feiwenxiong / YOLOv3-tiny_mask_detection

How to deploy in Google Lab

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YOLOV3-tiny_mask_detection: How to deploy in Google Lab

1. Load everything in repo to google drive 把你的有数据和配置文件上传到谷歌硬盘

2. mount your google drive to your colab notebook 绑定硬盘和colab notebook

  • Because a white space in the path of "My Drive", this will cause "could not open file " error

  • Deal with the My Drive space issue sucks 他这个默认的My Drive(由于空格)在识别路径的时候总是出幺蛾子

  • 解决办法如下:

!ln -s /content/drive/My\ Drive /content/mydirver

ln是linux中又一个非常重要命令,请大家一定要熟悉。 它的功能是为某一个文件在另外一个位置建立一个同步的链接,这个命令最常用的参数是-s,具体用法是:ln –s 源文件 目标文件

!ln -s /content/drive/My\ Drive /content/mydirver

%cd path to darknet, and then use make code

Before make please modify Makefile to adapt config for gpu, cudnn, opencv


Remember use gloabel path

%cd [path]

import os


Prepare your cfg files 准备cfg文件,包括data文件和names文件和yolov3-tiny.cfg

cfg/mask.data ==> decription where the train_test_valid data text and (.data, .name) files path are.

cfg/mask.names ==> classificaiton classes names

modify your detection.py default parser agargument 修改parser的参数,方便训练网络

modify your darknet.py to pin point your file path

prepare your VOC dataset

voc_label.py --> to create box label(.txt) and train, test.txt

MakeText.py --> to create 2007_train.txt ,2007_test.txt which contains abs path to images!! And these will in the path "darknet/scripts"

If you are using windows please, use dos2unix [file path] to convert so that it will not throw out 'could not open file' error

Remember to use cv2_imshow() instead of cv2.imshow(,_) colab不支持直接使用opencv可以用cv2_imshow()代替


there exists several path problem which should not be a problem, i will introduce in the code. yolo/darknet

解压后,如果用gpu 就makefile里开头那修改GPU=1一下,如果是cpu那就直接make eg: GPU=0 CUDNN=0

1.数据集需求voc格式 和其他需求 cfg 文件夹中包含着不同版本网络的网络参数以及.data(类参数和地址) 和 .names(类名字),本项目使用yolov3-tiny.clg, mask_set.data, mask_set.names

scripts 文件夹中需要添加你的VOC数据文件夹 和修改V0C_label.py(from .xml产生 label.txt 必备格式)以及MakeText.py

VOCdevkit里的VOC2007 (有 1.Annotations(xml格式) 2.Imagesets(/main中含有MakeText.py后的train test.text) 3.JPEGImages(纯图片))

backup or results 用来存储 weights

2.detect函数输出格式解释: eg: [('印章', 0.9983074069023132, (912.6295776367188, 395.174072265625, 213.7032928466797, 206.85720825195312)), ('国徽', 0.9921208024024963, (297.0399475097656, 1426.3948974609375, 222.11207580566406, 225.3359832763672)), ('印章', 0.9893943667411804, (740.3536376953125, 1396.102783203125, 212.9912109375, 202.95053100585938))]

其中: r[0]=('狗', 0.9983074069023132, (912.6295776367188, 395.174072265625, 213.7032928466797, 206.85720825195312))

3.预测视频就输入以下: ./darknet det.py --help


if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='yolo3-tiny? for detection')
    #parser.add_argument('--image', '-I', help='image 属性,非必要参数,但是有默认值', default=1)
    parser.add_argument('--out', help='out 属性,非必要参数,但是有默认值',default ="/home/linwu/Desktop/yolo/darknet/video/video_out")
    parser.add_argument('--path',  help='path 属性,必要参数,输入需要detect地址', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--cfg', help = 'such as yolov3.cfg',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--weights', help = 'such as yolov3.weights',required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--meta', help = 'such as mask.data',required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()


/darknet detect [配置地址]  [权重地址]  [图片地址]

eg: ./darknet detect cfg/yolov3-tiny.cfg yolov3-tiny.weights data/dog.jpg
  1. 如何训练:

主要修改cfg配置文件头部的 batch ,subdivision , leaning rate值 ./darknet detector train [cfg] [meta] [weights]

eg: /darknet detector train cfg/voc.data cfg/yolov3-voc.cfg darknet53.conv.74

  1. 要用GPU的话,在makefile最前面找到设为1


How to deploy in Google Lab


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.9%Language:Python 0.1%