filoscoder / BRN-checker

This is an open API source relevant in South Korea, it checks a company closure status via XML request.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an open API source relevant ONLY in South Korea, since it checks Korean company current closure status & provide detailed information if it is a Telecommunication seller company (E-commerce).

  • All the request are made using axios
  • Type-checking & null-proof with Typescript


  • Request business current closure status at Hometax's API
There are 3 possible outputs under the key name `businessStatus`:

    1. '사업을 하지 않고 있습니다.' ('Not doing business.')

    2. '부가가치세 간이과세자 입니다.' ('Simplified VAT tax payer.')

    3. '부가가치세 일반과세자 입니다.' ('General taxpayer of VAT.')


The API server is not hosted. This is only the Source

  • Install ts-node & typescript: npm install -g ts-node typescript
  • git clone this repo
  • Install dependencies: yarn or npm i
  • execute with node + BRN (Business Registration Number - 사업자등록번호)
    ts-node index.ts ${BRN}


BRN-checker can be imported where ever you need. Just has to be called with a parameter, the BRN.

Parameter string
Return string or Object


  import brnChecker from './brnChecker';


  // Output>
  // See `Output` below


The examples below are filled with dummy data

  • If the consulted ${BRN} status belongs to a currently closed company:
| MyTerminal > ts-node index.ts 1234567890

{ businessStatus: '사업을 하지 않고 있습니다.' }
  • If the consulted ${BRN} status belongs to a currently available company:
| MyTerminal > ts-node index.ts 1234567890

  tcsNo: '2020-가나다라-01234',
  brnNo: '123-45-67890',
  reportStatus: '통신판매업 신고',
  corporateType: '법인',
  companyName: '(주)사업자명',
  representativeName: '김철수',
  tel: '070 1234 5678',
  businessType: '인터넷',
  businessItem: '건강/식품, 기타',
  email: '',
  reportDate: '20200510',
  address1: '서울특별시 강남구 논현동 1번지 101호',
  address2: '서울특별시 강남구 도산대로1길 25 (논현동)',
  domain: '',
  serverAddress: '서울특별시 강남구청 (01-2345-6789-0123)',
  businessStatus: '부가가치세 일반과세자 입니다.'


  • MIT


This is an open API source relevant in South Korea, it checks a company closure status via XML request.


Language:TypeScript 100.0%