figueroadavid / OMPlus

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OMPlus Delivery Manager


Wrapper module for OMPlus for Windows

The module is written to provide a powershell friendly wrapper for the various binary utilities for OMplus on Windows. Some additional functionality that does not exist is also added. Here are the base functions provided

Connect-OMPrinterURL Disable-OMPrimaryMPS Disable-OMPrinter
Disable-OMTransformServer Enable-OMPrimaryMPS Enable-OMPrinter
Enable-OMTransformServer Get-OMCaseSensitivePrinterName Get-OMDisabledDestination
Get-OMDriverNames Get-OMEPR Get-OMEPSMap
Get-OMJobCountByStatus Get-OMPrinterConfiguration Get-OMPrinterList
Get-OMTypeTable New-OMEPRMulti New-OMEPR
New-OMEPSMapBackup New-OMPrinter Remove-OMDuplicateEPR
Remove-OMEPR Remove-OMPrinter Send-OMTestPage
Set-OMPrinterConfiguration Set-OMPrinterRedirection Test-Port
Update-OMEPR Update-OMTransformServer



Reads in the printer configuration, and if possible, launches the default browser to connect to the defined status URL for the printers

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName This is the list of printers from which the system will open their status web pages
DelayBetweenPrintersInMS This is the amount of delay between launching the printer web pages. This gives the browser some time to establish the xonnection, without becoming overwhelmed
SafetyThreshold This is the maximum number of pages the function will attempt to open. This is a safety measure to prevent the browser and the system from being overwhelmed with requests to open web pages.

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Disables the OMP Service (ompSrv) service on the primary master print server. This prevents the server from receiving jobs from the transform servers and causes the print jobs to begin routing to the secondary MPS.

Parameter Name Description
PS C:\> Disable-OMPrimaryMPS -Verbose
VERBOSE: Successfully disabled the ompSrv service

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Disables the OM IPP Service (OMIPPServ) service on a transform server. This prevents the server from receiving jobs from Epic.

Parameter Name Description
PS C:\> Disable-OMTransformServer -Verbose
VERBOSE: Successfully disabled the OMIPPServ service

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Disables a printer in OMPlus

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName Accepts 1 or more printer names to disnable; if a printer does not exist, then a warning is written, and the printer is skipped
ShowProgress Writes a progress bar to show the progress of the cmdlet; this is useful when enabling a large number of printers
PS C:> Disable-OMPrinter -PrinterName Printer01,Printer02,Printer03
WARNING: Printer: Printer03 is not a valid printer for this system; skipping

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Enables the OMP Service (ompSrv) service on the primary master print server. This allows the server to receive jobs from the transform servers.

Parameter Name Description
PS C:\> Enable-OMPrimaryMPS

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Enables a previously disabled printer in OMPlus.

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName Accepts 1 or more printer names to enable; if a printer does not exist, then a warning is written, and the printer is skipped
ShowProgress Writes a progress bar to show the progress of the cmdlet; this is useful when enabling a large number of printers
PS C:\> Enable-OMPrinter -PrinterName PRINTER01, PRINTER02, PRINTER03
WARNING: Printer: PRINTER03 is not a valid printer for this system; skipping

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Enables the OM IPP Service (OMIPPServ) service on a transform server. This allows the server to receive jobs from Epic.

Parameter Name Description
PS C:\> Enable-OMTransformServer

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Reads and returns the list of driver names from the types.conf file in OMPlus

PS C:\> Get-OMDriverNames
Driver                             Display
------                             -------
ZDesignerAM400                     ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
HPUPD6                             HP Universal Printing PCL 6
LexUPDv2                           Lexmark Universal v2
DellOPDPCL5                        Dell Open Print Driver (PCL 5)
RICOHPCL6                          RICOH PCL6 UniversalDriver V4.14
HPUPD5                             HP Universal Printing PCL 5
Zebra2.5x4                         ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
LexUPDv2PS3                        Lexmark Universal v2 PS3
LexUPDv2XL                         Lexmark Universal v2 XL
XeroxUPDPS                         Xerox Global Print Driver PS
XeroxUPDPCL6                       Xerox Global Print Driver PCL6

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Retrieves the printername in the correct case from the file system, since most of the OMPlus executables are case-sensitive. This function uses the [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] class to retrieve the name from the file system. As such, it can accept wildcards.

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName The name of the printer to retrieve; this is case-insensitive
PS C:\> Get-OMCaseSensitivePrinterName -PrinterName printer01

PS C:\> Get-OMCaseSensitivePrinterName -PrinterName print*

PS C:\> Get-OMCaseSensitivePrinterName -PrinterName *03

PS C:\> Get-OMCaseSensitivePrinterName -PrinterName printer?5

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Retrieves the list of all printers that currently show as disabled

Parameter Description
Output The output of the function; it defaults to the display, but can be emailed instead
SMTPFrom The from address for sending a mail message
SMTPTo The email address that the list is sent to
SMTPSubject The subject line for the report email
SMTPServer The mail server to send the email to
SMTPort The TCP port of the mail server for SMTP mail
SendEmailEvenIfNoDisabledPrinters Tells the script send an email, even if there are no disabled printers; intended for automation
ShowProgress Shows a progress bar as the printers are evaluated. Useful for systems with a large amount of printers
  • To do: Provide example

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  • This function does not take any parameters; it simply lists the available driver types and their associated Windows driver names
PS C:\> Get-OMDriverNames
Name                           Value
----                           -----
DellOPDPCL5                    Dell Open Print Driver (PCL 5)
RICOHPCL6                      RICOH PCL6 UniversalDriver V4.4
ZDesignerAM400                 ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
HPLJ4100PCL6                   HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 6
HPUPD5                         HP Universal Printing PCL 5
HPUPD6                         HP Universal Printing PCL 6
LexUPDv2                       Lexmark Universal v2
ZebSmallPO                     ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
LexUPDv2PS3                    Lexmark Universal v2 PS3
Zebra2.5x4                     ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
XeroxUPDPS                     Xerox Global Print Driver PS
XeroxUPDPCL6                   Xerox Global Print Driver PCL6
HPUPDPS7                       HP Universal Printing PS (v7.0.0)
ZT610-300DPI                   ZDesigner ZT610-300dpi ZPL
EpsonT88VI                     EPSON TM-T88VI Receipt5
HPUPDV7                        HP Universal Printing PCL 6 (v7.0.1)
Zebra4w                        ZDesigner ZM400 200 dpi (ZPL)
CANONUFRII                     Canon MF230 Series UFRII LT
Zebra4W300DPI                  ZDesigner ZT610-300dpi ZPL

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Destination Retrieves the records associated with a specific destination/printer (mutually exclusive with Queue)
Queue Retrieves the specific named record (mutually exclusive with Destination)
RetrieveNames By default, Get-OMEPR retrieves the records as they are stored in the eps_map file; with this switch, the values are cross-referenced, and the names in the graphical interface are retrieved and displayed.
PS C:\> Get-OMEPR -Destination Printer01 | format-Table -AutoSize
Server                    EPR             Queue       Driver      Tray    Duplex  Paper   RX  Media
------                    ---             -----       ------      ----    ------  -----   --  -----
servername.domain.local   Printer01       Printer01    LexUPDv2    !1              !1      n
servername.domain.local   Printer01-RX$   Printer01    LexUPDv2    !2              !1      n

PS C:\> Get-OMEPR -Destination Printer01 -RetrieveNames | format-Table -AutoSize
Server                    EPR             Queue       Driver      Tray    Duplex  Paper   RX  Media
------                    ---             -----       ------      ----    ------  -----   --  -----
servername.domain.local   Printer01       Printer01    LexUPDv2    Tray 1          Letter  n
servername.domain.local   Printer01-RX$   Printer01    LexUPDv2    Tray 2          Letter  n

PS C:\> Get-OMEPR -Queue Printer01-RX$ | format-Table -AutoSize
Server                    EPR             Queue       Driver      Tray    Duplex  Paper   RX  Media
------                    ---             -----       ------      ----    ------  -----   --  -----
servername.domain.local   Printer01-RX$   Printer01    LexUPDv2    !2              !1      n

PS C:\> Get-OMEPR -Queue Printer01-RX$ -RetrieveNames | format-Table -AutoSize
Server                    EPR             Queue       Driver      Tray    Duplex  Paper   RX  Media
------                    ---             -----       ------      ----    ------  -----   --  -----
servername.domain.local   Printer01-RX$   Printer01    LexUPDv2    Tray 2          Letter  n

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Retrieves the eps_map file from the system, and converts it to a series of PSCustomObjects There is no visible output produced from this command; the command returns a PSCustomObject consisting of:

    Preamble = <preamble text of the file>
    EPSMap   = <collection of pscustomobjects for each of the records>
    FilePath = The location of the file read in
PS C:\> $thisEPSMap = Get-OMEPSMap -FilePath $env:OMHOME\System\eps_map
PS C:\> $thisEPSMap.Preamble
#  File used by EPIC receive service to use proper configuration when mapping
#  Server:  The OMS server that handles jobs for this record
#  PrinterPath:  The name of the print queue from EPIC
#  Queue:  The name of the print queue on Server that the job should be spooled to
#  CType:  The conversion type that OM Plus should use for rendering the PDF
#          Options are...
#             postscript  (convert the file to postscript)
#             PDF (leave file as a PDF)
#             <PRINTER NAME>  (use a windows printer to convert the file)
#  Tray:   An ! followed by the number to use for the tray.
#  Duplex: If the job should be duplexed.  Anything but a 0 will duplex
#  Size:   An ! followed by the number to use for the paper size.
#  RX:     If 'y' this job will have the RX flag added.  Not valid if CType is postscript or PDF
#  Media:  An ! followed by the number to use for the media.

PS C:\> $thisEPSMap.EPSMap[0]
Server      : server.domain.local
Destination : PRINTERNAME
Driver      : DellOPDPCL5
Tray        : !260
Duplex      :
Paper       : !1
RX          : n
Media       :

PS C:\> $thisEPSMap.EPSMap[0].PSObject.Properties.Value -join '|'

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Retrieves the count of jobs in a given status; the statuses are returned in a hashtable format

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName Accepts 1 or more printer names from which to retrieve the configuration
Property Accepts a list of 1 or more property names to return in the PSCustomObject
active, can, cmplt, faild, faxed, fpend, held, intrd, malid, partl, prnt, proc, ready, sent, spool, susp, timed, Change Password, xfer, 2big, 2dumb
(There are 2 metadescriptors that can be used to get all of the status types: all and *)
PS C:\> help Get-OMJobCountByStatus -ShowWindow

PS C:\> Get-OMJobCountByStatus -Status all

Name                           Value
----                           -----
2dumb                          0
malid                          0
xfer                           0
susp                           0
cmplt                          0
partl                          0
spool                          0
proc                           0
prntd                          102
can                            0
fpend                          0
2big                           0
Change Password                0
intrd                          0
ready                          14
faild                          0
held                           0
sent                           0
faxed                          0
timed                          0
active                         0

PS C:\> Get-OMJobCountByStatus -Status prntd,ready
Name                           Value
----                           -----
ready                          17
prntd                          133

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Reads the configuration of a printer in OMPlus and returns the contents of the configuration file as a PSCustomObject. The default return includes the Printer, IPAddress, TCPPort, and LPRPort. The configuration automatically has the printer's name added to the return object as Printer

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName Accepts 1 or more printer names from which to retrieve the configuration
Property Accepts a list of 1 or more property names to return in the PSCustomObject
(There are 2 metadescriptors that can be used to get all of the properties:alland*)
    PS C:\> Get-OMPrinterConfiguration -PrinterName Printer01
    Printer   IPAddress    TCPPort LPRPort
    -------   ---------    ------- -------
    Printer01     9100    none

    PS C:\> Get-OMPrinterConfiguration -PrinterName Printer01 -Property all
    Printer          : Printer01
    Mode             : termserv
    IPAddress        :
    TCPPort          : 9100
    Stty             : none
    Filter           : dcctmserv
    User_Filter      : none
    Def_form         : stock
    Form             : stock
    Accept           : y
    Accepttime       : 001443446160
    Acceptreason     : New Printer
    Enable           : y
    Enabletime       : 001445452018
    Enablereason     : Unknown
    Metering         : 0
    Model            : omstandard.js
    Filebreak        : n
    Copybreak        : n
    Banner           : n
    Lf_crlf          : y
    Close_delay      : 10
    Writetime        : 5399
    Opentime         : 180
    Purgetime        : 100
    Draintime        : 5399
    Terminfo         : dumb
    Pcap             : none
    URL              :
    CMD1             : none
    Comments         : none
    Support          : none
    Xtable           : standard
    Notify_flag      : 0
    Notify_info      : none
    Two_way_protocol : none
    Two_way_address  : none
    Alt_dest         : none
    Sw_dest          : none
    Page_limit       : 0
    Data_types       : all
    FO               : n
    HD               : n
    PG               : y
    LG               : 0
    DC               : default
    CP               : y
    RT               : 30
    EM               : none
    PT               : none
    PD               : n

    PS C:\>Get-OMPrinterConfiguration -PrinterName Printer1, Printer2 -Property Mode, URL
    Printer                         Mode                        URL
    -------                         ----                        ---
    Printer1                        termserv          
    Printer2                        termserv          
    Printer3                        netprint                    none

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Gets and returns the list of printers in OMPlus

Parameter Name Description
Filter This is passed to Get-ChildItem as the -Filter parameter; this uses simple matching with * for multiple characters, and ? for a single character
PS C:\> Get-OMPrinterList

PS C:\> Get-OMPrinterList -Filter My*

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Retrieves the parameters from the types.conf file for Trays, Paper Sizes, and Media Types.

Parameter Description
DriverType This is the name of the driver type configured in the system. You can see the driver types by using Get-OMDriverNames
Display this is the display type of the data (Trays, Paper Sizes, or Media Types)
SortBy This determines if the display is sorted by the name, or the ID number of the reference
PS C:\> Get-OMTypeTable -DriverName DellMulti -Display Trays
TrayName                                               TrayID
--------                                               ------
Auto Select                                                15
Manual Tray                                               257
Tray 1                                                    259
Tray 2                                                    260
Tray 3                                                    261
Tray 4                                                    262
Tray 5                                                    263

PS C:\> Get-OMTypeTable -DriverName DellMulti -Display PaperSizes
PaperSizeName                                     PaperSizeID
-------------                                     -----------
A3                                                          8
A4                                                          9
A5                                                         11
B4 (JIS)                                                   12
B5 (JIS)                                                   13
B6 (JIS)                                                   88
11x17                                                      17
Executive                                                   7
Folio                                                      14
Legal                                                       5
Letter                                                      1
Oficio                                                    265
Statement                                                   6
Envelope B5                                                34
Envelope C4                                                30
Envelope C5                                                28
Envelope C6                                                31
Envelope #9                                                19
Envelope #10                                               20
Envelope DL                                                27
Envelope Monarch                                           37
Postcard                                                  257

PS C:\> Get-OMTypeTable -DriverName DellMulti -Display PaperSizes -SortBy ID
PaperSizeName                                     PaperSizeID
-------------                                     -----------
Letter                                                      1
Legal                                                       5
Statement                                                   6
Executive                                                   7
A3                                                          8
A4                                                          9
A5                                                         11
B4 (JIS)                                                   12
B5 (JIS)                                                   13
Folio                                                      14
11x17                                                      17
Envelope #9                                                19
Envelope #10                                               20
Envelope DL                                                27
Envelope C5                                                28
Envelope C4                                                30
Envelope C6                                                31
Envelope B5                                                34
Envelope Monarch                                           37
B6 (JIS)                                                   88
Postcard                                                  257
Oficio                                                    265

PS C:\> Get-OMTypeTable -DriverName DellMulti -Display MediaTypes -SortBy ID
MediaTypeName                                     MediaTypeID
-------------                                     -----------
Auto Select                                               256
Plain                                                     257
Recycled                                                  258
Bond                                                      259
Envelope                                                  260
Letterhead                                                261
Prgetprinted                                              262
Prepunched                                                263
Color                                                     264
Glossy                                                    265

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Reads in a CSV file of printers and feeds them into the New-OMPrinter function to create new OMPlus printers. The field names must match the parameters for New-OMPrinter

Parameter Name Description
FilePath The path to the CSV file to read in
Delimiter The character used to separate the fields, it defaults to a commma
PS C:\> New-OMBulkImport -FilePath c:\temp\omplusimport.csv -delimiter '|'

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This is an experimental function to generate multiple EPR's for a single destination. This is not ready for production use at this time.

Parameter Description
Destination The name of the printer/destination to generate records for
TrayCount The number of trays to add
DriverName The driver type of the printer. (See Get-OMDriverNames)
DuplexOption The duplex setting to use for the EPR
PaperSize The paper size to use for the EPR
MediaType What media type to use for the EPR
HasRXTray Determines if the last tray should be flagged as a prescription tray
Append Determines if the generated records should be appended to the eps_map file

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This creates a correctly formatted Epic Print Record for the eps_map file. Depending on the version of Powershell used (> 5), the parameter names will provide tab-completion assistance.

Parameter Name Description
Queue The name of the EPR Queue Name for the Record; there can be multiple Queues per Destination
Destination The printer/destination name in OMPlus
DriverName The name of the driver used in the system; this name is case-sensitive; this name comes from the Types list in the OMPlus Administration tool (See the Get-OMDriverNames function
TrayName This is the name of the tray to use. It must match the trays available in the types.conf.
DuplexOption This is the Duplex option setting in the Epic Print Record tool; it comes from the types.conf file; it can be None (which is blank), Simplex, Horizontal (Short Edge), or Vertical (Long Edge)
PaperSize This is the size of the paper; it also comes from the types.conf file
IsRx Sets the flag if the EPR is designated for prescriptions, it defaults to 'n'; which is unchecked in the Transform tool
MediaType Determines which media type the printer is using. It defaults to 'none'
Append This tells the function to end the EPR record to the end of the eps_map file and calls the Update-OMTransformServer function to notify the Transform servers of the change(s)
Force This is used as part of the Set-Content operation used to overwrite the existing eps_map and should generally not be necessary
UpdateTransform This triggers the Update-Transform command to trigger the normal OMPlus replication mechanism
AllowMixedCase By default, this function will force the Queue name to UPPER CASE to match Epic requirements. This switch causes the function to NOT force them to uppercase
OverRide This switch allows the script to generate an EPR even if the printer does not exist
PS C:\> $EPRSplat = @{
    EPRQueue        = 'PRINTER01'
    OMQueue         = 'PRINTER01'
    DriverName      = 'DellOPDPCL5'
    TrayName        = 'Tray 1'
    DuplexOption    = 'Horizontal'
    PaperSize       = 'Letter'
    IsRX            = 'n'
    MediaType       = 'Bond'
    Append          = $true
    UpdateTransform = $true
PS C:\> New-OMEPR @EPRSplat
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver01.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver01.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver02.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver02.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver03.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver03.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver04.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver04.hchd.local

PS C:\> $EPRSplat = @{
    EPRQueue        = 'Printer01-T2'
    OMQueue         = 'Printer01'
    DriverName      = 'DellOPDPCL5'
    TrayName        = 'Tray 2'
    DuplexOption    = 'Vertical'
    PaperSize       = 'Legal'
    IsRX            = 'y'
    MediaType       = 'Glossy'
    AllowMixedCase  = $true
PS C:\> New-OMEPR @EPRSplat

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This function creates a backup of the eps_map file. It automatically generates the name based on the date, and automatically keeps the number of backups to 10.

The function has no parameters, and only functions on the primary master print server

PS C:\> New-OMEPSMapBackup

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Creates a new OMPlus printer

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName The name of the printer to create
IPAddress The IP address of the printer; lpadmin.exe does not require an IP address depending on the printer type, but the vast majority of printers managed by OMPlus are on the network and do need IP Addresses. The script validates the number is in the range of 0-65535
TCPPort The TCP port used for the printer; it defaults to 9100
LPRPort The name of the LPD/LPR queue; if this is used the script will replace the TCPPort with the LPRPort queue name
Comment This supplies the comment (-ocmt) parameter;
HasInternalWebServer This sets the Has Internal Web Server flag for the printer; if CustomURL is not supplied, the script tests for a web page on port 80(http), and then on port 443(https) if 80 does not respond; (-ourl)
CustomURL This is used with the HasInternalWebServer to set the -ourl parameter, and must be used if the web page is not accessed by the IP address on a standard http(80) or https(443) port
ForceWebServer Used in combination with HasInternalWebServer to set the -ourl port without verifying that the URL responds (http, https, custom)
PurgeTime Overrides the default purge time from the system for the printer; this value is in seconds (-opurgetime)
PageLimit Overrides the default page limit from the system for the printer (-opagelimit)
Notes This supplies the the Notes field (-onoteinfo)
SupportNotes Supplies the Support Notes field (-osupport)
WriteTimeout Overrides the default timeout value for print jobs for this printer (-owritetimeout)
TranslationTable Overrides the default translation table for the system for this printer (-otrantrable)
DriverType Sets the correct driver type; this script was written for Powershell 4; the administrator needs to first get the correct driver types to set the list for [ValidateSet()]; however, future versions will automatically prepopulate this list with ArgumentCompleters (-oPT)
Mode Defaults to termserv; LPRPort is also supplied, this is changed to 'netprint' (-omode)
FormType Overrides the default form type for the printer (-oform)
PCAPPath Enables the PCAP capture for the printer, and sets the file path for the capture file (-oPcap)
UserFilterPath Sets a user defined filter script for print jobs (-ousrfilter); the file must exist on the system
Filter2 Sets a secondary user defined filter script for print jobs (-ofilter2); the file must exist on the system
Filter3 Sets a secondary user defined filter script for print jobs (-ofilter3); the file must exist on the system
CPSMetering Overrides the default characters per second metering for printer (-ometering)
Banner If used, and set to $true, then -obanner is used and banner pages are injected between print jobs, if set to $false, then -onobanner is used
DoNotValidate Sets the -z flag so that lpadmin does not try to verify the printer's existence
LFtoCRLF If used, and set to $true, then -olfc is used and LF characters are converted to CRLF characters, if set to $false, then -onolfc is used
CopyBreak If used, and set to $true, then -ocopybreak is used and page breaks are inserted between print jobs, and if set to $false -onocopybreak is used, and page breaks are removed from between print jobs
FileBreak If used, and set to $true, then -ofilebreak is used and page breaks are inserted between files submitted, and if set to $false, then -onofilebreak is used and page breaks between files are removed
InsertMissingFF If used, then if form feeds are missing between jobs, then they are inserted (-ofilesometimes)
IsTesting if used, displays the generated command line without actually creating the printer
IsFullTesting if used, displays all the supplied parameters, and then displays the generated command line
IsForEpic if used, it sanitizes the record to match Epic standards - letters are converted to upper case, and spaces are replaced with hypens
PS C:\> $PrintSplat = @{
            IsTesting             = $true
            PrinterName           = 'TestPrinter'
            IPAddress             = ''
            Port                  = 9100
            Comment               = 'Beaker'
            HasInternalWebServer  = $true
            ForceWebServer        = $true
            PurgeTime             = 45
            PageLimit             = 5
            Notes                 = 'Test Notes'
            SupportNotes          = 'Support Notes'
            WriteTimeout          = 60
            DriverType            = 'HPUPD5'
            Mode                  = 'termserv'
            FormType              = 'Letter'
            PCAPPath              = 'c:\temp\test.pcap'
            CPSMetering           = 5000
            Banner                = $true
            FileBreak             = $true
            CopyBreak             = $true
            DoNotValidate         = $true
            LFtoCRLF              = $true
            InsertMissingFF       = $true
PS C:\> New-OMPrinter @PrintSplat -IsTesting
C:\Plustech\OMPlus\Server\bin\lpadmin.exe -pTESTPRINTER -v10.0.4.112!9100 -omode="termserv" -opurgetime=45
-ourl="" -ometering=5000 -oPcap="c:\temp\test.pcap" -opagelimit=5 -onoteinfo="Test Notes" -z
-owritetime=60 -ocmnt="Beaker" -obanner -oform="Letter" -olfc -onocopybreak -osupport="Support Notes"
-omode="termserv" -ofilesometimes -onofilebreak -oPTHPUPD5

PS C:\> New-OMPrinter @PrintSplat -Verbose
Creating printer: TESTPRINTER



This is an experimental function used to clean up duplicated records in the eps_map file.

Parameter Description
FilePath Used to designate an eps_map file not in the default location`

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This creates a sample csv file that is appropriate to import into New-OMBulkImport

Parameter Name Description
FilePath The output path for the sample file
Delimiter A single character delimiter for the output file; it defaults to a comma (,)
PortType Defaults to TCPPort, the other option is LPRPort
IncludeComments This adds a series of comments for the optional Parameters giving explanations to those Parameters
OptionalParameter A list of the available optional Parameters to include in the output file;
HasInternalWebServer, Comment, PCAPpath, FileBreak, CustomURL, Notes, CPSMetering, Banner, ForceWebServer, SupportNotes, InsertMissingFF ,WriteTimeout, DriverType, UserFilterPath , FormType, TranslationTable, DoNotValidate, Filter2, LFtoCRLF, PageLimit, PurgeTime, Filter3,CopyBreak, Model, Mode, DoNotValidate, IsTesting, IsFullTesting, UseEpicFormat, AllowMixedCase
PS C:\> @SampleSplat = @{
       FilePath             = 'c:\temp\OmplusSample.csv'
       PortType             = 'TCPPort'
       OptionalParameter    = 'HasInternalWebServer','ForceWebServer','DriverType','DoNotValidate','Comment','IsTesting'
       IncludeComments      = $true
PS C:\> New-OMSampleBulkImportFile @SampleSplat

#Contents of the file
"Mandatory parameter; Name used to create the actual printer; spaces are not allowed","Mandatory parameter; IP address for the printer, or LPR/LPD print server","Mandatory parameter: The TCP port used for network communication, between 0 and 65535; the default is 9100","Optional parameter; Indicates that the printer has a built in web server; if a CustomURL is not supplied it will attempt to create a URL from http://<ipaddress> or https://<ipaddress> ","Optional parameter; Indicates that te default web server URL needs to be set even if neither http://<ipaddress> nor https://<ipaddress> respond ","Optional parameter; The DriverType for the printer; must be one of the supported ones from the system","Optional parameter; Tells lpadmin not to verify the printer before creating it (-z)","Optional parameter; Comment for the printer","Optional parameter; Causes the script to return the generated command line rather than execute it"

PS C:\> @SampleSplat = @{
       FilePath             = 'c:\temp\OmplusSample.csv'
       PortType             = 'TCPPort'
       OptionalParameter    = 'HasInternalWebServer','ForceWebServer','DriverType','DoNotValidate','Comment','IsTesting'
       IncludeComments      = $false

PS C:\> New-OMSampleBulkImportFile @SampleSplat

#Contents of the file

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This function scans the eps_map file and removes duplicate entries based on the EPR Queue name. The function also makes a backup copy of the eps_map file for safety.

Parameter Name Description
ShowDuplicateRecords This shows the duplicate records as they are found, and returns a table of the duplicate records found at the end. The original records are not returned. The temporary file created is then copied over the eps_map file and the Update-OMTransformServer function is called
PS C:\> Remove-OMDuplicateEPR -ShowDuplicateRecords -Verbose
VERBOSE:    Duplicate record for PRINTER01 found at line 35
VERBOSE:    Duplicate record for PRINTER02 found at line 85
Name            Value
----            -----
PRINTER01_35    omplusserver01.domain.local|PRINTER01|PRINTER01|XeroxUPDPCL6|!260||!1|n|
PRINTER02_85    omplusserver01.domain.local|PRINTER02|PRINTER02|XeroxUPDPCL6|!260||!1|n|

PS C:\> Remove-OMDuplicateEPR -ShowDuplicateRecords
Name            Value
----            -----
PRINTER01_35    omplusserver01.domain.local|PRINTER01|PRINTER01|XeroxUPDPCL6|!260||!1|n|
PRINTER02_85    omplusserver01.domain.local|PRINTER02|PRINTER02|XeroxUPDPCL6|!260||!1|n|

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This removes EPR Records from the eps_map file, and notifies the Transform servers of the record removal This is an especially risky function, and has multiple built in safety precautions. The first step it takes is to create a backup of the eps_map file, with a naming convention of: eps_map_datetime.bkp The datetime syntax used is yyMMdd_hhmmss; so the current name as of this writing would be eps_map_210322_111908.bkp

Parameter Name Description
MatchField The name of the field used to determine which records to select for deleting. It is predefined as EPR Record, Queue, EPS Base, Tray, Simplex/Duplex, Paper Size, RX, Media Type
MatchType This determines if the match should be a simple match or a regular expressions match; it defaults to simple
MatchPattern This is the text string to define the matching pattern used by the MatchType
ReallyDoIt This tells the function that you really do intend to make this change; this is one of the important safety switches
ThreshholdPercent By default, this is set to 1 (percent), if the function will remove more than this percentage of the records, it will error out and not perform the function; this is another critical safety switch to this function
OverrideThreshold This switch tells the function to ignore the ThreshholdPercent switch; this is a very dangerous switch, and must be used with extreme caution
PS C:\> $RemoveSplat = @{
    MatchField      = 'EPR Record'
    MatchType       = 'Simple'
    MatchPattern    = 'PRINTER-0*'
PS C:\> Remove-OMEPR @RemoveSplat -Verbose
The new eps_map will contain 6399 records; the old eps_map contains 6395 records
These records will be removed:
ReallyDoIt switch not specified, not updating the file

PS C:\> Remove-OMEPR @RemoveSplat -Verbose -ReallyDoIt
The new eps_map will contain 6399 records; the old eps_map contains 6395 records
These records will be removed:
WARNING: eps_map being updated

PS C:\> $RemoveSplat = @{
    MatchField      = 'EPR Record'
    MatchType       = 'Simple'
    MatchPattern    = '*PR*'
PS C:\> Remove-OMEPR @RemoveSplat -ReallyDoIt -Verbose
The new eps_map will contain 2390 records; the old eps_map contains 6395 records
These records will be removed:

This action will remove more than 1% of the records from eps_map


This uses lpadmin.exe to delete the given printers by name; when the printers are deleted the function throws up a warning to remind the administrator to remove the OMPlus EPR Record for the printer.

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName The list of printers to remove
PS C:\> Get-OMPrinterList -Filter Office1Prt_* | ForEach-Object { Remove-OMPrinter -PrinterName $_ }
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for Office1Prt_001
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for Office1Prt_002
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for Office1Prt_003
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for Office1Prt_004

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This function deletes print jobs that exists in the system. It has 4 modes of operation:

  1. By RID number: Deletes the job with the job number (uses dcccancel.exe)
  2. By Age: Deletes all print jobs older than the specified time in minutes (uses dccgrp.exe)
  3. By Printer: Resets the printer, thereby deleting the print jobs going to that printer (uses dccreset.exe)
  4. By Status: Cancels all jobs with the given status (uses dccgrp.exe)
Parameter Name Description
RIDNumber [by RID number] The RIDNumber(s) of the print jobs to delete
ImmediatePurge [by RID number] adds the flag to automatically purges the jobs
JobAgeInMinutes [by Job Age] Jobs older than this number of minutes in age are cancelled
PrinterName [by the printer] This printer is reset, cancelling the jobs on this printer and disabling the printer
ResetSNMP [by the printer] Adds the flag to reset the SNMP data
ResetLock [by the printer] Adds the flag to reset the lock data
ResetToInactive [by the printer] Adds the flag to reset the printer, and set it to disabled
ResetActive [by the printer] Adds the flag to reset the printer, and set it back to enabled
Status [by Job Status] The jobs with this status are cancelled
PS C:\> Remove-OMPrintJob -RIDNumber RID35332
PS C:\> Remove-OMPrintJob -JobAgeInMinutes 60
PS C:\> Remove-OMPrintJob -PrinterName Printer01
WARNING: Don't forget to re-enable this printer: Printer01
PS C:\> Remove-OMPrintJob -Status activ

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Similar to the Test Page functionality of the graphical user interface, this script will send the configuration file of the printer to that printer as a print job.

Parameter Description
PrinterName The list of printers to send test pages
ShowOutput Returns the output of stdout that is generated by lpadmin.exe
PS C:\Windows\system32> Send-OMTestPage -PrinterName Printer01

PS C:\Windows\system32> Send-OMTestPage -PrinterName printer01 -ShowOutput
Processing files...
LPPNT5057I-dcclp: Queueing configuration from server01!username to PRINTER01 as RID99999/server0116826956612522_server0199999; simple, 1 pages

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Temporarily removed

When a printer is removed from the primary MPS server, the secondary server does not remove that same printer. Each MPS server maintains its own licensing, so this can result in the secondary server exceeding its license. This function will remove the printers that have not been removed from the secondary MPS server. It has 3 modes of operation.

  1. ByDir = The function directly compares the list of printer directories from the OMPlus installations to generate the list of printers to remove; this is the default mode of operation
  2. ByFile = The function takes in 2 lists of printers, and uses that to generate the list of printers to remove
  3. ByList = The function takes the list of printers from the primary MPS server, the list of printers from the secondary server, and generates the list of printers to remove
Parameter Name Description
PrimaryPrinterFile [byFile] The file containing the list of printers from the primary MPS server
SecondaryPrinterFile [byFile] The file containing the list of printers from the secondary MPS server
PrimaryMPSPrinterDirectory [byDir] The directory containing the printers from the primary MPS server; it uses the environment variables set by the module to locate the printers by default
SecondaryMPSPrinterDirectory [byDir] The directory containing the printers from the secondary MPS server; it uses the environment variables set by the module to locate the printers by default
PrimaryList [byList] The list of printers from the primary MPS server
SecondaryList [byList] The list of printers from the secondary MPS server
PS C:\> Remove-OMSecondaryMPSPrinters -SecondaryMPSIsTransform -WhatIf -Verbose
$SecondaryMPSIsTransform switch is present, not deleting transform printers
Removing this printer list from mpsserver02

PS C:\> Remove-OMSecondaryMPSPrinters -Verbose
$SecondaryMPSIsTransform switch is not present, any pt_transform printers will be deleted along with the rest
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for MyPrinter05
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for MyPrinter06
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for pt_transform_01
WARNING: Do not forget to Remove the EPR Record for pt_transform_01



This function modifies an existing OMPlus printer. IPAddress, TCPPort, and LPRPort are automatically retrieved from the existing printer.

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName The name of the printer to create
Comment This supplies the comment (-ocmt) parameter;
HasInternalWebServer This sets the Has Internal Web Server flag for the printer; if CustomURL is not supplied, the script tests for a web page on port 80(http), and then on port 443(https) if 80 does not respond; (-ourl)
CustomURL This is used with the HasInternalWebServer to set the -ourl parameter, and must be used if the web page is not accessed by the IP address on a standard http(80) or https(443) port
ForceWebServer Used in combination with HasInternalWebServer to set the -ourl port without verifying that the URL responds (http, https, custom)
PurgeTime Overrides the default purge time from the system for the printer; this value is in seconds (-opurgetime)
PageLimit Overrides the default page limit from the system for the printer (-opagelimit)
Notes This supplies the the Notes field (-onoteinfo)
SupportNotes Supplies the Support Notes field (-osupport)
WriteTimeout Overrides the default timeout value for print jobs for this printer (-owritetimeout)
TranslationTable Overrides the default translation table for the system for this printer (-otrantrable)
DriverType Sets the correct driver type
FormType Overrides the default form type for the printer (-oform)
PCAPPath Enables the PCAP capture for the printer, and sets the file path for the capture file (-oPcap)
UserFilterPath Sets a user defined filter script for print jobs (-ousrfilter); the file must exist on the system
Filter2 Sets a secondary user defined filter script for print jobs (-ofilter2); the file must exist on the system
Filter3 Sets a secondary user defined filter script for print jobs (-ofilter3); the file must exist on the system
CPSMetering Overrides the default characters per second metering for printer (-ometering)
Banner If used, and set to $true, then -obanner is used and banner pages are injected between print jobs, if set to $false, then -onobanner is used
DoNotValidate Sets the -z flag so that lpadmin does not try to verify the printer's existence
LFtoCRLF If used, and set to $true, then -olfc is used and LF characters are converted to CRLF characters, if set to $false, then -onolfc is used
CopyBreak If used, and set to $true, then -ocopybreak is used and page breaks are inserted between print jobs, and if set to $false -onocopybreak is used, and page breaks are removed from between print jobs
FileBreak If used, and set to $true, then -ofilebreak is used and page breaks are inserted between files submitted, and if set to $false, then -onofilebreak is used and page breaks between files are removed
InsertMissingFF If used, then if form feeds are missing between jobs, then they are inserted (-ofilesometimes)
IsTesting if used, displays the generated command line without actually creating the printer
IsFullTesting if used, displays all the supplied parameters, and then displays the generated command line
IsForEpic if used, it sanitizes the record to match Epic standards - letters are converted to upper case, and spaces are replaced with hypens
PS C:\> $PrintSplat = @{
    IsTesting     = $true
    PrinterName   = 'TestPrinter'
    Notes         = 'Test Notes; We added a update here'
PS C:\> Set-OMPrinterConfiguration @PrintSplat
D:\OMPlus\Server\bin\lpadmin.exe -pTESTPRINTER -v10.0.4.112!9100 -onoteinfo="Test Notes; We added an update here"

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This sets a printer to send any incoming jobs to another printer instead. This is used when a printer is physically disabled, and the users need the print jobs to come out on another printer.

Parameter Description
PrinterName The name of the printer to redirect
AltPrinter The name of the printer where the jobs should be sent
Reset Disable the printer redirection
PrintDebugInfo Test switch to dump out debugging data for OMPlus
ReallyDoIt This function is considered relatively dangerous, and without this switch the redirection or reset will not be performed
PS C:\> Set-OMPrinterAltDestination -PrinterName Printer01 -AltPrinter Printer02

PS C:\> Set-OMPrinterRedirection -PrinterName Printer01 -Reset

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Temporarily Removed

This function uses dmdestsync.exe to either push a printer from the primary MPS server, or pull it from the secondary (depending on where it is run from).

Parameter Name Description
PrinterName The specific printer(s) to pull/push; if it is set to 'All', it will sync all of the printers. With All printers, it is a slow process.
ShowProgress This will display a progress bar showing the printers as they are synchronized.
PS C:\Sync-OMSecondaryPrinters -PrinterName Printer01, Printer02

PS C:\Sync-OMSecondaryPrinters -PrinterName All
The PrinterName list contains "All", this will take some time

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This is a generic function to test the reponsiveness of a remote machine on a specific TCP port.

Parameter Name Description
ComputerName The resolvable name or ip address to test
TCPPort The TCP port to test; it is defaulted to TCP/9100; other typical ports to test are 515 for LPR/LPD, 80/443 for web pages etc.
TimeOutinMilliseconds The timeout that the script will wait for, before giving up and returning $false. It is defaulted to 3000 (3 seconds).
PS C:\> Test-Port -ComputerName -TCPPort 9100
PS C:\> Test-Port -ComputerName -TCPPort 515
PS C:\> Test-Port -ComputerName -TCPPort 80
PS C:\> Test-Port -ComputerName -TCPPort 443

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Parameter Description
Destination The name of the printer/destination to modify records for; this can target multiple records (queues) at once
DriverName The new drivername to apply to the EPR
DuplexOption The new duplex setting to apply to the EPR
IsRX The new RX setting for the EPR
MediaType The new media type to apply to the EPR
PaperSize The new paper size to apply to the EPR
Queue The specific EPR to update
TrayName The new tray to apply to the EPR

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This function triggers the automatic update of the eps_map and other files from the primary MPS server to the secondary MPS server. It happens automatically when the Save button in the EPR Records dialog is clicked. If the eps_map file is updated, and this function is not called, the Transform Servers are not aware of the new printers and updated EPR Records. It reads the sendHosts file and uses pingmessage.exe against the hosts in that file.

There are no parameters for this function

PS C:\> Update-OMTransformServer
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver01.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver01.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver02.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver02.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver03.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver03.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Using pingmsg to update host: transformserver04.hchd.local
VERBOSE: Triggering update for transformserver04.hchd.local

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Known Bugs



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