ferdithedev / OverBlock

More or less fun Minecraft minigame including fighting with special items and an API for adding them

Home Page:https://ferdithedev.github.io/OverBlock/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



More or less fun Minecraft minigame including fighting with special items and an API for adding them.


  • This plugin is still under heavy development so some features aren't working as expected!


For a description of the gameplay take a look at the website!

How to use

Setting up

  1. You have to restart your server one time after you loaded the plugin the first time so less bugs can occur!
  2. You will see that in the datafolder of the plugin a subfolder called gameMaps/ is created. This is the folder where your maps are stored at. To add a map just put it into the folder. To register the arena you have to set some settings in the arenas.yml file which also should be created automatically:


You can use this example as a guide.

Name Function
world It's the exact name of the world directory you put into the gameMaps folder
spawnpoints A list out of spawnpoints which consist of a team name and the spawn cords
name The name of the map which will be displayed ingame
builder (optional) the name of the creator of the map
x1,y1,z1 The first coordinate of the cuboid where the arena is in
x2,y2,z2 The second coordinate of the cuboid where the arena is in
  1. If you want you can edit the teams.yml file. Note that you don't have to have 4 teams.

  2. As the last step you want to edit the config.yml which is also created in the datafolder of the plugin.

Name Function
lobby The exact name of the world which is used as the lobby
playersperteam The amount of players which can fit into one team
roundtime The time in minutes a round lasts when nobody wins
Spawnlocation The location where players spawn when they join on the server (will be switchable in near future)
Lobbyspawnlocation The location where players will be teleported to when joining the lobby
  1. To start a game just teleport with at least 2 players in the lobby world and wait.

Adding items

Creating the item

First you have to create a new class which is extending the OBItem class.

public class MagicWand extends OBItem {

    public MagicWand(JavaPlugin plugin) {
        super(plugin, Material.STICK, "Magic Wand", 40, OBItemType.WEAPON, OBItemRarity.SPECIAL, "§7Make some magic stuff (or staff???)");

    public void function(Player player) {
        //you can do way more here and probably damage other players because it's a weapon
        player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT, 1, 1);

    public void click(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
        if(e.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) {
            if(this.noCooldown(e.getPlayer())) {
            } else {

The arguments of a OBItem are the following:

Argument Description
plugin (JavaPlugin) The plugin you are writing in
material (Material) The material your item is supposed to be
name (String) The display name the item will have
cooldown (long) The cooldown of the item
type (OBItemType) The type of the item (TURRET, TRAP, WEAPON, TOOL)
rarity (OBItemRariy) The rarity of the item which affects the coloring and possibility of getting one (COMMON, UNIQUE, EPIC, ULTIMATE, SPECIAL)
lore (String varargs) Lore of the item

Registering the item

First, you have to create an ItemPackage which contains your new items.

ItemPackage magicWands = new ItemPackage(plugin, "magic_wands","§e§kM§r§d§lMagic Wands§r§e§kM§r", Material.STICK, "§eAdding some magic wands");

than you add your items to the package

magicWands.addItem(new MagicWand(ExamplePlugin.getInstance()));

finally, you register the ItemPackage


Now you can use your items ingame :-)

Items UI

With the /items command you can open a UI where all registered ItemPackages are listed. You can click on them and see all items of them and disable them if you want.




Command Function
/getobitem Get a registered OBItem
/skip Skips the lobby waiting time
/getrandomitem <luck (int)> Get a random item
/reloaditems Reload items.yml
/items Opens the item ui
/spawnbox Spawns a itembox underneath you


More or less fun Minecraft minigame including fighting with special items and an API for adding them


License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%