_buildDocument.jsx makes a doc with a page and a paragraph
08_fontify.jsx gives all the characters of a page random fonts
makeSelectionFonty.jsx give the selection a random font
addToPage this is still nothing. coing soon
docToIDML.jsx this is basic needs a book with docs
docsOfBook_ToIDML.jsx this makes a book with docs and exports them to idml. It also handles Folder
buildBookWithDocs.jsx this makes just a book with some docs
facingPages.jsx sets the active doc to facing pages false
greatPower.jsx with great power comes great responsability
includeRandomQuote this set makes random quotes
lockScriptLabeldTextFrame.jsx select by label needs doc with textframes and label
quickAdjustTXTFrame.jsx the bully for textframes pushes them around
replaceCharStyle.jsx loop thru paragraphs and find charstyles
replaceParagraphStyle.jsx loop thru paragraphs and replace parstyles
splitTextFrame.jsx this is some of Peter Kahrels code
textFramesFromParagraph.jsx this makes a new textframe from selected paragraphs in a textframe
workingWithColors.jsx found at indisnippets makes colors very nice