fgregg / CrimeScape


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Initial setup

You'll need Ruby, Sinatra and Redis installed. If you use Homebrew, follow these commands to install everything you need.

brew install redis
gem install bundler rerun
bundle install

Then run the data loading tool to populate Redis.

rake load_data

Running locally

You'll need to fire up Redis as well as the Rack server. Use these two two commands in separate terminals:

make server

Running on Heroku

Once you commit changes to the master branch, push them to Heroku by typing:

git push heroku master

The load_data tool is scheduled to run hourly. If the server ever needs to be rebuilt, and you want to run the script manually, just type this:

heroku run rake load_data

Here are some other tools that may come in handy when developing on Heroku:

heroku logs
heroku restart
heroku ps:stop
heroku redis:cli

Development assumptions

  • The CSV will never change — no columns will get added or removed or moved around.
  • Rows will always be in chronological order.
  • The tract path points are LongLat, not LatLong.
  • The center point is LatLong.

API endpoints

There are two JSON endpoints.

This returns city-wide data for a given hour. It's used on the homepage. The 0 can be replaced with any number from 0-72.

This returns all data for a given tract, for use on the tract pages. The 10100 can be replaced with the five- or six-digit ID for a tract.

Understanding the code

JavaScript libraries

The site relies on the following libraries to run:

All of these are served from CDNs except Highcharts-ng and date.format.js. Those two, along with all the custom scripts in scripts.js, are concatenated into a single file called scripts-min.js. This happens automatically on my end with a desktop app called CodeKit. You'll need to run that or something similar, or just edit scripts-min.js directly and remove the original three files that compose it.


All the Ruby code for the Sinatra app is in crimescape.rb.

The load_data function handles the import function. First it calls load_tracts, which loads all the tract data, and stores it with a key based on the tract number and hour index. Then it calls load_weather, which imports all the data that only changes per hour, not per tract. (This includes weather data as well as accuracy rates.) Then it calls load_chicago_tracts_meta which loads all the tract-specific data, like tract shape and center.

The two API endpoints are defined under the # Hour and # Tract headings. They accept a single argument (hour or tract ID) and lookup all the relevant data.

Source files

To change the URLs of the CSVs that the app uses to gather data, simply change the values of WEATHER_CSV and TRACTS_CSV in crimescape.rb.


To change the tooltip on the homepage map, edit the getTooltip function in scripts.js (and/or scripts-min.js — see above).


All the configuration data for the tract page charts are stored in the chartConfig object. The Highcharts API docs are very thorough; if you want to edit the charts, I recommend referencing those docs to understand what you need to change.

Keep in mind that this object deviates slightly from a standard config object due to how it's being used by highcharts-ng, specifically within the options key of that object. Reference the docs for highcharts-ng for more info.


The CSS is written in SCSS and precompiled into CSS on the desktop end before committing. You'll need to run a preprocessor like CodeKit or Prepros in order to make further CSS edits. There is a bit of logic and efficiency built into the SCSS so I highly recommend against editing the CSS file directly.

Static files

All images, CSS, and JS are served from the /public directory. The get '/' do line in crimescape.rb allows static files to be served this way.




Language:CSS 42.5%Language:JavaScript 26.4%Language:HTML 24.0%Language:Ruby 7.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%