fernaper / kascade-orm

Python ORM for SQL Databases based on Pydantic

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Kascade ORM

Python ORM for SQL Databases based on Pydantic

What is Kascade ORM?

Kascade ORM is the next-geneneration ORM built on top of Pydantic in order to have the best integration with frameworks like FastAPI.


Our plan is to give the users maximum access to SQL Databases inside Python code without making them hard to understand. To do so, we plan to structure everything in Objects.

Notes about Callable:

This util callables could be created directly in SQL or via Python. If is it possible it is always created on SQL.

  • cuid: Depends
  • uuid: Depends
  • random: Depends
  • autoincrement: SQL Always
  • utcnow: SQL Always
  • now: SQL Always
  • custom: Python Always

Things to store per column:

  • Type: Type Hint
  • Name: str
  • Unique: bool
  • Optional: bool
  • IsId: bool
  • Default: Any or Callable
  • OnUpdate: None or Callable

Things to store per Relation:

  • Table1: Table
  • Table2: Table
  • Table1Columns: List[Column]
  • Table2Columns: List[Column]

Things to store per Table:

  • Columns: List[Column]
  • CompoundUniques: List[List[Column]]
  • Indexes: List[Column]
  • Relations: List[Relation]

Extra features planned to be added

  1. If we have two tables we plan to substract them in order to detect differences between them. This whay we can easily manage applys to update the tables.
  2. Users should be capable to create fast Type Hints from their tables in order to allow returning for example an User without the password in FastAPI without needing to create a custom Schema that is just a duplication of the User schema without this field.
  3. Important: Allow to generate the Python file with the current Database schema.

This is an example of how we plan to create tables

from pydantic import EmailStr
from kascade import ForeignKey, Table, Column, column_defaults

class Item(Table):
    # Note that if it is called ID and is an int,
    # this configuration is equivalente to the
    # `User` table configuration
    id: int
    name: str
    user_id: int

class User(Table):
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: str
    id: Column = Column(
    avatar: Optional[bytes] = None
    items: ForeignKey = ForeignKey(

This is just an idea, we could change it. Also, we are still thinking on the best way to manage relationships.

On this example the generated Python code (internally) will look similar to:

from pydantic import EmailStr
from kascade import ForeignKey, Table, Column, column_defaults

class Item(Table):
    id: int
    name: str
    user_id: int    

    def user(self):
        # Code to get user dynamically (or explicitly)

class User(Table):
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    password: str
    id: int
    avatar: Optional[bytes] = None
    def items(self):
        # Code to get items dynamically (or explicitly)

This class will have also other methods based on Table ones.

Also, this is an example on how an end user will use this tables:

import asyncio

from kascade import Kascade

async def main():
    async with Kascade() as db:
        user = await db.User.create({
            name='Fernando Pérez',

        item = await db.Item.create({
            # Only one of the following is needed

        all_users_with_avatar = await db.User.find_many({
            'where': {
                'avatar': {
                    'not': None,

        # In this case we know that for some reasson we need
        # to query all items for each user,
        # Therefore, in order to improve performance and
        # avoid unexpected loads when querying items from
        # each user with the code: all_kascade_emails[0].items
        all_kascade_emails = await db.User.find_many({
            'where': {
                'email': {
                    'ends_with': '@kascade.com',
            'include': {
                'items': True,

# Example on how to define Type Hints
def item_example() -> Kascade.Item:

# Example on how to skip some parameters
def user_example() -> kascade.User.exclude('password'):

if __name__ == '__main__':

In order to suppor include or exclude we are going to solve it in a way similar to:

from typing import get_type_hints
from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model

# `create_model` <--- this is the solution
# https://chat.openai.com/share/cfa989a8-7ac4-4508-abd8-f39ca5a17602

class Table(BaseModel):
    a: int = 1
    b: int = 2

    def exclude(cls, *field_names):
        annotations = get_type_hints(cls)
        field_names = set(field_names)
        for field_name in field_names:
            annotations.pop(field_name, None)
        fields_dict = cls.model_fields
        new_fields = {
            name: field for name, field in fields_dict.items() if name not in field_names
        namespace = {'__annotations__': annotations}
        new_class = type(cls.__name__, (BaseModel,), namespace)
        new_class.__fields__ = new_fields
        return new_class


Python ORM for SQL Databases based on Pydantic


Language:Python 100.0%