feltnerm / monorepo-es6-dev

An ES6 ready monorepo that uses `Make` to compose modern-Javascript tools like babel and jest.

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Make for Monorepos

This is an example of a monorepo of JavaScript packages managed with a single Makefile. These packages can be written in ES6+ JavaScript and may contain accompanying CSS and LESS files.

I wrote up an accompanying blog post that explains my reasoning for using Make over lerna or other build frameworks.

Tech used:

Quick Start

Simply run: make

NOTE: entr is required for make watch to work.

(We could probably make the executable [and its options] a variable so we can use other watcher programs like watchman)

Typical Workflows

Developing and releasing

  1. make to pull down all dependencies and initialize everything.
  2. make watch to rebuild build artifacts when source files change.
  3. make check to run all linting and testing checks.
  4. make VERSION=patch release-<package-name> to tag and publish a new patch version of a package.


  1. make to pull down all dependencies and initialize everything.
  2. make test-watch to being the test runner which will rerun on any changes to tests or source files.
  3. make check to run all checks on all packages.

Developing with an external project

For when you are developing on a package while integrating it with a project outside the monorepo.

  1. make to pull down all dependencies and initialize everything.
  2. make watch to rebuild build artifacts when source files change.
  3. make link-<package-name> to create an npm link to the package being worked on.
  4. In your external project npm link <package-name>

Now your external project and your monorepo package are hooked up and you can work on integrating and developing.

Developing two packages together

For situations when you want to test integrating a package as a dependency of another package.

  1. make to pull down all dependencies and initialize everything.
  2. make packages to build initial build artifacts.
  3. For the two packages, run make link-<package-name> to create an npm link.
  4. cd into each package's root directory and run npm link <other-package-name> // @todo(mjf)
  5. make watch to rebuild build artifacts when source files change.

Usage Examples


make packages

For all packages, transpile all JavaScript and copy .less files to the package's lib/ directory.

Building a Single a Package

make <package-name>

Run babel on all JavaScript files and copy .less and .css files to the package's lib/ directory.

ex: make example

Continuously building packages

make watch

NOTE: entr is required for make watch to work.

This runs make <package-name> when any source for that package changes. Useful for local development. Can be paired with make link-<package-name> to integrate a package in a project and develop at the same time.


make test

Runs the Jest test runner on all the packages at once. Generally, this is what you would use when running all the unit tests.

make test-packages

Runs a separate test runner for each package.

Re-running tests as files changes

make test-watch will start Jest's file watcher mode.

Testing a Single a Package

Runs the Jest test runner on a single package.

make test-<package-name>

ex: make test-example


Linting JavaScript

make lint

Runs standard on all the files for each package.

make lint-<package-name>

Runs standard on all the files for a single package.

ex: make lint-example

Linting LESS

make lesslint

Runs lesshint on all the LESS files for each package.

make lesslint-<package-name>

Runs lesshint on all the LESS files for a single package.

ex: make lesslint-example


"Check" is analogous to running all the "checks" needed to ensure everything for the package is in proper order. Right now this includes ensuring the build step works, unit tests pass, and JS and LESS linting pass.

make check

Runs check on all the packages at once. Generally, this is what you want to use to check all the packages. Useful for CI.

make check-packages

Runs a separate check for each package.

Checking a single package

make check-<package-name>


make clean

Deletes all the build artifacts and removes the node_modules directory for the root and each package.

make clean-node_modules

Deletes the root node_modules.

make clean-packages

Deletes build artifacts and node_modules for all packages.

make clean-<package-name>

Deletes build artifacts and node_modules for a single package.


npm link is useful when working on two or more packages simultaneously. Link works by creating a symbolic link to package A from package B's node_modules so any changes to package A are immediately reflected in package B. Without link one would need to continuously publish a package in order to test its integration with another.


Releases involve running all checks against a package, properly incrementing the version in package.json, creating a git tag with the proper version and package metadata, and finally publishing the package on the npm registry.

An tag follows the specification: <package-name>@<version> Example: example@v1.0.1


Properly tag, create, and publish a pre-release as defined by the semver specification on prereleases. The package publish on npm will be tagged with beta.

make VERSION=<major|minor|patch|prerelease> prerelease-<package-name>

ex: make VERSION=<patch> prerelease-example

Releasing a package

Properly tag, create, and publish a release. The package publish on npm will be tagged with latest.

make VERSION=<major|minor|patch> release-<package-name>

ex: make VERSION=<major> release-example


Generally the convention for our make commands is:

make [ARGUMENT=VALUES] <command-name>[-packages|<package-name>]

What does that mean exactly?

For each command, there is a whole project version, a for each package do this version, and a single package version. For example,

make lint is a whole project command and runs lint on all the packages at once.

make lint-packages is a for each package command and runs lint for each package (compared to all at once).

make lint-<package-name> is run only for <package-name>.

It is usually easier to run the whole project version of commands, and make does try to be intelligent about not doing extra work. Sometimes it is handy in a pinch to be able to run other versions of commands.

The commands that follow this convention are:

  • check
  • clean
  • install
  • lesslint
  • link
  • lint
  • test

Obviously for commands where it doesn't make sense like make watch or make test-watch this convention is not followed.


An ES6 ready monorepo that uses `Make` to compose modern-Javascript tools like babel and jest.


Language:Makefile 92.6%Language:JavaScript 6.2%Language:CSS 1.2%