feljx / CS-221-homework-markdown-template

A markdown template for homework in CS 221.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A markdown template for homework in CS 221.


pandoc and latex environment

on Mac with Homebrew installed:

brew install pandoc
brew cask install mactex

How to compile

In root folder of this repository run the following command:

pandoc -o homework.pdf homework.md --latex-engine=xelatex --template=./template.tex

You can also try add this alias in your .zshrc or .bashrc for easier compilation:

function md2pdft() {file=$1; filepath=${file%.*}; pandoc -o $filepath.pdf $filepath.md --latex-engine=xelatex --template="`pwd`/template.tex"; }

This command accepts one paramenter which is the location of the markdown file. It also assume that the template is at the same directory where this command run and have the name template.tex. For example, in the repository root folder run:

md2pdft homework.md

If you are using a Mac, the following alias may be helpful:

function md2pdfto() {file=$1; filepath=${file%.*}; pandoc -o $filepath.pdf $filepath.md --latex-engine=xelatex --template="`pwd`/template.tex"; open $filepath.pdf;}

This script automatically open the PDF generated with the default editor.


A markdown template for homework in CS 221.


Language:TeX 100.0%