filomba01 / CNN_ErrorClassification

Implementation of an automatic error classificator, based on paper's research "Fast and Accurate Error Simulation for CNNs against Soft Errors".

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CNN Error Classificator for CLASSES

The aim of this project is to automatize error patterns classifications based on the descriptions made in "Fast and Accurate Error Simulation for CNNs against Soft Errors" in order to implement it in CLASSES. Code is written by Matteo Bettiati (@matteobettiati) and Filippo Balzarini (@filomba01) from Politecnico di Milano.

About the project

The repository contains two python scripts:

  • (which has two helper script for plots and statistics)


Analysis starts with the comparison between the corrupted tensor matrix and the golden one, the diff_cube result represent the field of the matrix where an error occurred because of the corrupted tensor injection in the CNN, the program is be able to automatically divide different errors into proper error class.

The currently error classes in analysis are:

  • single_points: here are classified all the corrupted tensors having only one corrupted value.
  • same_row: a corrupted tensor is classified as same row error if the errors in diff_cube have been found in a single row.
  • bullet_wake: for each channel there is just one error and in the same coordinate.
  • shattered_glass : as bullet wake, but errors may be also found in the same row of the error reference.
  • undefined_error : there is a random pattern of errors that cannot be clustered into a proper class.
  • same_column : a corrupted tensor is classified as same column error if the errors in diff_cube have been found in a single column.
  • skip_x : all the errors emerge every "x" blocks.
  • consecutive_errors : the errors emerge consecutively every block "n" times.
  • negligible_error : error so small as to be negligible.


To install the script it is necessary to clone the repository.

git clone


To collect all the information of a injection just run the, you will need to provide a directory that contains the corrupted tensors to be analyzed in a specific format the results will be saved in the error_classes directory, in the statistics directory it can be found the spatial and the count model of the errors.


If general statistics are needed, you can run the script, which generates a csv file containing all the statistics, an example can be found in the statistics/ directory.



As it can be seen in the code, all the error classes are supposed to be true at the beginning, the approach of this classification is to individuate if exists a single element which does not respect the specific rule of an error class, in order to exclude that class from the possible ones. This approach make more simple to identify the right classification for each tensor.

All the errors are compared with a row reference, a column reference and a channel reference chosen from the first error position.

In order to classify errors in bullet wake and shattered glass classification some useful variables have been used, such as:

  • CoordinatesMap: is a dictionary used to store the occurrence of the error's coordinates.

The key for the map dictionary is created as below, the result is a 'row,column' index:

key = ''.join(str(diff_cube[k][x]) + ',' for x in range(1, len(diff_cube[k]) ))
        key = key.rstrip(key[-1])

In order to ensure that an error could be bullet wake or shattered glass is necessary to find a coordinate that occurred as many times as the channel with at least one error

            if shatteredGlass:
                for key in CoordinatesMap:
                    if CoordinatesMap[key]== nChannel:
                      atLeastBullet = True


The result of the classification can be displayed using various approaches:

  • with this script you can plot the corrupted tensors in 2-dimensional arrays and see the errors.
  • here is generated a csv file with the percentual of all the errors.


In are generated two models that represent the distribution of the errors, the spatial model and the count model. More accourate information about this can be found on Classes


The purpose of this script is to compare the result of more experiments. You can enter more than one experiment in the command line, and the weights of probability you want to associate to each folder. The script generates a unique file json with all the single statistics of the experiment merged.


Implementation of an automatic error classificator, based on paper's research "Fast and Accurate Error Simulation for CNNs against Soft Errors".


Language:Python 94.8%Language:Shell 5.2%