feudalnate / Original-Xbox-LIVE-Account

Functions for signing/verifying original Xbox LIVE account data. Also a tool to read/write accounts from/to files, FATX backup images, or FATX formatted devices. Reversed from XOnline and kernel API's

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'll start off by saying that although you can use this information to create Xbox LIVE accounts for the original Xbox that are considered valid, you cannot sign-in to the Xbox LIVE service. The service was taken offline April 15th, 2010. However, there are some games that require you to have a Xbox LIVE account to play them, even if you cannot sign-in (such as Phantasy Star Online). You cannot use a valid Xbox LIVE account created for the original Xbox on the Xbox 360 or the Xbox One.

This project was something I had an interest in simply because it was one of the few things left on the original Xbox that had not been reverse engineered yet, content-wise at least.

Where the account data is stored

Account data is stored in the first 1-2 sectors on a harddrive or memory card, within the FATX header. 1 sector for memory cards and up to 2 sectors for harddrives. This is because the XOnline API has a hardcoded limit for how many accounts it will read/write to a specific device type. A memory card is capable of storing just as many as a harddrive but is intentionally limited. If you were to store 2 accounts on a memory card, the XOnline API would only recognize the first account. Below is how the account data is stored on devices

FATX Header

Name Offset Length Type Comment
Magic 0x0 0x4 uint32 Magic value to identify the device volume type. 4 ASCII characters "FATX" or 0x58544146 uint32
Volume ID 0x4 0x4 uint32 Unique identifier for the volume. This is a randomly generated value and is used to differentiate between the potentially various mounted volumes on the Xbox
Cluster Size 0x8 0x4 uint32 Cluster size in 0x200 byte sectors (Cluster Size = 0x200 x value). This value is unused, cluster size is hardcoded as 32 sectors on harddrives (0x200 x 32 = 0x4000) and 16 sectors on memory cards (0x200 x 16 = 0x2000). Value is always 4
Number of active FAT's 0xC 0x4 uint32 Number of File Allocation Tables in use. Value is always 1
Volume Name 0x10 0x40 w_char[] Friendly name of the device shown in the dashboard. 31 unicode characters + 1 null terminator
Xbox LIVE Account 0 0x50 0x6C byte[] 1st account slot (only account slot on memory cards)
Xbox LIVE Account 1 0xBC 0x6C byte[] 2nd account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 2 0x128 0x6C byte[] 3rd account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 3 0x194 0x6C byte[] 4th account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 4 0x200 0x6C byte[] 5th account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 5 0x26C 0x6C byte[] 6th account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 6 0x2D8 0x6C byte[] 7th account slot (harddrive only)
Xbox LIVE Account 7 0x344 0x6C byte[] 8th account slot (harddrive only)

Memory cards can store a maximum of 1 account and harddrives can store a maximum of 8 accounts

How account data is signed and validated

Account data is signed/validated with a combination of HMAC-SHA-1 hashing and TripleDES encryption. Both the hashing and encryption algorithms use hardcoded keys, these keys are stored in the code itself (hense hardcoded) rather than the EEPROM where most people would assume them to be (the XOnline API supports signing using the XboxHDKey, which is stored in the EEPROM and would essentially create a "console locked" account but this is seemly unused - for retail consoles at least - perhaps this was for testing purposes or PARTNER.NET developer accounts, I am unsure)

Signing the account begins with running HMAC-SHA-1 over the first 0x64 bytes of the account data, the first 0x10 bytes of the confounder are then encrypted with TripleDES, and finally the first 0x8 bytes of the resulting hash from the HMAC-SHA-1 are appended to the end of the data.

Validation is just the method of signing in reverse. The confounder is decrypted, a HMAC-SHA-1 is ran over the first 0x64 bytes of data, and then the first 0x8 bytes of the resulting hash are compared against the last 0x8 bytes of the account data.

There are also a few more validation checks that are done that also must be valid for the account data to be considered an authentic account: The reserved value is checked, it must be zero. The gamertag string must be null terminated. The flags value is checked, the last 4 bits must be unset. The kerberos domain and realm strings must be null terminated.

You could potentially create an account that is completely null (all zeroes) and as long as the signature is valid then the account data is considered valid as well.

Xbox LIVE Account

Name Offset Length Type Comment
XUID 0x0 0x8 uint64 Unique identifier for the account
Reserved 0x8 0x4 uint32 Unknown. XOnline expects this to be zero, verification fails if it's non-zero
Gamertag 0xC 0x10 char[] Account gamertag. 15 ASCII characters + 1 null terminator. XOnline expects null-term, validation fails if it's not
Flags 0x1C 0x4 BitFlags If bit 0 is set then passcode is enabled. The rest are unknown/unused. Bits 28/29/30/31 are reserved and validation fails if they're set
Passcode 0x20 0x4 byte[] 4 bytes representing a 4 button combination required to access the account. 1 button stored in each byte (see the table below for the button values)
Kerberos Domain 0x24 0x14 char[] Server for account and content authentication. Used to login and everything else to do with the Xbox LIVE service. 19 ASCII characters + 1 null terminator. XOnline expects null-term, validation fails if it's not
Kerberos Realm 0x38 0x18 char[] Same as above. 23 ASCII characters + 1 null terminator. XOnline expects null-term, validation fails if it's not
Confounder 0x50 0x14 byte[] Random data, first 0x10 bytes are encrypted with TripleDES (3DES) CBC encryption
Signature 0x64 0x8 byte[] The first 0x8 bytes of a HMAC SHA-1 hash that was computed over the account data before the confounder was encrypted. This is the account signature and is the main validation check

Passcode Button Values

Button Value
D-Pad or Analog UP 0x1
D-Pad or Analog DOWN 0x2
D-Pad or Analog LEFT 0x3
D-Pad or Analog RIGHT 0x4
X Button 0x5
Y Button 0x6
Left Trigger 0x9
Right Trigger 0xA

A button, B button, and left analog stick are reserved during passcode prompts (right analog stick is still applicable)

Creating a Xbox LIVE account for the original Xbox

Begin by downloading the Xbox Account Manager tool (in this repository) and connecting a FATX formatted harddrive or memory card to your computer. Open the Xbox Account Manager and you will be presented with this

You may change any value you would like, however the XUID must be valid hexadecimal and 16 characters in length and the Gamertag must be at least 1 character in length. After making your changes, go into the File menu, select Save, and then select Device..

A device selection window will open and you can choose which device you would like to write the account to. Double click on a device to select it or click on a device and press the Open Device button

Once you have selected a device, a final window will open and you can choose which account slot you would like to write the account data to. Double click on a slot to select it or click on a slot and press the Save button

After you have selected the slot, a dialog will prompt you for confirmation to commit the write to your device. Confirm everything is correct and you can continue with saving the account to your device

When you're done you can disconnect your harddrive or memory card from your computer and plug it into your original Xbox


Thank you to the users on AssemblerGames that had began researching this back in 2016, the information they posted was an excellent starting point. https://assemblergames.com/threads/xbox-live-accounts-xqemu-and-mu.60352/

Thank you to the user CodeAsm for providing not one but two valid Xbox LIVE accounts for reference, it was extremely helpful!


Functions for signing/verifying original Xbox LIVE account data. Also a tool to read/write accounts from/to files, FATX backup images, or FATX formatted devices. Reversed from XOnline and kernel API's

License:The Unlicense


Language:C# 53.7%Language:C 39.6%Language:C++ 6.7%