figield / quizvote_backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Manual installation

Make a new virtualenv for the project, and run::

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you'll need Redis running locally; the settings are configured to
point to ``localhost``, port ``6379``, but you can change this in the
``CHANNEL_LAYERS`` setting in ````.

Finally, run::

    python migrate
    python runserver

Docker installation

Run the app::

    docker-compose up  ( -d if you want to detached)

The app will now be running on: {your-docker-ip}:8000

**Note:** You will need to prefix any ``python`` commands with: ``docker-compose run --rm web``.
 e.g.: ``docker-compose run --rm web python createsuperuser``

Finally, run::

    docker-compose run --rm web python migrate


Make yourself a superuser account::

    python createsuperuser

Then, log into http://localhost:8000/admin/ and make a couple of Room objects.
Be sure to make one that is set to "staff-only",

Finally, make a second user account in the admin that doesn't have staff
privileges. You'll use this to log into the chat in a second window, and to test
the authentication on that staff-only room.

Now, open a second window in another browser or in "incognito" mode - you'll be
logging in to the same site with two user accounts. Navigate to
http://localhost:8000 in both browsers and open the same chatroom.

Now, you can type messages and see them appear on both screens at once. You can
join other rooms and try there, and see how you receive messages from all rooms
you've currently joined.

If you try and make the non-staff user join your staff-only chatroom, you should
see an error as the server-side authentication code kicks in.

How It Works

There's a normal Django view that just serves a HTML page behind the normal
``@login_required`` decorator, and that is basically a single-page app with
all the JS loaded into the ``index.html`` file (as this is an example).

There's a single consumer, which you can see routed to in ``project/``,
which is wrapped in the Channels authentication ASGI middleware so it can check
that your user is logged in and retrieve it to check access as you ask to join

Which rooms you are in is kept track of in ``self.rooms`` on the consumer
so they can be left cleanly if you disconnect.

Whenever the client asks to join a room, leave a room, or send a message,
it sends a WebSocket text frame with a JSON encoded command. We use a generic
consumer to handle decoding that JSON for us, and then dispatch to one of three
handler functions based on what the command is.

All rooms have an associated group, and for joins, leaves and messages, an
event is sent over the channel layer to that group. The consumers who are in
the group will receive those messages, and the consumer also has handler
functions for those (e.g. ``chat_join``), which it uses to encode the events
down into the WebSocket wire format before sending them to the client.



Language:Python 77.7%Language:HTML 17.0%Language:CSS 5.3%