felipepssouza / JsonDiffer

Project responsible to get diff from JSON's

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JsonDiffer travis-ci codecov

Project responsible to get diff from JSON's

JsonDiffer Endpoints

GET: /v1/diff/:id/

Returns the result of the difference of JSON from left and right. Example:

  • If both sides are equals this is the response
  "equal": true,
  "differentSize": false,
  "insight": {
    "differentKeys": [],
    "differenceValueOffset": []
  • If they are differents but different in the size of JSON too, this is the response (the insight is not proccess in this case)
  "equal": false,
  "differentSize": true,
  "insight": {
    "differentKeys": [],
    "differenceValueOffset": []
  • If they are differents and same size, this is the response, it will do a insight. Insight will say if there is any node that the key is different in the first list, in the other list the values are different, these are the possible cases:
    • Totally different offset and size equals to zero
    "equal": false,
    "differentSize": false,
    "insight": {
      "differentKeys": [
      "differenceValueOffset": [
          "key": "name",
          "offset": 0,
          "size": 0
  • Different but equals in any part offset will return the first ocurrence of the difference and the size is the size of the value
  "equal": false,
  "differentSize": false,
  "insight": {
    "differentKeys": [],
    "differenceValueOffset": [
        "key": "name",
        "offset": 0,
        "size": 0
        "key": "age",
        "offset": 0,
        "size": 0
        "key": "city",
        "offset": 4,
        "size": 17
  • If any node is equal it won't appear

POST: /v1/diff/:id/left

Receives the id and the position left, and in the body receives a JSON in base64. Returns Ok! (200)

This is an example of cUrl to call it:

curl -X POST -d 'ew0KICAibmFtZSI6ICJUYW1pcmVzIiwNCiAgImNpdHkiOiAiU2FvIFBhdWxvIg0KfQ==' "http://localhost:8080/v1/diff/133/left"

POST: /v1/diff/:id/right

Receives the id and the position right, and in the body receives a JSON in base64. Returns Ok! (200)

This is an example of cUrl to call it:

curl -X POST -d 'ew0KICAibmFtZSI6ICJUYW1pcmVzIiwNCiAgImNpdHkiOiAiU2FvIFBhdWxvIg0KfQ==' "http://localhost:8080/v1/diff/133/right"

JsonDiffer - How to use:

  • To configure the database enter in this file:

Change the Database URL, user and password.

  • Execute these scripts on the path (Or leave it update by the ddl mode, and create the database meld):
$ROOT/gradlew bootRun
  • To run the tests
$ROOT/gradlew test

JsonDiffer - How it is organized:

Following the Clean Architeture of Uncle Bob. This is the structure:

  - controller (All the controllers are here)
  - config (The bootstrap of the system is here, and any possible system configuration, like external confs)
  - persistence (Anything about persistence and model's are located here, the others cannot access the model, it transfer VO's)
  - usecase (Here are all the business rules)
  - scripts (There are some scripts of database to init it)


Project responsible to get diff from JSON's


Language:Java 100.0%