felipediasmassa / felipediasmassa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Felipe Massa

Linkedin Gmail GitHub

About Me:

class FelipeDiasMassa:

    def __init__(self):
        self.username = "felipediasmassa"
        self.name = "Felipe Dias Massa"
        self.company = "TechnipFMC"
        self.start_date = "2022-03-18"
        self.job = "Digital Projects Engineer at TechnipFMC (Oct/21 - Present)"
        self.role = "I am leading engineer and maintainer of P&L 360"
        self.focus = {"Programming": "Python-coded AWS Lambda Functions", "Database": "PostgreSQL"}
        self.work = lambda x: x.loc[["Jira", "SAFe"]]
        self.learning = ["Django for backend", "ReactJS for frontend", "Material UI because it looks beautiful"]

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

if __name__ == '__main__':
    me = FelipeDiasMassa()

Hard Skills:

python javascript docker vscode anaconda spyder jupyternotebook sublimetext

pandas numpy scipy sklearn plotly pytest

html css react mui django streamlit

postgres sqlserver snowflake dbt postman

aws lambda s3 serverless apigateway rds

scrum safe jira clickup

git github actions

powerapps powerautomate powerbi

Soft Skills:

collaboration teamwork leadership work ethic

problem solving analytical and critical thinking training active learning

motivation positive attitude




🚧 Check out my template repo for working with ReactJS and Django for a web app (under construction) 🚧


🚧 Check out my web scraping and data processing project to search for my new apartment (under construction) 🚧


🏁 Check out how I version-control and maintain Microsoft Power Apps applications using Git 🏁

