felixala / 03-USER-MGMT-APP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is about User Management Functionality - Backend. This project was developed with the following tools:

  • Spring Boot
  • Mysql
  • JPA
  • Swagger
  • Spring Boot Mail
  • Lombok
  • Maven
  • Swagger
  • Java
  • SonarQube

Adding SonarQube to the project

  1. Add SonarQube dependency in the pom.xml
  1. Install and create SonarQube account.
  2. Type next command to create war file and connect to sonar
    mvn clean package
    mvn sonar:sonar

Adding Jmeter to the project

Jmeter is an open source software and help to test how our application will respond to different work loads.

Jmeter Setup:

  1. Download Jmeter Software from: img_1.png
  2. Extract Jmeter zip file:
  3. After extracting the zip. Go to apache-jmeter-5.5/bin folder and double click on "jmeter.bat" file (It will open Jmeter Tool).

A) Create A Test Plan using GUI:

  1. Right click on Test Plan:

    -> Add Threads -> Add Thread Group

    -> Add thread / user count (in this 100 case)

Thread Group

  1. Right click on Thread Group:

    -> Add Sampler -> Http Request


			Fill out:
				Name: HTTP GET Request
				Server Name or IP: localhost
				Port Number: 8080
				HTTP Request: GET
				Path: /users

Sampler Details

  1. Right click on Thread Group (For Listeners)

    -> Listner -> Summary Report


  1. Save test and run test




  1. Run the project

B) Run a Test Plan using CLI (Best Practise):

  1. Create the test plan in GUI mode (above steps) and run test in CLI mode
  2. Open Command Prompt or other Command Line and go to the folder apache-jmeter-5.5/bin and type the following command:
jmeter -n -t SummaryReport.jmx -l test-results.jtl


  SummaryReport.jmx = Name of report saved in GUI
  test-results.jtl = name of the new report

Requirements about the project

1) Develop a screen for "User Registration".

New users will fill out the form below to create an account. After registration success, a random password will be sent to the user email in order to activate the account. User account will be inactive status.

User Registration

2) Develop a screen for "Activate Account".

User will enter the random password that was sent in the step above and will enter new password and confirmation password to unlock the account. Status of the account will change to "Active".

Activate Account

3) Develop a screen to display all users registered.

This screen will display all users registered in the application. All users will have the following actions: Edit, Delete and Activate or Inactivate account.

Display Users

4) Develop a screen for "Login Page".

If user account is activated, so application will allow to the user to login using email and password.

Login Page

5) Develop a screen for "Forgot Password".

This screen will recover the user password. If the user enter valid email, so the application will send the current password by email.

Forgot Password



Language:Java 100.0%