fiducioso-karthikayan / vega5-test

Check vega5 compatibility in synchronous chart rendering

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This stub is used for experimenting the possibility of vega chart view to return svg synchronously.


To check for the possibility of synchronous chart rendering in vega 5


We want the chart to be returned instantly rather than resolving promise in order to append it to html with help of parchment. But currently vega provides promises as a way of rendering in server side.


npm install
npm test


  • try using wait.for package. It helps in converting callbacks to synchronous and hence Promise from view.toSVG() to be converted to callback before using wait.for.
  • make use of util.callbackify to convert promise or asyn functions to callbacks


Check vega5 compatibility in synchronous chart rendering


Language:JavaScript 100.0%