fengzixu / redis-enterprise-k8s-docs

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Deploying Redis Enterprise K8s using an operator (custom controller)

Table of Contents


  • A minimum of 3 nodes which support the following requirements
  • A kubernetes version of 1.8 or higher
  • For service broker - a k8s distribution that supports service catalog (see also: service-catalog)

Note: For REHL based images and/or deployments on OpenShift, please use redis-enterprise-cluster_rhel.yaml and operator_rhel.yaml.
For Service Broker, please see examples/with_service_broker_rhel.yaml. RedHat certified images are available on: https://access.redhat.com/containers/#/product/71f6d1bb3408bd0d


Clone (or download) this repository, which contains the deployment files:

git clone https://github.com/RedisLabs/redis-enterprise-k8s-docs.git
  1. Create a namespace / project:

    For OpenShift deployment create a new project:

    oc new-project my-project

    For non-OpenShift deployment - create a new namespace:

    kubectl create namespace demo
  2. If you run OpenShift perform the following (you need admin permissions for your cluster) (this provides the operator permissions for pods):

    oc apply -f scc.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    securitycontextconstraints.security.openshift.io "redis-enterprise-scc" configured*

    Followed by (change "my-project"):

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-group redis-enterprise-scc system:serviceaccounts:my-project

    If you're deploying a service broker also apply the sb_rbac.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f sb_rbac.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    clusterrole "redis-enterprise-operator-sb" configured

    Bind the Cluster Service Broker role to the operator service account (in the current namespace):

    oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user redis-enterprise-operator-sb --serviceaccount redis-enterprise-operator --rolebinding-name=redis-enterprise-operator-sb

    You should receive the following response:

    cluster role "redis-enterprise-operator-sb" added: "redis-enterprise-operator"
  3. The next step applies rbac.yaml, creating a service account, role, and role-binding to allow resources access control (provides permissions to create and manage resources):

    kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/redis-enterprise-operator configured
  4. The next step applies crd.yaml, creating a CustomResourceDefinition for redis enterprise cluster resource. This creates another API resource to be handled by the k8s API server and managed by the operator we will deploy next.

    kubectl apply -f crd.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/redisenterpriseclusters.app.redislabs.com configured
  5. Create the operator deployment: a deployment responsible for managing the k8s deployment and lifecycle of a redis-enterprise-cluster. Among many other responsibilities, it creates a stateful set that runs the redis enterprise nodes (as pods).

    Before applying - edit the tag according to the relevant operator version: image: redislabs/operator:tag

    kubectl apply -f operator.yaml

    You should receive the following response:

    deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator created
  6. Run kubectl get Deployment and verify redis-enterprise-operator deployment is running

    A typical response may look like this:

    |NAME                     |DESIRED | CURRENT  | UP-TO-DATE | AVAILABLE | AGE|
    |redis-enterprise-operator|1	   | 1        |  1         | 1         | 2m |
  7. Create A Redis Enterprise Cluster: Choose the configuration relevant for you (see next section) - you may find additional examples in the examples folder. Note that you need to specify an image tag if you'd like to pull a RHEL image.

    kubectl apply -f redis-enterprise-cluster.yaml

  8. Run kubectl get rec and verify creation was successful. rec is a shortcut for RedisEnterpriseClusters.


The operator deploys with default configurations values, but those can be customized:

Redis Image

    imagePullPolicy:  IfNotPresent
    repository:       redislabs/redis
    versionTag:       5.2.2-14


    enabled: true
    volumeSize: "10Gi" # if you don't provide default is 5 times RAM size
    storageClassName: "standard" #on AWS common storage class is gp2

Redis Enterprise Nodes (podes)

      cpu: "4000m"
      memory: 4Gi
      cpu: "4000m"
      memory: 4Gi

User Name to be used for accessing the cluster. Default is demo@redislabs.com

username: "admin@acme.com"

UI service type: Load Balancer or cluster IP (default)

uiServiceType: LoadBalancer

Extra Labels: additional labels to tag the k8s resources created during deployment

    example1: "some-value"
    example2: "some-value"

UI annotations - add custom annotation to the UI service

    uiAnnotation1: 'UI-annotation1'
    uiAnnotation2: 'UI-Annotation2'

SideCar containers- images that will run along side the redis enterprise containers

    - name: sidecar
      image: dockerhub_repo/repo:tag
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Service Broker (only for supported clusters)

    enabled: true
      storageClassName: "gp2" #adjust according to infrastructure 

CRDB (Active Active): *Currently supported for OpenShift

activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
  apiIngressUrl:  my-cluster1-api.myopenshiftcluster1.com 
  dbIngressSuffix: -dbsuffix1.myopenshiftcluster1.com
  method: openShiftRoute

With Service Broker support (add this in addition to serviceBrokerSpec section):

activeActive: # edit values according to your cluster
  apiIngressUrl:  my-cluster1-api.myopenshiftcluster1.com
  dbIngressSuffix: -dbsuffix1.myopenshiftcluster1.com
  method: openShiftRoute
      - apiIngressUrl: my-cluster2-api.myopenshiftcluster2.com
        authSecret: cluster2_secret
        dbIngressSuffix: -dbsuffix2.myopenshiftcluster2.com
        fqdn: <cluster2_name>.<cluster2_namespace>.svc.cluster.local
      - apiIngressUrl: my-cluster3-api.myopenshiftcluster3.com
        authSecret: cluster3_secret
        dbIngressSuffix: -dbsuffix3.myopenshiftcluster3.com
        fqdn: <cluster3_name>.<cluster3_namespace>.svc.cluster.local



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