fenniless / Maven.Quiz5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quiz 5


  • This quiz has sections
    1. fundamentals
      • StringEvaluator
      • PalindromEvaluator
    2. object orientation
      • PalindromeObject
      • StringAssembler
      • StringEvaluatorObject
    3. collections
      • Student
      • ZipCodeWilmington
      • SimpleStringGroup
    4. generics
      • MyStack
      • Group
      • SortedGroup
      • GenericUtils - Difficult
      • ComparableTreeSet - Very Difficult

Section 1 - Fundamentals


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to evaluator palindromes.
    • A palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled the same forwards and backwards.
      • the word racecar is an example of a palindrome
  • Methods to Complete
    • String reverseString(String str)
    • Boolean isPalindrome(String str)
    • String[] getAllPalindromes(String str)


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a utility class for String
  • Methods to Complete
    • String[] getAllSubstrings(String string)
    • String[] getCommonSubstrings(String string1, String string2)
    • String[] getLargestCommonSubstring(String string1, String string2)

Section 2 - Object Orientation


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create an object capable of evaluating palindromes.
  • Methods to Complete
    • String reverseString()
    • Boolean isPalindrome()
    • String[] getAllPalindromes()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a wrapper class for StringBuilder
  • Methods to Complete
    • StringAssembler append(String string)
    • String append()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a wrapper object for StringEvaluator
  • Methods to Complete
    • String[] getAllSubstrings()
    • String[] getCommonSubstrings(String string2)
    • String[] getLargestCommonSubstring(String string2)

Section 3 - Collections


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to manage totalAmountOfHoursLearned
  • Methods to Complete
    • void learn(Double amountOfHours)
    • Double getTotalStudyTime()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to mediate List of Student objects.
  • Methods to Complete
    • void enroll(Student student)
    • Boolean isEnrolled(Student student)
    • void lecture(double numberOfHours)
    • Map<Student, Double> getStudyMap()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a wrapper of List of String objects
  • Methods to Complete
    • Integer count()
    • void insert(String string)
    • Boolean has(String string)
    • String fetch(int indexOfValue)
    • void delete(String string)
    • void clear()

Section 4 - Generics


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to implement a proper Stack.
  • Methods to Complete
    • void push(T value)
    • T peek()
    • T pop()
    • Boolean isEmpty()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a generic wrapper for a List object
  • Methods to Complete
    • Integer count()
    • void insert(T value)
    • Boolean has(T value)
    • T fetch(int indexOfValue)
    • void delete(T value)
    • void clear()
    • Iterator<T> iterator()


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a generic wrapper for sorted List object.
  • Methods to Complete
    • insert(T value)
    • delete(T value)
    • Integer indexOf(T value)


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create a procedure to generate the power set of an Set of objects.
  • Methods to Complete
    • <T extends Comparable> Iterable<? extends Iterable<T>> powerSet(Set<T> originalSet)
    • <T extends Comparable> Iterable<? extends Iterable<T>> powerSet(T... originalSet)


  • Description
    • The purpose of this class is to create subclass of a TreeSet<T> which can compareTo other objects of the same type.
    • This shit is hard.
  • Methods to Complete
    • int compareTo(ComparableTreeSet<T> o)



Language:Java 100.0%