fgolemo / cube-stacking

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Cube-Staccing environment

demo image of cube stacking env


Make sure you got Python 3.6+ installed. This may or may not work with older Pythons.

Git-clone this

git clone https://github.com/fgolemo/cube-stacking.git

cd into that directory

cd cube-stacking

and install away

pip install -e .


Low-level access: CubeStacking class

You can start a simulation, either with debugger attached (slow) or without ("headless"):

from cube_stacking.sim import CubeStacking

sim = CubeStacking(headless=False)

And then you can add blocks to your heart's content:

for i in range(15):
  sim.place_cube([0, 0])

...where [0, 0] corresponds to the X and Y coordinate of the block and the default arena size is 8x8 (can be changed in the constructor of the CubeStacking class) and the default block size is 1x1.

To get an image, call the render function with optional segmentation map:

img, segmap = sim.render(segmap=True)

To check if the block tower has fallen from the last cube:

tower_fell = sim.last_cube_fell(steps=50)

...were steps=50 is the number of simulation steps that should be carried out to verify.

High level access (gym environments):


  • {randomness} with either NonRandom, Uniform01, Uniform05, or Normal05 to make cubes placement either non-random or random in a given radius
  • {headlessness} with either Graphical for an easy way to debug the environment or Headless to allow for faster runtime

Single-Player (against heuristic):


  • Cubestacc-SinglePlayer-Heuristic-ArenaFour-{randomness}-{headlessness}-v0 for a 4x4 arena in which the action space 2x[-1,1] corresponds to the [-4,4]x[-4,4] arena and placement is absolut with respect to the arena
  • Cubestacc-SinglePlayer-Heuristic-RelativeAct-{randomness}-{headlessness}-v0 for a 4x4 arena in which the action space 2x[-1,1] corresponds to the placement with respect to the reference block that is placed at the beginning of each episode

Two-Player (against other policies in a directory):

  • Cubestacc-TwoPlayer-Full-{randomness}-PPO-{headlessness}-v2 for playing against other policies that are stored in cube_stacking/self_play_policies (the algorithm will occasionally check if there are new policies in that directory) with an absolute action space 2x[-1,1]

(There are also other environments with weighted blocks, with background textures, and with other maximum-heights that I don't have time to write up right now. If you want to learn more about them, check out the code in cube_stacking/envs/ or drop a Github issue with your question.)

How to train the 2-player policies:

Use my modifies PPO:


Here's an example set of hyperparameters that works for me to train self-play policies (each policy learns to play against 20 random past policies of itself):

IMPORTANT: The current CubeStacc implementation is not thread-safe, i.e. you can NOT run multiple instances at the same time in threads. However, running multiple processes or running a single instance in multiple shells is fine.

python main.py 
    --custom-gym 'gibson_transfer' 
    --env-name 'Gibson-TwoPlayer-Full-NonRandom-PPO-Headless-v2' 
    --algo ppo 
    --log-interval 1 
    --num-steps 2048 
    --num-processes 1 
    --lr 3e-4 
    --entropy-coef 0 
    --value-loss-coef 0.5 
    --ppo-epoch 10 
    --num-mini-batch 32 
    --gamma 0.99 
    --gae-lambda 0.95 
    --frame-stacc 1 
    --num-env-steps 3000000 
    --save-interval 10 
    --seed 1234



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