ferumlabs / ferum-std

Move utilities used in the ferum dex

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ferum Standard Library

Move is an awesome langauge, but since the ecosystem is still early, it's missing some fundemental pieces. Ferum STD is our way of giving back to the community by open sourcing core components that we've built in house for everyone's use. If you have any questions or concerns, join our discord and also, follow us on twitter for updates!

List of Modules


1. Add FerumSTD in your Move.toml as a depdency following the example below:

AptosFramework = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework/", rev = "devnet" }
FerumSTD = { git = "https://github.com/ferum-dex/ferum-std.git", rev = "main" }

Use rev = "main" for latest and rev = "devnet" for devnet. There is no release for mainnet at this point.

2. Run aptos move compile; sometimes you may need to run aptos move clean.

3. Import a module and start using it. For example:

use ferum_std::fixed_point_64::{Self, FixedPoint64};
let one = fixed_point_64::from_u64(1000, 3);


There are some quick examples below for each module, but if you want to see more extensive docs for all the functions, checkout the Ferum Standard Library Docs.

Quick Examples

Fixed Point (Full Docs)

use ferum_std::fixed_point_64::{Self, FixedPoint64};

/// Create fixed points from input.
let a = fixed_point_64::from_u64(1024, 3); // 1.024
let b = fixed_point_64::from_u64(2056, 2); // 20.56

// Compare two numbers
assert!(fixed_point_64::lte(a, b), 0);
assert!(!fixed_point_64::gte(a, b), 0);

// Get min/max of two fixed points.
let min = fixed_point_64::min(a, b);
let max = fixed_point_64::max(a, b);

// Perform addition / subtraction.
let added =  fixed_point_64::add(a, b);
let subtracted = fixed_point_64::sub(b, a);

// Perform multiplication / division with support for rounding up or truncating.
let multipliedRounded = fixed_point_64::multiply_round_up(a, a);
let multipliedTruncated = fixed_point_64::multiply_trunc(a, a);
let dividedRounded = fixed_point_64::divide_round_up(b, a);
let dividedTruncated = fixed_point_64::divide_trunc(b, a);

// Convert back to integers.
let au64 = fixed_point_64::to_u64(a, 3);
let bu64 = fixed_point_64::to_u64(b, 2);

Red Black Tree (Full Docs)

use ferum_std::red_black_tree::{Self, Tree};

// Create a tree with u128 values.
let tree = red_black_tree::new<u128>();

// Insert
red_black_tree::insert(&mut tree, 100, 50);
red_black_tree::insert(&mut tree, 100, 40);
red_black_tree::insert(&mut tree, 120, 10);
red_black_tree::insert(&mut tree, 90, 5);

// Check if key exists.
let containsKey = red_black_tree::contains_key(&tree, 100);

// Get values.
let firstValue = red_black_tree::first_value_at(&tree, 100);
let allValue = red_black_tree::values_at(&tree, 100);

// Get tree metadata.
let isEmpty = red_black_tree::is_empty(&tree);
let keyCount = red_black_tree::key_count(&tree);
let valueCount = red_black_tree::value_count(&tree);

// Get min/max
let min = red_black_tree::min_key(&tree);
let max = red_black_tree::max_key(&tree);

// Delete values and keys.
red_black_tree::delete_value(&mut tree, 100, 40);
red_black_tree::delete_key(&mut tree, 90);

Linked List (Full Docs)

use ferum_std::linked_list::{Self, List};

// Create a list with u128 values.
let list = linked_list::new<u128>();

// Add values
linked_list::add(&mut list, 100);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 50);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 20);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 200);
linked_list::add(&mut list, 100); // Duplicate

print_list(&list) // 100 <-> 50 <-> 20 <-> 200 <-> 100

// Iterate through the list, left to right.
let iterator = iterator(&list);
while (linked_list::has_next(&iterator)) {
  let value = linked_list::get_next(&list, &mut iterator);

// Get length of list.
linked_list::length(&list) // == 4

// Check if list contains value.
linked_list::contains(&list, 100) // true
linked_list::contains(&list, 300) // false

// Remove last
print_list(&list) // 100 <-> 50 <-> 20 <-> 200

// Remove first
print_list(&list) // 50 <-> 20 <-> 200


We welcome all contributions; just make sure that you add unit tests to all new code added, and run aptos move test before making a pull request. All updates must be backwards compatible.

Deployment Instructions

All active development takes place on the main branch. During a release, first all main branch commits get rebased on top of devnet branch. Once rebased, publish the module either under the same account if backwards compatible, or a new account if not. Developers can choose to downgrade to a previous version to stay backwards compatible.

  1. Update your aptos CLI and make sure you have latest; usually breaks if you don't!
  2. git checkout main; git pull --rebase to get latest commits on the main branch.
  3. git checkout devnet; git rebase main devnet to rebase all commits from main to devnet
  4. aptos move publish --private-key 0xPRIVATE_KEY --max-gas 10000 --url https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com/v1 --included-artifacts none to publish the module.
  5. git push to synchronize remote branch once it's been properly published.


Move utilities used in the ferum dex

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Move 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%