finebraincom / node-oauth2-provider

A simple customizable OAuth 2.0 provider (server) for node.js.

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OAuth 2 Provider for Connect & Express

This is a node.js module for implementing OAuth2 servers (providers) that support server-side (code) and client-side (token) OAuth flows.

It's very customizable, so you can (and currently, must) take care of OAuth token storage and client lists. In the future, a Mongo or Redis backed abstraction will be provided so you don't need to care about any kind of storage at all.

Using it with npm

If you're using this module via npm, please be sure the bracket the version in your app's package.json file. Major versions may have an incompatible API that's not backwards-compatible, so use a safe version range under dependencies (eg. for version 1.x):

"oauth2-provider": "1.x"

Quick Start

Install via npm:

npm install oauth2-provider

You can add it to your Connect or Express application as another middleware. Be sure to enable the bodyParser and query middleware.

The OAuth2Provider instance providers two middleware:

  • oauth(): OAuth flow entry and access token generation
  • login(): Access control for protected resources

The most important event emitted by OAuth2Provider is access_token, which lets you set up the request as if it were authenticated. For example, to support both cookie-authenticated and OAuth access to protected URLs, you could populate req.session.user so that individual URLs don't need to care about which type of authentication was used.

To support client authentication (sometimes known as xAuth) for trusted clients, handle the client_auth event to exchange a username and password for an access token. See examples/simple_express4/app.js.


Within the examples sub-folder matching your preferred version of Express (for example, examples/simple_express4), run npm install and then run:

node app.js

Visit http://localhost:8081/login to gain access to http://localhost:8081/secret or use OAuth to obtain an access token as a code (default) or a token (in the URL hash):

Provider Configuration

Constructor recieves options which setup provider configuration:

Option Description
authorize_uri path for processing authorization requests (default: /oauth/authorize)
access_token_uri path for processing token requests (default: /oauth/access_token)
revoke_uri path for processing token revoking requests (default: /oauth/revoke)
crypt_key string used for tokens encryption
sign_key string used for tokens signing
var provider = new require('oauth2-profider')(options);

login() middleware

  1. Attempts to extract access_token from:
    • query parameter 'access_token'
    • 'authorization' header ('Bearer ')
  2. parses found access token (if cann't parse report status code 400)
  3. emits event 'access_token' on provider if token valid with parsed token data
  4. passes control to next() in the middleware chain
  5. if access token is not found just pass control to next() in the middleware chain
'access_token' event handler
function(req, token, next) {
	// 1. lookup the token in known tokens
	// 2. find user of the token
	// 3. save user in the sessionin the session

In case if token is expired or user is not found does not save user in the session. This means that user is not authorized.

token parameter content:

	user_id: user_id,
	client_id: client_id,
	extra_data: extra_data,
	grant_date: grant_date

oauth() middleware

Handlers for

  • authorization GET requests
  • authorization POST requests
  • access token POST requests
  • revoke token POST requests

See details in the corresponding sections

Authorization GET requests

GET requests that come with path, defined in authorize_uri option.

Presents authorization form. If the user is not already logged in allows to login. Forms rendering is delegated to module client throught events emitting.

Expected query string parameters:

Parameter Meaning
client_id client id of the caller
redirect_uri url for redirect after successfull authentication

During processing the request the provider emits 2 events:


The handler has signature:

function(req, res, authorize_url, next) {
	//1. if user already logged in call next() with user id
	//2. if user is not logged in redirect him to login form and do not call next()


The handler has signature:

function(req, res, client_id, authorize_url) {
	// Render authorization form with buttons allow/deny (name='allow|deny').
	// Use method POST that point to `authorize_url`.

Authorization POST requests

POST requests that come with path, defined in authorize_uri option. Process authorization form submission request.

Expects recieving parameters through query string or body of the request.

Parameter Meaning
client_id client id of the caller (comes from authorization form)
redirect_uri url for redirect after successfull authentication (comes from authorization form)
x_user_id encoded user id recieved in Authorization GET request (comes from authorization form)
response_type type of the response (default: code):
  • code - client expects recieving auth code that can be exchanged for access token
  • token - client expects recieving access token
state optional state information that will be added as state parameter in the redirect url

If the request comes without value 'allow' in the request body it is treated as authorization rejected by the user. Request results in redirect to 'redirect_uri' with appending query string parameter error with value 'access_denied'.

authorization with recieving auth code

During processing the request the provider emits event:

function(req, client_id, code, next){
	// save code for later exchange for access token

After successfull authorization client redirected to redirect_uri with 'code` appended to url as query string parameter.

authorization with recieving access token

During processing the request the provider emits 2 events:

function(user_id, client_id, next) {
	// allows to put some custom data into access token
function(user_id, client_id, access_token) {
	// saves access token for later retrieval

After successfull authorization client redirected to redirect_uri with 'access_tokenandrefresh_token` appended to url after hash (#) as query string parameters.

Access token POST requests

POST requests that come with path, defined in access_token_uri option. Performs token related operations

'Auth code' exchange for 'access token'

Expects recieving parameters through body of the request.

Parameter Meaning
client_id client id of the caller
client_secret client secret of the caller
code auth code to exchange for access token

Returns JSON with tokens:

	"access_token" : "<value>",
	"refresh_token" : "<value>""

During processing the request the provider emits 2 events:

function(client_id, client_secret, code, next) {
	// 1. checks for presence of previously save auth code
	// 2. checks it validity of the code (not expired)
	// 3. finds the user who created the code and return it in call `next(null, user_id)`
	// 4. in case of a failed check report it with error as first parameter in `next()`
function(user_id, client_id, code) {
	// remove code already echanged for access_token

Generate new 'access token' from 'refresh token'

Expects recieving parameters through body of the request.

Parameter Meaning
client_id client id of the caller
client_secret client secret of the caller
grant_type refresh_token
refresh_token refresh token value

In case of success returns JSON with tokens:

	"access_token" : "<value>",
	"refresh_token" : "<value>""

During processing the request the provider emits 4 events:

function(client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, next){
	// 1. validates client and refresh token validity by cheking it presence in save tokens
	// 2. find user of the refresh token and report it to `next(null, user_id)`
	// 3. in case of failed check report as first parameter in `next()`
function(client_id, token, token_type, next){
	//1. remove token by type ('access_token' or 'refresh_token')
	// 2. call `next()` on success
	// 3. in case of failed check report as first parameter in `next()`

(see above)


(see above)

Generate new 'access token' from 'password' grand_type

Expects recieving parameters through body of the request.

Parameter Meaning
client_id client id of the caller
client_secret client secret of the caller
grant_type password
username user name for authorization
password user password for authorization

In case of success returns JSON with tokens:

	"access_token" : "<value>",
	"refresh_token" : "<value>""

During processing the request the provider emits 3 events:

function(client_id, client_secret, username, password, next) {
	// 1. checks that client id and secret are valid
	// 2. check that user credentials are valid
	// 3. report user id in `next(null, user_id)`
	// 4. in case of failed check report as first parameter in `next()`

(see above)


(see above)

Revoke token POST requests

Revokes token

Parameter Meaning
token token value
token_type_hint type of token (optional, can be detected from token content)
  • access_token
  • refresh_token

On success return JSON:

	"success" : true

During processing the request the provider emits event:

function(client_id, token, token_type, next){
	// remove token of the specific type
	// in case of failed check report as first parameter in `next()`

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d

Run the tests:

$ make test


A simple customizable OAuth 2.0 provider (server) for node.js.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.5%Language:Makefile 0.5%