fhvilshoj / LaTeX_handin_template

A simple template with som basic LaTeX stuff for inspiration for others.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a simple handin template

It has a basic setup and gives a handfull of examples on how to include graphics, create tables, reference figures and tables, and provides a list of greek letters. The content should be pretty self explaining.

I compile it with pdflatex:

pdflatex main.tex


The structure of the project is presented bellow. The main file is the main.tex file which includes the preamble, and contains the content of the handin.

├── .gitignore              # File that excludes build files etc.
├── included-section.tex    # Tex file to show that imports is possible
├── main.pdf                # The PDF output file
├── main.tex                # The main Tex file
├── preamble.tex            # The file with all the borring setup stuff
├── README.md               # The file containg this description
└── graphics                # Folder for all the graphics
    ├── cat1.jpg
    ├── cat2.jpg
    └── illustrations.pdf   # PDF with graphics made in Ipe


Personally I am very fund of Ipe which is a drawing tool that goes very well with LaTeX. Therefor I have made a directory called graphics containing a file called illustrations.pdf which can be opened by the Ipen program and modified to ones needs. Along with that comes a macro called illustrate which takes two arguments a page and a width. The page specifies the page in the illustrations.pdf file to include and the width is how much of the text width to take up (0.6 gives 60% of the page)

The following command loads the first page of the illustrations.pdf file centered with a width of 60% of the textwidth.


This command could be included in a figure:

	\caption{The caption of the figure}

Fast clone

On Unix based systems one can add the following line to the '~/.bashrc' file to be able to quickly make a new directory containing this template:

function htemplate() { git clone https://github.com/fhvilshoj/LaTeX_handin_template.git $@ ;}

Then to make a folder in the current location simply run the command:

htemplate [foldername]

Where [foldername] is the folder to place the handin in. It could for instance be handin1:

htemplate handin1


Please feel free to contribute if anything is missing or anything could be done better.


A simple template with som basic LaTeX stuff for inspiration for others.


Language:TeX 100.0%