  • password:
    • Type: String
    • Description: The password used to log into Steam
  • sharedSecret:
    • Type: String
    • Description: Optional shared secret for Two Factor Authentication
  • operational:
    • Type: Boolean/Integer
    • Description: "true" if the account is usable, otherwise the error code from Steam (More details)
  • lastCommend:
    • Type: Integer
    • Description: The last time this account has commended someone
  • requiresSteamGuard:
    • Type: Boolean
    • Description: If true then the account is unusable and requires a Email Steam Guard verification
  • commended:
    • Type: Array of Integers
    • Description: A list of each user this account has already commended

Removing commends

This is experimental and might not work as intended

  • Adjust config_undoCommends.json
  • Run node index_undoCommends.js

The bot should now remove some commends, ofcourse you can only remove the commends you sent yourself and not of other players. It is required for the user to be in the "Commended" list of the accounts.json else the bot will not be treated as being able to uncommend.

Account To Commend

You can enter any of the following formats:

  • SteamID: "STEAM_0:0:11101" (String)
  • SteamID3: "[U:1:22202]" (String)
  • SteamID64: "76561197960287930" (String)
  • ProfileURL: "" OR "" (String)
  • VanityURL: "gabelogannewell" (String)
  • AccountID: 22202 (Number)

Don't have a SteamAPI Key? Just keep using the AccountID as a Number and it will not make a SteamAPI request

Account Parsing

Use the parseAccountList.js in order to parse a list of account:password into a compatible format. To use this just rename your file to input.txt or change line 10 in the script. By default it will append all accounts to the list already present in accounts.json. If you want to fully override all accounts in the accounts.json change AppendToFile from true to false in the script at line 1. To run it just enter node parseAccountList.js.

Command Line Arguments

You can define up to 2 command line arguments.

The first one is always the SteamID you want to commend bot, it accepts any of these formats as long as there is no space in it.

The second argument is always the amount of commends you want to send.

Both are optional, if one doesn't exist the default config value will be used.

node index.js [AccountToCommend] [CommendsToSend]


  • node index.js - Will start the commend bot using the config.json
  • node index.js gabelogannewell - Will start the commend bot and will commend accountid 22202 with config.json-CommendsToSend's commends
  • node index.js 10 - Will start the commend bot and will commend accountid 22202 with 10 commends


Generally you do not need a proxy, if all of your login requests are successfully completed you barely get limited by steam at all, do 100 every 10 seconds and it should be fine. The only issue is when you fail to login or do not finish the login, then Steam might restrict you for up to 2 hours from logging into any account.

Use an empty array (Eg: []) if you do not want to use any proxies

SwitchProxyEvery in the config defines how many chunks share the same proxy.

HTTPS Proxies are not supported

Account List Manager

This module will help in parsing and cleaning the account list


  • node accountmanager.js [--clean] [--available] [--delete]

Arguments List

  • --clean - Will clean the accounts.json file by removing duplicate entries and removing entries with empty username/password
  • --available - Will show the number of accounts available to commend
  • --delete <usernames> - Will remove the accounts from the accounts list. You can remove multiple accounts at once by providing the usernames separated by space


Commendation bot in NodeJS

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%