felipenmoura / felipenmoura

My personal profile.

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About Felipe N. Moura

Who am I

Hi, I'm Felipe and I'm love with the web and all the creativity humans can think of!
I'm a real nerd/geek and enjoy learning new things. Studying from psycology to quantum physics and other human languages for fun, programming languages enter as graduation and career.

I like a good, creative movie or tv show, and also playing some guittar or listening to music.

I really like playing with my son, as well 🧸🎈

Find me

Twitter: @felipenmoura
Instagram@felipendemoura << there's a "de" here, different than other accounts LinkedIn: @felipenmoura
Personal Website
Youtube (BrazilJS)


I really enjoy giving talks on Web Technologies, Communities or even more abstract, conceptual subjects.
When I got some time, I write some articles or create demo tools.

In 2011 we started a project call BrazilJS.
BrazilJS was born as a conference, but it grew up really fast and nowadays it's much more than that. We work really hard to use BrazilJS to bring quality content to our communities, reaching the most people as possible.
BrazilJS Conference has become one of the largest conferences on Web Technologies in the World.

I am (and I enjoy it a lot) in many videos in our Youtube channel πŸ™‚

Also, I am a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Web Technologies (Profile).

BrazilJS's logo


I'm really into being part of community, that's how I co-founded a company called Nasc with my cousing Jaydson Gomes. With it, we managed to create and produce many conferences focuse on communities, bringing content up to date to the whole community, also improving the diversity and accessibility and working hard on helping people and companies go along, bringing changes both to the the market and community.

With Nasc we could have access to people, comunities and companies from all over the world, and also access to bleeding edge content on web technologies.
We use all this to teach, bring knowledge and improve skills of people, but also, we decided it was time for us to use that knowledge and skills as well. In 2019, I co-founded another company, called On2, alongside with Jaydson Gomes and Cesar Paz.
With On2 we could use those knowledges, contacts and skills to create new tools for clients and products/services for communities.

I "was born in communities" and still love being part of them, doing my best to improve communities in both technological and humane sides.

On2 logo


Besides giving talks, writing content and producing events, demos and videos, I also like contributing to open source projects or opening some of my projects up for the communities πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ™‚πŸ»

Together we are strong!

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Personal Motto

Changing the world is the least I expect from myself.


My personal profile.