ffomenko / chatterbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

== Getting Started

0. Application is deployed to Heroku: http://falling-snow-9458.herokuapp.com/
1. I recommend to use RVM to run specs and integration tests for this application:
* Create gemset chatterbox
* Run bundle install
2. To run specs use rake spec
3. To run cucumber tests (located in features folder) use rake cucumber
4. Two features were added:
* Ability to attach image to a post (using paperclip gem)
* Ability to see posts being added without refreshing page (using WebSocket technology, works in Chrome 5 and above,
Safari 5, uses Flash plugin for Firefox)
5. WebSocket integration test assumes Firefox with Flash plugin is installed



Language:Ruby 84.4%Language:JavaScript 15.6%