fengjixuchui / system_monitor

A windows system tool, development in rust. A replacement of procmon. more events and useful filter. Typically can check handle leak for a few weeks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A windows system tool, development in rust. A replacement of procmon, more events and useful filter. Typically can check handle leak for a long time(i.e. a week). because can remove the closed handle. image


  • The sys_monitor.zip may be considered a threat by the browser when downloading.
  • No hook technology was used.
  • Obtained all process and module information for convert address to module offset.
  • Administrator privileges are required.


  • more events
  • more useful filter
    • filter one event with some filter condition
      • value: any string and number. i.e. 1234567 or "system_monitor".
      • key-value: key is any column. i.e. process_id or properties.xxx. value is any string or number.
      • express: can use && || ! () i.e process_id = 4 && thread_id = 6
    • filter two events by match some condition. i.e. handle create and close
      • handle: match CreateHandle and CloseHandle and remove the tow events
      • custom(event_display_name, opcode_name_first, opcode_name_second, path_for_match, ...) : can has multi path_for_match. match the opcode_name_first and opcode_name_second, and remove the two events.
  • find for events
    • easy query language
      • value: any string and number. i.e. 1234567 or "system_monitor".
      • key-value: key is any column. i.e. process_id or properties.xxx. value is any string or number.
      • express: can use && || ! () i.e process_id = 4 && thread_id = 6
    • mark result of query at scroll bar of TableView
  • call stack view
    • record original module and monitor change
    • convert the virtual address to the offset of module
    • translate a module offset to the code location
  • easy of use
    • syntax highlight for filter expression
    • tips

supported os version

  • windows11 x64
  • windows10 x64
  • windows10 x32

how to build

  • cargo build
  • cargo build --release

how to use

  1. select events at event list on the left of windows. shrink by -, expend by +.
  2. input filter expression in the LineEdit on the top of window.
    • filter one: filter every event by event's properties. i.e process_id = 4 && thread_id = 6
    • filter pair: filter two matched events by a simple matched expression. i.e. handle, custom(...)
  3. ckick On/Off switch on the top left of window
  4. view the events on the center of window
  5. double click the event row in tableview to view detail information and stack walk.
  6. optional place pdb file to ./pdb directory. the filename must match to module name. and check the module's TimeDateStamp( the time created by the linker)

kernel events

  • Process
    • Start(1)
    • End(2)
    • DCStart(3)
    • DCEnd(4)
    • Terminate(11)
    • Defunct(39)
  • Process Counters
    • PerfCounter(32)
    • PerfCounterRundown(33)
  • Process Wake
    • WakeChargeUser(48)
    • WakeReleaseUser(64)
  • Thread
    • Start(1)
    • End(2)
    • DCStart(3)
    • DCEnd(4)
    • SetName(72)
  • Thread ContextSwitch
    • CSwitch(36)
  • Thread Dispatcher
    • ReadyThread(50)
    • 66(66)
    • 67(67)
    • 68(68)
  • Thread Affinity
    • ThreadAffinity(53)
  • Thread Priority
    • SetPriority(48)
    • SetBasePriority(49)
    • SetPagePriority(51)
    • SetIoPriority(52)
  • Thread SpinLock
    • SpinLock(41)
  • Thread SyncObjects
    • SyncObjects(43)
  • Thread KernelQueue
    • Kernel Queue Enqueue(62)
    • Kernel Queue Dequeue(63)
  • Thread Worker
    • Start(64)
    • End(65)
  • Image
    • Load(10)
    • UnLoad(2)
    • KernelBase(33)
    • HypercallPage(34)
    • DCStart(3)
    • DCEnd(4)
  • DiskIo
    • Read(10)
    • Write(11)
    • FlushBuffers(14)
  • DiskIo Init
    • ReadInit(12)
    • WriteInit(13)
    • FlushInit(15)
  • DiskIo Driver
    • DrvMjFnCall(34)
    • DrvMjFnRet(35)
    • DrvComplRout(37)
    • DrvComplReq(52)
    • DrvComplReqRet(53)
  • FileIo Disk
    • Name(0)
    • FileCreate(32)
    • FileDelete(35)
    • FileRundown(36)
  • FileIo
    • OperationEnd(76)
  • FileIo Init
    • Create(64)
    • DirEnum(72)
    • DirNotify(77)
    • SetInfo(69)
    • Delete(70)
    • Rename(71)
    • QueryInfo(74)
    • FSControl(75)
    • Read(67)
    • Write(68)
    • Cleanup(65)
    • Close(66)
    • Flush(73)
    • 84(84)
  • FileIo VaMap
    • 37(37)
    • 38(38)
  • FileIo Flt IoInit
    • Pre Operation Init(96)
    • Post Operation Init(97)
  • FileIo Flt FastIo
    • Pre Operation Completion(98)
    • Post Operation Completion(99)
  • FileIo Flt IoFailure
    • Pre Operation Failure(100)
    • Post Operation Failure(101)
  • PageFaults
    • TransitionFault(10)
    • DemandZeroFault(11)
    • CopyOnWrite(12)
    • GuardPageFault(13)
    • HardPageFault(14)
    • AccessViolation(15)
  • PageFaults
    • HardFault(32)
  • PageFault VirtualAlloc
    • VirtualAlloc(98)
    • VirtualFree(99)
    • MemResetInfo(134)
  • PageFault MemInfo
    • 112(112)
    • 124(124)
  • PageFault SessionOrPfSection
    • 73(73)
    • 79(79)
    • 135(135)
    • 136(136)
  • PageFault MemInfoWs
    • 125(125)
    • 126(126)
  • PageFault Ws
    • 130(130)
    • ProcessFreeze(131)
    • 118(118)
  • TcpIp
    • TCP Send IPv4(10)
    • TCP Receive IPv4(11)
    • TCP Connect IPv4(12)
    • TCP Disconnect IPv4(13)
    • TCP Retransmit IPv4(14)
    • TCP Accept IPv4(15)
    • TCP Reconnect IPv4(16)
    • TCP Fail(17)
    • TCP Copy IPv4(18)
    • TCP Send IPv6(26)
    • TCP Receive IPv6(27)
    • TCP Disconnect IPv6(29)
    • TCP Retransmit IPv6(30)
    • TCP Reconnect IPv6(32)
    • TCP Copy IPv6(34)
    • TCP Connect IPv6(28)
    • TCP Accept IPv6(31)
  • UdpIp
    • UDP Fail(17)
    • UDP Send IPv4(10)
    • UDP Receive IPv4(11)
    • UDP Send IPv6(26)
    • UDP Receive IPv6(27)
  • Registry
    • CreateKey(10)
    • OpenKey(11)
    • DeleteKey(12)
    • QueryKey(13)
    • Close Key(27)
    • Flush Key(21)
    • Enum Key(17)
    • Set Value(14)
    • Delete Value(15)
    • Query Value(16)
    • Enum Value(18)
    • Query Multiple Values(19)
    • Set Key Information(20)
    • KCB Create(22)
    • KCB Delete(23)
    • KCB Rundown Begin(24)
    • KCB Rundown End(25)
    • Virtualize(26)
    • Query Security(29)
    • Set Security(28)
  • Registry ChangeNotify
    • ChangeNotify(48)
  • Debugger
    • DbgPrint(32)
  • Job
    • Create(32)
    • Terminate(33)
    • Open(34)
    • Assign Process(35)
    • Remove Process(36)
    • Set(37)
    • Query(38)
  • Alpc
    • ALPC-Send-Message(33)
    • ALPC-Receive-Message(34)
    • ALPC-Wait-For-Reply(35)
    • ALPC-Wait-For-New-Message(36)
    • ALPC-Unwait(37)
    • ALPC-38(38)
    • ALPC-39(39)
    • ALPC-41(41)
  • SplitIo
    • VolMgr(32)
  • DebugEvents
  • PerfInfo Profile
    • SampleProfile(46)
  • PerfInfo
    • ThreadDPC(66)
    • DPC(68)
    • TimerDPC(69)
  • PerfInfo PmcProfile
  • PerfInfo Interrupt
    • ISR-MSI(50)
    • ISR(67)
  • PerfInfo DpcQueue
    • 100(100)
    • 101(101)
  • PerfInfo ContMemGen
    • 118(118)
    • 119(119)
  • PerfInfo ShouldYield
    • 109(109)
  • PerfInfo SystemCall
    • SysClEnter(51)
    • SysClExit(52)
  • PerfInfo Timer
    • 80(80)
    • 81(81)
    • 82(82)
    • 83(83)
    • 84(84)
    • 85(85)
  • PerfInfo ClockInterrupt
    • 79(79)
  • PerfInfo ClockTimer
    • 87(87)
    • 88(88)
    • 89(89)
  • PerfInfo
    • Ipi(113)
  • PerfInfo
    • WdfDPC(98)
  • PerfInfo
    • WdfISR(96)
  • FootPrint
  • Refset
  • Pool
    • Pool Alloc(32)
    • Pool Session Alloc(33)
    • Pool Free(34)
    • Pool (Session) Free(35)
    • Add Pool Page(36)
    • Add Session Pool Page(37)
    • Big Pool Page(38)
    • Big Session Pool Page(39)
  • CompactContextSwitch
  • ProcessInSwap
  • SpinLockCounts
  • InterruptSteer
  • AntiStarvation
  • PfnList
  • WsDeTail
  • WsEntry
  • Heap
    • Heap Create(32)
    • Heap Alloc(33)
    • Heap ReAlloc(34)
    • Heap Destroy(34)
    • Heap Free(36)
    • Heap Extend(37)
    • Heap Snapshot(38)
    • Heap Create Snapshot(39)
    • Heap Destroy Snapshot(40)
    • Heap Extend Snapshot(41)
    • Heap Contract(42)
    • Heap Lock(43)
    • Heap Unlock(44)
    • Heap Validate(45)
    • Heap Walk(46)
  • Ums
  • BackTrace
  • Vulcan
  • EventTrace
    • Extension(5)
    • RDComplete(8)
    • EndExtension(32)
  • FullTrace
  • Dfss
  • PreFetch
  • CpuConfig
  • LoadBalancer
  • IdleSelection
  • IoTimer
  • RegHive
  • PpmExitLatency
  • OpticalIo
  • OpticalIoInit
  • DllInfo
  • DllFlushWs
  • Handle
    • CreateHandle(32)
    • CloseHandle(33)
    • DuplicateHandle(34)
    • TypeDCStart(36)
    • TypeDCEnd(37)
    • HandleDCStart(38)
    • HandleDCEnd(39)
  • Object
    • CreateObject(48)
    • DeleteObject(49)
    • ReferenceObject(50)
    • DereferenceObject(51)
  • WakeDrop
  • WakeEvent
  • Debugger
  • ProcAttach
  • Power
    • 51(51)
    • 53(53)
  • Power ProcessorIdle
    • 57(57)
    • 58(58)
  • SoftTrim
  • Cc
    • 0(0)
    • 1(1)
    • 2(2)
    • 5(5)
    • 9(9)
    • 10(10)
    • 12(12)
    • 13(12)
  • HvProfile
  • CacheFlush
  • HiberRundown
  • SysConfigSystem
  • SysConfigGraphics
  • SysConfigStorge
  • SysConfigNetwork
  • SysConfigServices
  • SysConfigPnp
  • SysConfigOptical
  • SysConfigAll
  • ClusterOff
  • MemoryControl
  • LostEvent
    • RTLostEvent(32)
    • RTLostBuffer(33)
    • RTLostFile(34)
  • StackWalk
    • Stack(32)


A windows system tool, development in rust. A replacement of procmon. more events and useful filter. Typically can check handle leak for a few weeks.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 84.5%Language:Slint 15.5%