feymanpriv / ROxford-baseline

Personal baselines for the ROxford5k dataset without complex post process

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project tries to build a personal benchamrk for deep local features on roxford dataset(http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/revisitop)


method feature mAP (best) evalute code
Delf ASMK+SP 67.8% ---
AffNet hardnet 71.67% local match
LFNet pure --- local match
D2-Net pure 73.03% local match
R2D2 pure --- local match
ASLFeat pure 78.34% local match
  • AffNet used qe and base map is 68.7%
  • LFNet got a low mAP on this dataset
  • D2Net -10k points, just flann
  • ASLFeat -8k points, used ratio test



Personal baselines for the ROxford5k dataset without complex post process