fermi-ad / acsys-js

JavaScript package to access the Fermilab Control System.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ACSys JavaScript DPM and ACL Clients

ACSys is the interface to Fermilab data acquisition and control.


ACSys is available via a Fermi hosted npm repository.

npm install --registry http://adrfads.fnal.gov:4873 @fnal/acsys

DPM Client Usage

DPM - From Node.js

import {DPM} from '@fnal/acsys';
const dpm = new DPM();

    (dataReply, deviceInfo) => {
        console.log(dataReply, deviceInfo);
    err => {


DPM - From Browser

You can use this library from the browser either by:

  • Using a node-like module package for the browser, in your project, or.
  • Linking to the bundled version.

DPM - Using as a module from browser

You can use browser resolution when building a React front-end application, or by using a library like parcel or browserify in your project.

Start by installing from Fermilab registry:

npm install --registry http://adrfads.fnal.gov:4873 @fnal/acsys

Import as a module on your javascript file:

import {DPM} from '@fnal/acsys';
const dpm = new DPM();
    (dataReply, deviceInfo) => {
        console.log(dataReply, deviceInfo);
    err => {


And from your HTML files.

    <script src="index.js"></script>
  • Note this option is recommended since it allows IDEs like VS Code to resolve dependencies and let's you use intelli-sense code completion.

DPM - Using the Bundled Version

Add the bundle.js script in your html, and use the global variable acsys:

<script src="bundle.js"></script>
const DPM = acsys.DPM;
const dpm = new DPM();
        (dataReply, deviceInfo) => {
            console.log(dataReply, deviceInfo);
        err => {


ACL Client Usage

You can also use ACL client library in the same ways as the DPM client library.

ACL - From Node.js

import {ACL} from '@fnal/acsys';
const acl = new ACL();
acl.con.notifyOnConnect(async (handle) => {
    try {
        console.log("Handle:", handle);
        let reply = await acl.run("read M:OUTTMP");
    catch (error) {

ACL - Using as a module from browser

npm install --registry http://adrfads.fnal.gov:4873 @fnal/acsys

Import as a module on your javascript file:

import {ACL} from '@fnal/acsys';
const acl = new ACL();
acl.con.notifyOnConnect(async (handle) => {
    try {
        console.log("Handle:", handle);
        let reply = await acl.run("read M:OUTTMP");
    catch (error) {

ACL - Using the Bundled Version

Add the bundle.js script and use the global variable acsys:

<script src="bundle.js"></script>
const ACL = acsys.ACL;
const acl = new ACL();
acl.con.notifyOnConnect(async (handle) => {
    try {
        console.log("Handle:", handle);
        let reply = await acl.run("read M:OUTTMP");
    catch (error) {



To install dependencies on all subpackages run:

npm run postinstall

Is the equivalent of doing npm install on each subpackage. This command depends on subpackage.

To build all sub-packages and main package:

npm run build

To generate a bundle using parcel, run:

npm run bundle


To run unit tests, using mocha and chai:

npm run test

You can run unit tests on DPM or ACL clients only

npm run test:dpm
npm run test:acl

Browser Testing

You can test on the browser as either module or bundle by running any of these commands:

# For DPM client
npm run test:dpm:webmodule
npm run test:dpm:webbundle
# For ACL client
npm run test:acl:webmodule
npm run test:acl:webbundle


JavaScript package to access the Fermilab Control System.


Language:JavaScript 53.9%Language:TypeScript 41.7%Language:HTML 2.3%Language:CSS 2.1%