fieldju / cerberus-cli

A CLI for the Cerberus API.

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A CLI for the Cerberus API.

Build codecov

Table of Contents

  1. Installing
    1. Mac
    2. Linux
  2. Commands
    1. Help
    2. Version
    3. Secret
    4. File
    5. SDB
    6. Admin
    7. Logout
  3. Authentication
  4. Configuration
    1. Bash Completion



We recommend installing cerberus via Homebrew.


  1. Install Homebrew

  2. Add this tap to Homebrew:

     $ brew tap nike-inc/nike
  3. Install cerberus:

    • If you use bash and would like bash completion:

       $ brew install bash-completion
       $ brew install cerberus-cli --with-completion

      Make sure to follow the caveat displayed after installing bash-completion by adding this line to your ~/.bash_profile:

       [[ -r "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/" ]] && . "/usr/local/etc/profile.d/"
    • If you don't use bash or would not like bash completion:

       $ brew install cerberus-cli
  4. Upgrade cerberus if needed with:

     $ brew upgrade cerberus-cli


     $ brew upgrade cerberus-cli --with-completion

Without Homebrew

  1. Download a darwin-amd64 library.

  2. Give the library executable permissions.


     $ chmod +x ~/Downloads/cerberus-cli-darwin-amd64
  3. Create a softlink with the downloaded library and a location on your PATH, appending the location with cerberus.


     $ ln -s ~/Downloads/cerberus-cli-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/cerberus
  4. Verify that the cerberus command is installed to your path by trying $ cerberus help.

  5. (Optional) Add a few lines to your bash_profile to set any environment variables used by cerberus.


     export CERBERUS_REGION=us-west-2
     export CERBERUS_URL=
     export CERBERUS_EDITOR=code


You can install the lib with our install script (requires jq and curl)

curl -s | sudo sh

Alternatively you can always go to the latest release page and download the linux release and install manually.

Docker example

FROM alpine:latest

RUN apk --no-cache add curl jq
RUN curl -s | sh


A list of all commands can be viewed by using the help flags from the root command:

$ cerberus -h or $ cerberus --help

More details on each individual command can also be displayed by using the same flags:

Example: $ cerberus secret -h or $ cerberus secret --help


Outputs a help screen that displays all possible commands and flags

$ cerberus help


Outputs the current version of the project

$ cerberus version


Displays all possible commands that can be performed on secrets

$ cerberus secret

  • Read

    Given a complete secure data path, output JSON format of secret to terminal, which can be easily piped into other tools like jq.

    Example: $ cerberus secret read app/mysdb/mysecret might output

        "foo": "bar",
        "asdf": "1234"

    and $ cerberus secret read app/mysdb/mysecret | jq -r ".foo" would output bar.

  • Write

    Supply a complete secure data path, along with entries in the format of KEY=VALUE using the -e, --entry flag, to write secrets. The secure data path can already exist in an SDB, or can be a completely new path. If an entry's key already exists in the path, it will be overwritten with this command. A success/failure message will be displayed in the terminal.

    Example: $ cerberus secret write app/mysdb/mysecret -e username=foo -e password=bar

  • Delete

    Given a complete secure data path, delete the corresponding secret if it exists.

    Example: $ cerberus secret delete app/mysdb/mysecret

  • Edit

    Given a complete secure data path, temporarily download a secret if it exists, open preferred editor, and upload edits to the same secure data path. Preferred editor can be set using the CERBERUS_EDITOR environment variable or with -e, --editor flags.

    When a secret is downloaded, the editor will open a .yamlfile with the key value pairs of the secret. Make any necessary edits using yaml formatting. If any errors occur while parsing the edited secret or uploading to Cerberus, you will be prompted to open the temporary file again to fix the issue and try uploading again.

    Example: $ cerberus secret edit app/mysdb/mysecret -e atom

    If a path is given that does not already exist in Cerberus, you will be prompted instead to create a new secret at that secure data path.


Displays all possible commands that can be performed on files

$ cerberus file

  • Read

    Outputs content of a file to terminal, provided a complete secure file path.

    Example: $ cerberus file read app/mysdb/myfile.txt

  • Download

    Downloads a specific file, provided a complete secure file path. Default download directory is the working directory, or supply a complete local filepath to download to with -o, --output flags.

    Example: $ cerberus file download app/mysdb/myfile.txt --output ~/Downloads/myfile.txt

  • Edit

    Temporarily download a file, open preferred editor, and upload edits to same secure file path. Preferred editor can be set using the CERBERUS_EDITOR environment variable, or with -e, --editor flags.

    Example: $ cerberus file edit app/mysdb/myfile.txt -e atom will open the file in Atom and upload edits after the file has been saved and closed.

  • Upload

    Upload a local file to a specified complete secure file path. If the secure file path already exists in Cerberus, then the new file will replace the existing one. Otherwise, the local file will be simply uploaded to the secure file path. This command takes two required arguments in this order: destination secure file path, and local path to source file. A success/failure message will be displayed in the terminal.

    Example: $ cerberus file upload app/mysdb/myfile.txt ~/Desktop/myfile.txt

  • Delete

    Delete a specific file, provided a complete secure file path. A success/failure message will be displayed in the terminal.

    Example: $ cerberus file delete app/mysdb/myfile.txt


Displays all possible commands that can be performed on SDBs

$ cerberus sdb

  • Create

    Create a new SDB. The following flags must be specified: -n, --name, -o, --owner, and -c, --category. Additional flags (-d, --description, -g, --usergroup, and -i, --iam) may also be used.

    Use the -g/-i flags for each user group permission or IAM Principal permission to add, in the required format of <NAME>,<ROLE>. ROLE can be read, write, or owner. A success/failure message will be displayed in the terminal.

    Example: $ cerberus sdb create -n mysdb -o Lst.MyTeam -c app

    Example: $ cerberus sdb create -n mysdb -o Lst.MyTeam -c app -d "SDB for my app" -g Lst.MyTeam,read -i arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/EXAMPLE.SSO.PowerRole,write

  • Delete

    Delete an existing SDB. Supply the path of the SDB to delete. A success/failure message will be displayed in the terminal.

    Example: $ cerberus sdb delete app/mysdb


Displays all possible commands that can be performed as an admin

$ cerberus admin

  • Override SDB Owner

    Override the owner of an existing SDB to a new owner. The following flags must be specified: the name of the sdb with -s, --sdb and the name of the new owner with -o, --owner. Current metadata of the SDB will be displayed, as a well as a prompt confirming the change in ownership.

    Example: $ cerberus admin override-owner -s mysdb -o Lst.MyTeam


Removes any existing authentication tokens from the keyring.

$ cerberus logout


Basic AWS Authentication

The Cerberus CLI uses the AWS Default Provider Chain to provider AWS Authentication. The default provider chain looks for credentials in the following order:

  1. Environment variables.
  2. Shared credentials file.
  3. If your application uses an ECS task definition or RunTask API operation, IAM role for tasks.
  4. If your application is running on an Amazon EC2 instance, IAM role for Amazon EC2.

For more information, click here

Using non-default AWS profile

To use a non-default role, set in the shell environment AWS_PROFILE and the client will use the profile creds that are set in that variable.

So for example, if you have a [foo] , a [bar], and a [default] profile, and if you want to use the bar profile to authenticate with the CLI, run export AWS_PROFILE=bar and the CLI will use the bar profile through the default provider chain.

Authenticating with the Cerberus CLI

  1. Set the CERBERUS_REGION environment variable, or use the -r, --region flags.
  2. Set the CERBERUS_URL environment variable, or use the -u, --url flags.

Example: $ cerberus -r us-west-2 -u


cerberus uses a keyring to store authentication tokens after an authentication attempt is successful. After an initial successful authentication, the corresponding token will be used for authentication until the token's validity expires. This keyring is supported by Linux (dbus), OS X, and Windows. If you want to remove any stored tokens, use the logout command.


In addition to setting CERBERUS_URL and CERBERUS_REGION environment variables for authentication, you can set your preferred editor with the CERBERUS_EDITOR environment variable for use with the file edit and secret edit commands. Some good editors to use are atom, subl, and code, provided these shell commands are installed.

Bash Completion

If you use a bash shell, adding bash completion to the cerberus command can be done by downloading the script, and adding the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:

Example: source ~/Downloads/

Note: the cerberus command must be installed for bash completion to work.

Update Releases

Installation of cerberus is set up through Homebrew. When updating the cerberus version, you also need to update it in the Nike Homebrew Tap.


A CLI for the Cerberus API.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 92.0%Language:Shell 8.0%